Tragic story of the murder of a female soldier at Ft Hood brings bereaved family to White House to speak with big hearted Commander-in-Chief
But, wait a minute ... that striking lady in red. "Attorney Natalie Khawam. I’m going this case pro bono because I believe in it, and I believe in our military and I believe in justice."
Haven't we seen her somewhere before?
Yeah, just the right person to introduce into the Trump White House.
Smells like deep state setting up Trump to me.
P.S. a note on the wonkett and schlussel links. Although neither is considered, what I use to routinely call a 'usually reliable source' given their easily evident
ideological bent (Ms Schlussel apparently carries water for the extreme Zionist lobby), the essence of their accusations regarding the sisters is considered very
likely true.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Time for the lawyers
Watch what Doctors who are actually treating patients say ...
If you are early onset with WuFlu and not offered HCQ and zinc
by your doctor be sure your next of kin has the documentation
necessary for a malpractice suit. He/she is NOT exercising
due diligence.
If you are early onset with WuFlu and not offered HCQ and zinc
by your doctor be sure your next of kin has the documentation
necessary for a malpractice suit. He/she is NOT exercising
due diligence.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Concrete Example
Here's a headline and story which is very, very revealing.
President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., on Monday retweeted a viral video that was yanked by Facebook for pushing “false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19.”
YouTube and Twitter also pulled the video.
The clip, which was originally posted by the right-wing news site Breitbart, featured four people who identified themselves as doctors speaking in front of the Supreme Court building. One was Stella Immanuel, who claims to be a physician in Houston, and said hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug often touted by Trump, was a cure for COVID-19.
A number of scientific studies have determined that the drug was not only ineffective against the novel coronavirus but that it could cause fatal heart arrhythmia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at this time, there is no drug or therapy presently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to prevent or treat COVID-19.
Immanuel also said that people do not need to wear face masks and attacked “fake doctors” who “sound like a computer.” To avoid contracting coronavirus, the CDC advises wearing a face mask, limiting face-to-face contact with others and wearing gloves when cleaning and disinfecting or providing care for the sick.
Immanuel has an unusual background for a self-proclaimed COVID-19 expert. Information about her medical background is limited; however, she does serve as the head of Fire Power Ministries, which appears to be located in a Houston strip mall and promotes a baptism of fire program that offers “miracles, healings and deliverance.”
On Monday night, Immanuel threatened Facebook with God’s wrath.
“If my page is not back up face book will be down in Jesus name,” she tweeted.
I implore everyone to do real homework on the issue of HCQ plus zinc. The honest trials and assessments have already been accumulated on this site. Notably, 2 April (!), 5 April, 22 May, 28 Jun.
Of course MSM knows he truth.
But prolonging the WuFlu crisis hurts Trumps chances for winning a second term.
And that is what the above is all about.
So, as remarked upon on 7/21, not only is our media totally compromised as a source of truthful information regarding whom to vote for, it is debilitating to our President in addressing national security concerns in a crisis.
And, evidently, complicit in the murder of thousands of WuFlu victims. Nothing less.
President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., on Monday retweeted a viral video that was yanked by Facebook for pushing “false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19.”
YouTube and Twitter also pulled the video.
The clip, which was originally posted by the right-wing news site Breitbart, featured four people who identified themselves as doctors speaking in front of the Supreme Court building. One was Stella Immanuel, who claims to be a physician in Houston, and said hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug often touted by Trump, was a cure for COVID-19.
A number of scientific studies have determined that the drug was not only ineffective against the novel coronavirus but that it could cause fatal heart arrhythmia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at this time, there is no drug or therapy presently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to prevent or treat COVID-19.
Immanuel also said that people do not need to wear face masks and attacked “fake doctors” who “sound like a computer.” To avoid contracting coronavirus, the CDC advises wearing a face mask, limiting face-to-face contact with others and wearing gloves when cleaning and disinfecting or providing care for the sick.
Immanuel has an unusual background for a self-proclaimed COVID-19 expert. Information about her medical background is limited; however, she does serve as the head of Fire Power Ministries, which appears to be located in a Houston strip mall and promotes a baptism of fire program that offers “miracles, healings and deliverance.”
