Thursday, November 7, 2024

Time to evict the man behind the curtain

48 hours after the greatest comeback in political history by President Trump, and national rejection of the marxists Obama run Biden/Harris regime, Obama's fist is all over the air waves .... 

That right Van ... spool 'em up ....

For those of you who don't know who, and what, a Van Jones is ...

Thoughts: Resources for understanding the left

And, for a one stop, three hour primer on this 'spirit of the age', this modern "Communism 3.0" that is animating Deep State, the megelomaniacs in Davos, and deciding your fate, there is this:

Thoughts: Know the enemy

Bottom line:

1. Americans MUST be taught about marxists, NOT taught by marxists,   

2. The America hating, race obsessed, resentment filled former President currently residing in his brick home behind a high wall he erected (oh the irony) must be forced out of DC. (Alinsky's tactics deemed deliciously appropriate.)  

3. The shadow government Obama, Brennan, Holder, Biden used to ruin our country must be deconstructed and dispatched 'top down, bottom up, and inside out'. The politically aligned, Deep State agencies need to be torn apart.  Charges need to be brought against those who abused the nation's intelligence assets, DOJ, IRS, and persecuted Obama's opponents.  Trumps plan to tear down and relocate them out of DC is brilliant and needed.  Will a disruption of the nation's intelligence agencies diminish out security?  Not when, relatively speaking, THEY ARE THE GREATEST THREAT to this republic.  

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Faith requires honesty - and a spine

 One of the things I find sadly lacking in far too many 'men of the cloth' is a backbone when it comes to informing their congregations on the consequences to the free exercise of their faith should the 4th Reich continue to consolidate total power in DC.

Unsurprisingly, Archbishop Vigano (who really ought to be a Lutheran) tells the truth in this regard.  

"... you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery."

"...we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state, who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs." 

"...the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan."

While he may be overstating the effectiveness of the weather control stuff, the rest is accurate.  (Something I didn't know, Gates really is deeply involved in weather control efforts (1).) 

Perhaps someone can pass the Archbishops letter to the overcautious (best construction you know) President Harrison in St Louis?




Saturday, September 21, 2024

A forgotten moment at sea a long time ago

Another minor anniversary.  To remind, what we now know as "Deep State" isn't new.  They were trying to incite a war with Iran even 37 years ago - quite independent of Reagan's wishes at the time.

And while the books that record one of the events from that unhappy time are on the whole accurate - they are, in key ways, not.  

I know this, first hand.

Bottom line - put explosives, sharp things, and killers in proximity long enough and someone's gonna die.

And, it's never going to turn out the way you planned. 

       Iran Air 655

    "Invoke not that which ye cannot control"



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Stupid Factory

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than 
malice, because while  “one may protest against evil; it can be exposed and 
prevented by force, against stupidity we are defenseless.” - D Bonhoeffer

Watch this short ( 6 minute) video -

Bonhoeffer explains that stupid people operate as though under a spell and are capable of great evil.

The left in America today, our post modern, neo marxist, “progressive” left, knows this and has constructed the information warfare mechanisms to ensure the public is truly stupid.  Read from below and remember, the “democracy” she is working to further is the one that:
> selected, not elected Kamala,
> engaged in lawfare to keep one candidate off the primary ballot and to put another candidate in jail,
> is working across the country to weaken signature requirements, and even date requirements, on mail-in ballots,
> many of those ballots coming from the millions of illegals they've admitted for that purpose, and,
> is engaging in massive misinformation and censorship.

There is a complex maze of interrelated companies and programs seeking to ensure misinformation, the one 'truth', Kamala's 'truth',  which is anything but, is the only message most receive.

Along with the contractors, the FBI has resumed coordinating censorship and the insert of misinformation with Google, Facebook, and the main stream media (in the interest of 'democracy' you know ) …

"Foreign" being a weak term in view of  Deep State infowar  tools to disguise origins. (see "Umbrage" (1)  "Russian Collusion" ring a bell???) 

So, expect lots and lots of “stupid”.  A lot of people are spending a lot of money to produce it in America leading up to November.  Your 'internet experience', the news you see, the stories you read, are all being managed to turn, and keep, you stupid.

In other words, a Kamala voter.

