Thursday, March 6, 2025
Oh goody ...
How many Russian citizens, in Russia, has Obama, Biden, Brennan and the Deep State actually killed?
Please read and understand: -
Our country has been, until recently, led by very stupid, very evil people. It is by grace of God President Trump is in the White House today and we have not had nuclear weapons detonating here and in Europe.
Most recently it was back June 6th a year ago that I warned of the direct involvement of US personnel in the targeting and launch of missiles from Ukraine deliberately intended to kill Russians.
This has been no secret to Vlad. And, many on capital hill, especially the 'gang of 8' have endorsed it.
Simultaneously, the Deep State was involved in direct OFFENSIVE cyber warfare against Russia - the consequence of which are unclear but likely to have been deadly.
'We' (our election was stolen so the war criminals running the White House, DOD and CIA) cut Nordstream. Vlad knows this and did not retaliate.
'We' (again, our election was stolen so the war criminals running the White House, DOD and CIA) killed many of his citizens, civilians going about their lives inside Russia. Vlad knows this and did not retaliate.
The war was intended by Obama, Biden, Brennan, Soros, Deep State, and Davos to create a Viet Nam like thing to lead to a revolt and overthrow of Putin.
Putin knows that too.
This is the core reality being discussed between Trump and Putin's emissaries.
Vlad's SVR is real, real, good at HUMINT. They may have clear evidence about the activities of Obama, Biden, Brennan and Soros in precipitating the war in Ukraine sufficient to hold them to account in a war crimes trial.
Beyond the $Billions stolen from us, these people have blood on their hands.
That is why they will do anything to eliminate Trump - or prevent Vlad from presenting evidence against them.
Pray for our President, and our country, and the revelation of the truth about the megalomaniacs who have played 'the game of thrones' with other peoples lives and money - till now.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Trump has his weaknesses. I've said it time and again.
Now this ...
I certainly not a financial genius ... BUT - I do know some crooks.
I can only pray someone Trump trusts will reverse this looming disaster.
Paging Peter Navarro ...
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Here's a construct of Deep State confronted by a spokesman for Deep State calling for his removal ... pity the guy ... a little. He was put in office by Obama, Brennan, Biden, and Soros. That Deep State/Davos coterie funded the Nazi AZOV thugs that pulled off the coup against the elected President of Ukraine. The coterie that manipulated the 'election' that put him in power.
They know how much he has skimmed. They know how to find his offshore ban accounts. Revealing that to the Ukrainian people, the wounded soldiers, will be a death sentence.
Interesting to watch.
Trump knows the American election of 2020 was stolen by many of the same people. He knows his hands are clean in Ukraine and the US is not on the hook - the war criminals who precipitated the war are (1).
Forecast remains unchanged. The war will end with Russia possessing the port on the Black Sea built for Catherine the Great around the time of the American Revolution. Ukraine will not be a NATO member state as James Baker promised Gorbachev. Cities will be in ruins, millions will be dead, wounded, and displaced. Obama and friends will have made countless millions and Raytheon and Lockheed will have had a good season.
Maybe this time the world will know who to thank for this war, and for bringing the peace. At a minimum the disintegration of Deep State is certainly fascinating, if repulsive, to watch (2).
UPDATE: 3/2/25 - As far as Zelensky is concerned (and yes, Tucker has his CIA associations - which makes this all the more pertinent) - time's up dude ...
Obama's ghost government must be forced to leave DC! But, I repeat myself ... " The America hating, race obsessed, resentment filled former President currently residing in his brick home behind a high wall he erected (oh the irony) must be forced out of DC. (Alinsky's tactics deemed deliciously appropriate."
Terrorists on tap
A certain tiny element of our society will be at the vanguard of the
attempted counter revolution given it takes so little to tip one into
violence. What is interesting at this point is how the media twists itself in order to not make that too apparent...
But I repeat myself ... .