Friday, March 8, 2024

False Flag for a final solution?

Musk is right - “the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11.”

Here's what may be a part of the whole ... the makings for a good false flag hit on Trump by deep state.

Kill him, blame Iran. That’ll get the mullet haired MAGA crowd screaming for the (long desired) war with Iran.

A twofer!  

And - better yet, it'll provide the domestic terror situation Deep State needs to finish the 'fundamental transformation' of our once blessed country into a prison.

Gee, what could go wrong?  I mean, we've got the best people (really) in charge - don't we?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, what’s wrong with mullets?? 🤣🤣. But yeah, agree with everything else. I wonder what Vicky Nuland is going to do now. Word is, she was asked to retire because Ukraine has turned into a shitshow…