Bonhoeffer states that “Only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity.”    And here, as in Germany in the '30s, the cowardice of our Churches is failing this country, and the world.  

It will be a miracle if our constitutional republic exists in March.


UPDATE: later same day - listen to the man, he knows of what he speaks ....

Friday, September 6, 2024

Questions for President Trump


My $.02 on major issues President Trump must be prepared to address before debate night. (Anyone wanna pass along to Susie Wiles?)

Afghanistan Withdraw.  President Trump has said contradictory things about US presence in Afghanistan.  On one hand he said he's have gotten the US out.  Alternatively he's said that Bagram Airfield should have keen kept as it is 'within one hour of where China builds its nuclear weapons' (presumably flight time F-22/B-2).

Both can't be true.  Can't leave and hold the airfield.

Preferably he would understand PLA IRBMs would likely, preemptively, eliminate the utility of the airfield, and counter force targeted ICBMs probably have any known PLA nuclear weapon production facility targeted.  Not a time sensitive target, not goin' anywhere.   

The Jab.   No easy way out here.  The results of the jab are now widely known. 

"They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots."

The shots "dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure,"

1. Trump MUST clearly state the CCP is directly responsible for, at the very least and without question,  deliberately spreading COVID to the US.  Wuhan Province was locked down – except for likely carriers being permitted to fly to the US and Europe.  That is Biowar.  That is attacking the United States with a weapon that influenced an election, destroyed a major part of our economy, and killed thousands.  

2. Trump MUST acknowledge he was misled, albeit by the man the world apparently considered the leading authority on what to do in such circumstances, Tony Fauci.  He must also promise to investigate Fauci's involvement with funding, providing technology to, and the research conducted, at the Wuhan Lab.  He promise to prosecute if malpractice or economic gain is discovered. And he should also promise to pull the EUA on the mRNA technology.

Abortion   Trump has confused a number of his most dedicated Christian supporters with his comments indicating his support for abortion after 6 weeks.  What is his position exactly?  Was his opposition due to weasel words like 'health care provider' instead of doctor, or 'health of the mother' instead of 'life of the mother'?  He needs to explain.

Gun Control    President Trump needs to state his appreciation for the Founders and their prescient solution for keeping tyrannical governments in check.  Simultaneously he can explain his interest in research towards replacing SSRIs, and holding parents accountable for securing arms away from demonstrably 'at risk' for violence children that have come to the attention of law enforcement and school counselors.   

Monday, August 26, 2024

Does America have a survival instinct?

If so, it has just kicked in. 

I watched the entire Kennedy announcement speech.  It was a long string of truth bombs.  

Listen to it in full -  

Kennedy points out the Democrat party has become:
- the party of censorship, corruption,
- engaged in lawfare to keep me off the ballot,
- engaged in lawfare to put Trump in jail,
- ran a sham primary, a coup against Biden, installed a candidate without winning a single delegate,
- uses censorship of media and controls (unconstitutional) weaponized federal agencies,
- Kennedy notes a White House internet portal was set up for federal agencies to censor Kennedy's attempts to communicate with voters, this IS systemic attack on democracy,
- simultaneously the Dems wage war in Ukraine - Kennedy, correctly, states this was initiated by neocons in America after US agencies overthrew democratically elected regime in Ukraine, the objective of which was regime change in Russia.

Kennedy explains his agreement with Trump on existential //to our republic// issues he holds in common with Trump, i.e., freedom of speech, securing the border, getting the US intelligence agencies out of the business of surveilling Americans and interfering with elections.  

He is dead right on this.

Kennedy then provided a long list of fact based indictments against our medical/pharma complex.

It was an extraordinary speech by, like it or not, a man with unique insight on the food and pharma conditions within the US today.

Did it have impact? 

It was followed by this by Bret Weinstein - a Christopher Hitchens like leftist I've long listened to in order to understand where a very smart, ideological opponent (to me) is coming from -

Weinstein explains the Dems speak "the inversion of reality" and "they cheat".  Weinstein said  'We have to defeat the blue team beyond the cheat margin'.

The mask has slipped from the ruling regime.   Smart people were watching.  Maybe enough.

