Tuesday, December 31, 2024

America FIRST - even if it means hiring Americans

 I've listened to both of my sons, one well experienced at the 'tactical' level of business IT in Austin the other at the 'strategic' level in SF, about the quality of most of the H1B 'geniuses'.  I think the scam is obvious and must be corrected.  Musk has a point, to a point, but largely the process has been badly abused for years.

Here's a take on it I agree with ... https://x.com/rcamposduffy/status/1873951916591374342

And, by the way, an Indian engineer working for Northrop betrayed all the stealth secrets US taxpayers  paid billions for for decades to the Russians - and very obviously China too judging from the Xi'an H-20. 

Noshir Gowadia - Wikipedia

 Quantum, AI, stealth, ocean acoustics and penetrating physics, these are war winning technologies.  The Chinese kids learning about quantum and AI in US universities will be working for the PLA next year, and the Israelis ...    

Universities and DOD employed corporations engaged in R+D of defense critical technologies must not be allowed to include non-US citizens in the activity. 

Send them to gender studies and global warming classes.  Let them take Marcuse and Kendi home with them instead of our critical intellectual property.

US B-2

Yeah, pretty much same thing being built in China thanks to our great

counterintelligence capability.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Forecast for 2025 - Severe turbulence ahead

The year comes to an end and, as expected, a more likely explanation for the dronenado surfaces - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/invasion-drones-part-2/

"This is no coincidence. It is a calculated psychological operation (PSYOP), designed to stoke fear, chaos, and distraction while masking a deeper agenda. The real question isn’t what these drones are—we’ve already unmasked them—but why they are being paraded so brazenly and what purpose this spectacle serves."

Brings to mind .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvzpzY9Fdrk  'Eye in the Sky' which was used as music for a film version of Orwell's "1984".  

Fun fact, Orwell titled his book as a warning of what the world would be like 100 years after the Fabians established their society (and created the London School of Economics and folks like Soros). 

Over the years of this blog my first "Holy Crap" revelatory moment was watching the excellent documentary - Shadowgate" - which detailed the 'who' part of how America's National Information Warfare capability was hijacked then retasked by the deeply evil, resentment filled Obama, and marxists Brennan and Holder, against the American population.

Even years later this video provides information vital to understand - (regardless of subsequent aberrations, Ms Tore was on target and speaking from first hand knowledge here)


"Tactical and operational role the Deep State's IW played in the coup against Trump." 

Today Trump bringing folks like deep state foundational builder Peter Thiel (who bankrolled VP JD Vance), the Palantir CEO, into his inner circle is either smart and cynical or deeply stupid and suicidal.

So, having looked at the Shadowgate video, here's two additional items you'll likely need to understand in order to comprehend developments as they unroll this coming year: 

> the spirit of the age - Communism 3.0 and Cultural Marxism - the drivers for 'woke', ESG, DEI, etc. (1 and 2) and,

> the move of the defeated (for now) marxist left back into the evangelical 'Christian' ranks in order to create opposition to Trump, a move telegraphed by Van Jones at the 46:52 mark this interview  -  (3).  Along with financial crisis, plandemics, BLM, ANTIFA active measures, and ACLU lawfare, expect histrionics from marxist deluded clergy protesting against deportations and police state dissolution and agency reforms.

Top recommendation for Trump is - Obama and house guest Jarrett must be driven out of Washington DC.  This will make their comings and goings more easily observed by post-Trump reformed US counterintelligence authorities loyal to 'We the People".

God bless and help the Unites States and Christians world wide in 2025.

1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2024/11/must-read-if-you-want-to-understand.html

2. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2024/10/resources-for-understanding-left.html 

3. "most honest man in politics" hilarious!,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKd8ZM-TJU4           just like the media fawning over 'westernized' Yuri Andropov back in the day.  "Progressive, Social Justice, Christian"  Yeah ... the old CPUSA newspapers showed us what "Progressive" means ...

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Parting shots from a resentment filled marxist

Local channel investigates near total lack of assistance 

- while money continues to pour into Ukraine 


 Instructions provided to FEMA workers on site


You know who to thank (the guy the White House staff really answers to)  ...