On Monday night, Immanuel threatened Facebook with God’s wrath.
“If my page is not back up face book will be down in Jesus name,” she tweeted.
I implore everyone to do real homework on the issue of HCQ plus zinc. The honest trials and assessments have already been accumulated on this site. Notably, 2 April (!), 5 April, 22 May, 28 Jun.
Of course MSM knows he truth.
But prolonging the WuFlu crisis hurts Trumps chances for winning a second term.
And that is what the above is all about.
So, as remarked upon on 7/21, not only is our media totally compromised as a source of truthful information regarding whom to vote for, it is debilitating to our President in addressing national security concerns in a crisis.
And, evidently, complicit in the murder of thousands of WuFlu victims. Nothing less.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The War we are in
Mars - IT enabled
Retirement is odd. In the last half year I've only sometimes dabbled in topics that I use to obsess over. Along those lines, subsequent to reading Marshal Ogarkov's writings on the 'Revolution in Military Affairs' while in the pentagon the most insightful document I've seen was 'Unrestricted Warfare', which is vital for anyone intending to have an informed opinion on things military or/and national security.
Recently a longish, but interesting, piece from the national security folks at UT Austin brought portions of Unrestricted Warfare to mind.
1. UnIrestricted Warfare Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui - Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts
Publishing House, February 1999
This document (collection of lectures at PLA staff college) by two PLA Colonels advocated for a better understanding among PLA leadership on the nature of the war between Communist China and the United States which must implement all means of conflict, including economic, information warfare, and kinetic.
Regardless of whether the war was 3,000 years ago or at the end of the 20th century, it seems that all of the victories display one common phenomenon: the winner is the one who combined //modes of combat, incl. financial, information, and kinetic// well.
We already know that war will not again be displayed in its original form. To a very great extent, war is no longer even war but rather coming to grips on the internet, and matching the mass media ...
In future wars, there will be more hostilities like financial warfare, in which a country is subjugated without spilling a drop of blood.
End Quotes
2. The document recently received from the folks at UT - Wormhole Escalation in the New Nuclear Age - Rebecca Hersman
From the cv provided, ”Ms. Hersman joined CSIS in April 2015 from the Department of Defense, where she served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for countering weapons of mass destruction (WMD) since 2009.” - which is to say she is probably brilliant but an 'arms control' believer and a veteran of Obama's Iranian arms deal team.
//Nuclear war // escalatory pathways in this new era of strategic competition will be less predictable. Indeed, increasingly sophisticated sub-conventional tactics such as disinformation and weaponized social media, the blurring of nuclear-conventional firebreaks, and the continuing diffusion of global power to regional nuclear states are adding new challenges and additional complexity to crisis management
Moving forward, emerging technologies will exacerbate these challenges and risks. Technologically advanced influence operations can use AI to precisely and efficiently target vulnerable individuals and communities with tailored messages and influence strategies, while also enhancing the speed and responsiveness of messages focused on the broader public.
...the effective weaponization of information, especially through social media, depends upon surrogates — witting or unwitting — who amplify messages, lend credibility within their media circles, and increase the originating state’s ability to deny responsibility.
American conventional military superiority in the post-Cold War period. Throughout this period, the United States has enjoyed the benefits of information dominance and the asymmetric advantage it offered.
Just because a state can start a war, however, doesn’t mean it can end it successfully on its own terms or avoid a sudden strategic crisis with a highly antagonized nuclear adversary.
Smaller states can compete in the digital information realm far more effectively than they could in traditional military competition.
...most analysts believe that secure second strike was the principal enabler of strategic stability even in the face of conventional and sub-conventional conflicts that largely played out through and with non-nuclear subordinate states.
Weaponized social media, widespread open-source information that used to be the exclusive domain of intelligence collection, and an increasingly “post-truth” atmosphere suggest a new and dangerous battlespace. In this context, small wars could quickly morph into big wars in ways that are difficult to anticipate or manage, perhaps rendering traditional military conflict “overrun by events” before the shooting starts and prompting consideration of tools and options normally reserved only for crises of existential proportion.