Left minded Americans who genuinely care for America must vote for Trump. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Eyes wide open


Voting for Trump doesn't mean you have to believe any more than 51% of what he says is more than half true.  It may only mean you accept what is true about his opponents.  Vote your priorities, not on personalities.  

Here's my top 4:

2nd Amendment –  Zero ambiguity here.  Trump owns and carries.  Trump's appointed Supreme Court judges have largely been supportive of an originalist interpretation of the Constitution.  By comparison, Team Obama wants to make this election about abortion and gun control. 

Deep State / Police State – No one has more appetite for eliminating the FBI and the other totally corrupted intelligence and justice apparatuses that have created the police state we live in.  The Deep State is an unprecedented threat to our Republic and must be demolished.  Team Obama is one with it.

Immigration – Trump had modest success securing the border but lied about the wall.  Team Obama is flooding the country with illegals.

National Security – Trump's still clueless.  Establishing the “Space Force” with their Star Trek inspired uniforms – and NO space ships – is emblematic of how serious he takes National Defense.  Then again, Team Obama has mutated DOD into a DEI circus focused on rooting out nonconformist whites ...

To the good, Trump is likely to end the Obama/Brennan/Biden incited war in Ukraine.

Trump will, however, remain liable to fall for 'intelligence' reports targeted to get a reaction from him.   Mossad managed to get his daughter to spool him up enough to launch an attack on Syria over a fake gas attack.  Fortunately he didn't follow up and go to war.  How much did he learn from this event?

And, Trump has indicated he'd have stayed in Afghanistan (!) in order to keep using Bagram airfield with Communist China in mind.   Not reassuring.  If Vance is the neo-con I suspect he is, the military industrial complex will not want for business.

 Yeah, sure  ... 'not prepared' for what? 

So.  Three 'greens' and one 'yellow' on the board.  Trump gets my vote ... as things currently stand.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dystopia ahead?

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu 

Recently returned from San Francisco – our best trip yet, albeit bookmarked by a violent assault proximate to us as we first arrived downtown and, on departing, observing a young man walking by wearing a ski jacket and some spray paint.   I enjoyed some very rare, quality time with my younger son and also a dear, long time friend, both of whom live in that odd city where most of the entire world's investment money in AI is going.  Subsequent to discussions with both, and my post of 20 May (1),  two hither to disparate topics are now better appreciated and seen as parts of a horrific whole; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and our malignant Deep State's pursuit of neuroscience.


It is everywhere around you.  Your perception of what the truth is is already, in a significant way, a construct of AI.  There's a vast array of profitable companies engaged in it.  Commercially it's for profit, politically it's for power.  Below are companies looking to make money by influencing how you vote …

The chief industry promoters of the technology, veterans of the get rich quick business methods employed in cyber currency, cellular technology, and the internet itself, are unlikely to have that Oppenheimer movie moment.  The one in which, with the great evil of  Hitler gone, they pause to consider if their invention going to be a greater threat than benefit to humanity.  With fortunes and influence at risk they need to be first. 

That said, there is evidence of some self awareness – but it's inadequate.  Consider Jack Dorsey's rumination on ... perhaps folks should have a say in which AI engine is manipulating their news …  Certainly folks with an IQ south of 100 will be contemplating which algorithms and LLMs best suit their informational requirements.

Oversight on AI from within the industry is not going to happen.

Government?  DOJ and FBI are visibly rotten to the core.  Arrogant, out of control, and unanswerable to anyone as things currently stand.  Along with the other 'intelligence' agencies, like CISA (you know, the folks who are ensuring our elections are fair (2)), NCSC, and DOD (who organizationally owns NSA) – in total, our intelligence community (IC) are the folks who signed the letter saying Hunter's laptop was 'Russian disinformation' to facilitate the steal of the election from Trump.  The IC IS the greatest threat to America.  

The IC and major technology firms are one in the same.  Abuses of privacy, censorship and banning are done either at the request of Deep State (for your protection of course - (3)), or because of the neo pagan ideology of the latter (4).    

Congress?  Owned and terrified of their Deep State masters - Chuck Schumer's "six ways to Sunday" - (and oh, Chuck, the "Russian hacking" wasn't Russian - as you probably well knew).

So, no oversight of benefit to American citizens will be coming from the fundamentally transformed, and Deep State controlled, US government.

Oppenheimer had to deal with the possibility, indicated as real in theoretical calculations, that his first detonation of a fission bomb would destroy the earth.  Worst case with AI?  While both of the smartest folks I know in the field say we haven't achieved AGI – a self aware machine with God like access to all of mankind's knowledge – an investigative reporter has already seen evidence such an entity would not be benevolent.  In fact it could be what appears as demonic, a possibility brilliantly prophesied  by C. S. Lewis in “That Hideous Strength”.  Listen in to the description of a NY Times reporter given early access to an AI chatbot (start at 1:09:00 mark - ). 

My guess is garbage in, garbage out.  We are the source material, everything, thoughtlessly dumped onto the internet.  And we are sinners, evil by nature.  Perhaps 'Sidney' is just the unexpected  distillation of our evil … or something else.  Point is, no one knows.  Certainly the face it chose to present is disturbing.  

An AI hallucination?

And yet, we press on.

Such is AI.  A tool - but one widely used in 'perception management', influencing elections and what soft drink you buy is only the beginning.   Within Deep State AI is being used  in Psychological Operations – PSYOP (5).  Targeted PSYOPS intend to get 'influencers' to drive behavioral change in populations.  Evidence indicated Deep State also focuses on already disturbed individuals, heightening their paranoia and sense of victimization in order to get them to cause an incident which will be exploited politically, such as supporting measures to disarm American citizens.

Examples of PSYOPs and incitement already documented are: the Buffalo supermarket shooter and the 'retired' FBI agent ( ),  inciting and planning the kidnap of Governor Whitmer.  ( ), and encouraging an ISIS shooter in Texas  .

Consider what a great candidate for manipulation a young woman, treated with testosterone, and already feeling alienated would be for a PSYOP looking for a mass killer to justify disarming the public.  How much of the 'civil war' and 'Christian Nationalist' fear porn is being created and managed by Deep State to smear conservatives and incite violence?  (6)

Such activities are likely cause for the fear within the ranks of the FBI that Trump may win and, finally, they be held to account.  ( )
Beyond AI

We know for a certainty any tool DOD buys or develops with taxpayer money can readily be used against non-compliant taxpayers, and turning American citizens' minds into a battlefield, or transforming them into tools for the benefit of Deep State, doesn't end with AI. There are far more intrusive technologies in the works.

It's important to listen as the tools for removing a persons will by invading his brain is so banally explained by a researcher of such art :

His soothing voice while describing hellish methods to destroy a persons mind reminds of the brilliant movie “Conspiracy” which was about the recruitment of German industry into the “final solution” (7).  

How far along are we?  The old Soviet joke was 'never believe a thing until the government denies it'.   

Which reminds - remember the flap about the presence of graphene oxide (GO) in the big pharma/Fauci 'jab'?  

This is a stretch but, what is special about graphene oxide?  Well, for one thing it is being experimented with because it  responds to electromagnetic fields while within the BRAIN.
 (example - )
Folks aware of the monstrous work neuroscientists were engaged in with DOD funding raised a warning when GO, which has NO explanation for being there according to the manufacturers, was reported in the Fauci jab.  Deep State, Big Pharma and Main Stream Media (heavily funded by Big Pharma ad money) responded immediately -

All of which is, of course, a lie – GO wasn't in all the mRNA jabs BUT it certainly was in some...

Spectroscopy, Micro-Raman & Campra, Pablo. (2021). DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES.

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration.

By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in some of these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphene-like appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.

This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion. We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization. We leave a link to download this report at the end of this video.

As our DOD researcher said - "Bugs, drugs, toxins, tools", which role might GO be intended to perform given it's presence in COVID  'vaccines' is otherwise inexplicable and denied?


AI is being rapidly implemented, and further developed, well before the consequences are understood.  And, AI only represents the less intrusive mind control measures simultaneously being experimented with using our tax dollars.   Given the evidence of GO in the jab they appear to be experimenting, or executing covert operations, without informed consent or meaningful oversight.

Perhaps the pagans in the labs could at least heed the warning provided by the atheist Lovecraft ...