...the discussion of norms and codes of conduct for information and cyber warfare in strategic competition is long overdue.
End quotes
Given the criticality of accurate, propaganda free information for Americans to be able to counter info war efforts by practitioners including: Communist China, Russia, Israel, the moslem brotherhood and its ideological offspring, and megalomaniacal billionaires, one must ask - how reliable is our mainstream media?
Blunt answer – awful.
It is typical that within the above there's not a mention as why mainstream media has such low credibility and that is their intentional, total compromise of honesty in over 3 years of unrelenting, intentionally FAKE news regarding President Trump and Russia,
And yes, it was deliberate.
In view of the shape of modern battlespace, one in which the US is very actively engaged, the enfeeblement of our major news agencies is a national security issue of the first order. Beyond their self professed role in influencing elections (“most Times reporters saw Trump “as an abnormal and potentially dangerous candidate” and thus couldn’t be even-handed” - ), a corrupt news industry can impact a President's ability to deescalate a conflict spiraling towards nuclear war.
This must be addressed.
But, ahh, bad news there. The one major institution with a public reputation lower than mainstream media?
A real conundrum this one.
7/22/20 - this story, published the following day to the above, describes the tailspin MSM is in both as truthspeakers and as a business
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Meanwhile, in the middle east ...
Mysterious explosions? "Iran has put portions of air defense system on ‘high alert’";postID=2008859530930122919
My goodness. What could be going on?
What indeed ...;postID=2008859530930122919
My goodness. What could be going on?
What indeed ...
Friday, July 17, 2020
HE Rains
When assessing how things happen one
must admit, man's agency in the colossal scale of things is insignificant. Plans for empires
and 'thousand year Reichs' are often ruined by natural events far beyond the control of
To put it nicely, man can think to plan on climate but 'HE rains'.
Looking at our near term - 20 year or
so future, it's critical to appreciate that the earth's
temperature is determined to the
greatest measure by ... wait for it ... THE SUN. It's intensity and our proximity to it.
First, take look at the long view ...
the earth has a cyclical nature in temps, and all the 'global warming' in the last few decades
is nothing more than background noise on any plot of temperatures spanning centuries. (word of caution, when researching this be sure to understand the scale and increments (deg K/C/F) in temperature and scale - and direction of the time legend)
Clearly the latter portion of last ten thousand years is
best understood as a slight, gradual 'warming' relative to a 'little ice age' - and this
overwhelmingly unrelated to SUVs and suburban BBQs.
The fact that the sun has cyclical
events that greatly impact our temperature is no secret. The leftist 'climate
scientists' - a term I use loosly, at NASA know that, they just don't discuss it
when selling the 'man-caused CO2 increase engendered global warming powered
climate disaster' hoax.
"...the Maunder Minimum could have caused the extreme drop in temperatures..."
As an example of their selective
memory, here's' what they are saying about a 1/4 degree
perturbation -
Which is of no consequence should there be a ~ 7 degree (!) drop as they discussed in 2006.
Such a development would not facilitate feeding ~1.4 Billion, mostly low
income PRC subjects increasingly restless for real representative democracy.
Xi and the ruling brutal clique in
Beijing know this. They never were true believers in
'global warming' - but they listened. They are very likely listening now to scientists with forecasts as fantastic as the 'hockey stick','Manhattan underwater by 2018' doom prophecy by 'global warming' types in
the US twenty years ago and like to hedge their bets.
This grim forecast, coupled with
President Trump's unpredictable, and unprecedented, reversal of their global economic plan to
becoming the global hegemon, could contribute to incentivizing the Generals, who
were captains and majors in Tienanmen, to do incredible acts.
Xi, the Generals,and the CCP hierarchy all know that if they cannot satisfy the
masses who expect their lives to be quickly improved, they will pay the price Cersei explained to Ned losers pay in the 'Game of
But Xi and co. are brutal. They are Communists.
They are Han racists. And they are, in no small way thanks to the Clintons (,
very heavily armed.
Ironic moment here - Xi and his recent
predecessors shrank the PLA in order to produce a modern, high tech
force able to defeat the American Navy and expeditionary forces.