                                           "Invoke not that which ye cannot control" - HPL





4. endless examples, here's one -


6.  at the 18:49 mark 



UPDATE: 6/10/24 - given my earlier post on how effective means of treating C0VID were lied about to sustain the Emergency Use Authorization  - even at the cost of many lives - it makes one wonder all the more about the plandemic.   Was getting the world to get the jab the whole point of the exercise?

also - there's reporting on the BIG PSYOP if you look for it ...

also ... I like this guy Musk more as time passes ... 

UPDATE: 6/12/24 - Just a thought.  DOD/CIA work on telepathy clearly showed some success, the problem was repeatability and predictability.  Declassified CIA archive document link -

What if the whole point of the plandemic was to get something into some people to make them more efficient transmitter/receivers of  government adepts?  

GO has no reason for being in 8% of the samples tested.  Why is it there?  Does it pass the blood-brain barrier? 

Just a thought.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The hard truth about COVID

Long fingered bat - also at Wuhan - known vector for ...

Since December of 2019 the global consequences of the CCP deliberately spreading COVID-19 (they  prohibited likely carriers from traveling within China but approved thousands to fly to the US and the west), and the disastrous 'vaccine' justified by it, have forever changed our world.  Personally, today being her birthday,  I remember my mother as a victim of both the CCP and American monsters like Tony Fauci.  

One of the materials inexplicably found in at least some samples of blood in individuals receiving  the vaccine is graphene based - a substance noted in experimental use far removed from healing victims of a corona virus.  

Read the address of Archbishop Carlo Vigano to a medical ethics group -

There is NO doubt Fauci's NIH were working with it (1), even BEFORE the outbreak - just as there is now no doubt Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab - a dual purpose civilian and PLA Biowar facility - to develop COVID-19 in 'gain of function' experimentation.

1. and

NOTE - My initial speculation on the 'worst case' scenario for WuF1u was that it was a combination high infection, high lethality weapon.  I did not anticipate the virus was a weapon of mass disruption - an 'assassins mace' meant to wreck our economy and dethrone an emperor (Trump).  My bad that.  I also did not fully anticipate the "vaccine" (it ain't) was every bit as malignant.  We are dealing with deeply, deeply evil people.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Good Reads

 The two document I find myself recommending most often to folks I talk to are: 

1. "Unrestricted Warfare" - which is a series of lectures given by PLA (Peoples Liberation Army - the Chinese) instructors to senior PLA officers.  The US obtained them and in 1997 released them in english.  The document was considered of such significance that Johns Hopkins commenced a seminar specifically to explain its contents to US military and government leaders.  Communist China subsequently twisted some arms and spread some cash around so that the once respected institute of higher learning morphed the seminar far, far away from revealing China's honest intentions - and their current execution - of a vast war plan against the US.

2. C S Lewis "That Hideous Strength"  - Of all the SciFi I've read this one comes closest to describing the current hellscape of  'think tanks' and academia today.   Here's an article explaining it's merits - 

Those two, plus the Bible, seem to be useful for understanding things happening today.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

It's OK 'cuz everyone does it ...

 Coincident with the release of more Epstein news - you know the guy who hung himself - this item in the news thanks to our Deep State:  

 Now are these two stories related?  Of course.  We're being conditioned for the inevitable reveal.  Epstein was an Israeli intel op.  Hence the frequent presence of former PM, and head of Israeli Military Intel,  Ehud Barak.  He was referred to as 'a fixture' there.

American teen age girls prostituted for information and influence by Israeli intelligence - my bet Aman (Military Intel).  But that's OK, everybody does it ... right.  "Special Friend" and all that.

A spin to the story is that Epstein was protected by DOJ as an intel asset during his first prosecution.

That indicates our deep state was at times getting rudder orders from compromised Deep State players and politicians, and, perhaps occasional info they wanted, from the all so obvious Israeli op.

For the record, guess who has been on the story - pretty accurately - from start?


And she's not alone.

UPDATE: 1/5/24 - Tucker states we don't know who he worked for.  RIIIIGHT.   Tucker seems to be revealing that Epstein didn't kill himself.  Call me unsurprised ...  

UPDATE: same day - well at least somebody can call a spade a spade -  

'Hey goy, prostituting your daughters and blackmailing your politicians ain't gonna effect our big fat US taxpayer funded 'security assistance' handout, will it?