While well prepared to fight us, it is probably no longer large enough to control
one billion plus enraged peasants.
Faced with extinction they may do
7/25/20 - just came across an older Huffpo piece that provides an interesting plot of sun activity ...
that one might compare with this just revealed temperature record ...
7/25/20 - just came across an older Huffpo piece that provides an interesting plot of sun activity ...
that one might compare with this just revealed temperature record ...
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The folks pulling the strings
It's always good to know more about your enemy. The cynical manipulation of the masses by a few seeking power and intent on destroying our republic is on full display - if you know what to look for.
Here's a good primer on what kind of people are at work in our cities stoking the hate and violence.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Global Hoaxes
I was never in doubt it was all a hoax. As the saying goes 'environmentalists are like watermellons, green on t he outside, red on the inside". This was never more true than in the apparent Master of Ceremonies of the first Earth Day event in Fairmount Park, Ira Einhorn. I knew the family and attended school with his brother. Deeply dedicated communists. Knowing his conspicious involvement I refused to go - the only student in the entire school to do so. Ira 'Unicorn Killer' Einhorn's subsequent murder and composting of his girl friend came as little surprise to me. Amusingly the Wiki page on the event is routinely edited to minimize Einhorn's involvement. This picture from the front page of the leading newspaper accurately illustrates his role.
Folks - it was ALWAYS a hoax.
Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”
U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”
Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”
Former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
Stephen Schneider, who authored The Genesis Strategy, a 1976 book warning that global cooling risks posed a threat to humanity, later changed that view 180 degrees, serving as a lead author for important parts of three sequential IPCC reports. In a quotation published in Discover, he said: “On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, on the other hand, we are not just scientists, but human beings as well. And like most people, we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that, we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of the doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
(quotes from
The 'science' of man caused global warming disasters was ALWAYS specious. Here our leading engineer debunks the theory as cherry picked nonsense. (An excellent primer on the subject by a real environmentalist)
Now, probably too late to ever deprogram the idiot masses, the purpetrators are beginning to confess.
One can only wonder - how long it will take before the agents that drove the devastation of our economy over WuFlu will confess to the truth?
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
While the chance the CCP will resort to violence against the US to unify an increasingly disillusioned populace increases, the state of our Navy is becoming alarming.
No Court Martial for an officer surrendering his boats and crews to Iranians ...
A carrier CO who felt it better to tell the world his ship was mission impared ...
And the clown show in DC called 'acquisitions':
- produces the miserable LCS - initial vessels being retired before ANY weapon systems 'modules' are adequately developed for ANY mission.
- As for our newest destroyer' (cruiser actually) ...
Given the lack of competitive hardware they're equipping our sons and daughters(!) with at sea today's Naval leaders must actually believe 'diversity is our strength'.
Yeah, good luck stopping Chinese missiles and torpedoes with that mate!
7/13/20 Post Script - Who needs the Chinese? A major warship, being modified to support the F-35 (a miserable story in its own right) will probably sink pierside.
Yup. Best Navy everrrrr.
7/17/20 - Fire out .... 3 days later. $4 BILLION wasted.
.... wonder if the fire party was diverse?
7/18/20 - Looks like we'll be finding out how the 'diversity is our strength' think will do against torpedo, mine, and missile.
8/6/20 - another perspective
Enough 'fear porn' on Kung Flu
The big pharma folks (say, doesn't Fauci have some patents?) want us to invest and buy the most expensive solution. No relaxation until they've got a pricey silver bullet, no $10 bottle of HCQ.
The marxistdems want Trump out - necessitating 'vote by mail', easily tampered with, a ban on Trump rallies.
The Davos crowd wants power indisputably in their hands, IT megalomaniacs censor all discussion not carrying an anti-Trump line.
The CCP wants our economy ruined, our population reduced to slaves to the 'middle kingdom' or dead.
All want us in terror and feeling helpless.
At first, given this bug was a lab product, harsh measures were prudent. Now we know the numbers and it's characteristics.
Enough fear. Treat early with HCQ and zinc, take precautions indoors, protect the elderly and at risk population. But, for most, this is a bad flu season, not 'Resident Evil'.
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