Coaching and SSRIs again?

 The most recent school shooting appears to have elements common to many others of late, the shooter was coached by an older individual on the web (this time one not so obviously related to the FBI):

" Authorities also said Rupnow had been in contact with a 20-year-old man in Carlsbad, California, who was plotting a mass shooting with the teenager and told her he was planning to attack a government building, the AP reported, citing court documents."

and, there's a good chance, again, the shooter was prescribed meds:

" ...a mediation agreement from July 2022 notes the girl was enrolled in therapy and her parents were encouraged to participate, records show. The documents did not detail how long Rupnow was in treatment or the type of therapy. "


I've commented on these elements in the past:




Perhaps when Trump's FBI is retasked from persecuting Latin language mass Catholics, PTA moms against porn and grandma's who attended the J6 rally they could look into both the obvious manipulation of young disturbed individuals by sociopaths (or "retired" FBI agents) AND SSRIs???

Even if in this instance the shooter was not on SSRIs, there have already been enough deadly shootings to ban their use - and the industry KNOWS it ...

"But the issue with SSRIs runs much deeper than just a random mental health break. These drugs are a prescription for violent crimes, and that’s a story the anti-gun media and politicians don’t want to talk about."


Guns have been in American homes since the founding.  The rise of otherwise inexplicable mass shootings in schools was only subsequent to the introduction and massive use of SSRIs.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Good News

Seems like folks are realizing, just in time, that they've been lied to by the megalomaniacs and marxists. 

Not only has America refused Obama's 'fundamental transformation' - aka marxism - but we are looking  for the enduring truth and what's best for our families and our country.

Proof?  https://www.christianpost.com/sponsored/bible-sales-are-booming-is-revival-coming-to-america.html

There will be battles, and some defeats, ahead, but, we now have a chance to provide our children and children's children with a free, and once again God fearing, America.  

John Adams: 'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Just fear porn for another Deep State power grab?


"Our authorities currently are limited, and they are set to expire. We need them extended and expanded.”

The current 'Dronado' appears to be just fear porn by Deep State to justify another power grab.


In which case ... everyone involve in the farce needs to be fired.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Like her or not ...

she's on the right track.



 As I've mentioned before the Navy's had submarine launched UAVs for a long time now (SUAS (1)).  In this case, the UAVs are likely DOD developed - and operated by DHS.

Or, maybe they are flying from a stealth Iranian mother ship ...



1. https://seapowermagazine.org/admiral-submarine-launched-uas-proving-awesome-capability/


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Another "must read" - watch actually ...


I provided a link to an excellent explanation of Deep State in my 30 Nov blog entry - 


 Here's a long Joe Rogan interview with Mike Benz that explains the "NGOs" and how they are simply Deep State constructs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrJhQpvlkLA

 The most interesting comment is when Benz explains that Deep State and the swamp have redefined "democracy", that is, they have "doctrinally redefined Democracy to mean consensus of institutions instead of individuals".  

That explains much when you see Hillary of Obama decry Trump as "a threat to Democracy".

 The above mentioned links - plus James Lindsay's excellent explanation of Cultural Marxism and "Communism 3.0"  (1) - which is where Xi, Davos, Deep State, and the swamp ALL want to put us - really provide the necessary informational context for understanding events today.

(1) https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2024/11/know-enemy.html

Monday, December 2, 2024

DEMOCRAT PARTY and The Double Standard of Justice

 "Joe Biden did not pardon Hunter Biden: he pardoned himself."


And, oh the irony...

 What Dems were saying before the election ...  IMMUNITY IS EVIL (fundraiser email I got from Dems)

 What Dems did after the election .... IMMUNITY IS GOOD.

Surprised?  Really???  

 The Democrat Party is run by Marxists who laugh at our constitution. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Must read if you want to understand who's involved and the risks to the republic...

 I have already, twice, advised folks reading this to listen to Lindsay explain "Communism 3.0" - most recently here - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2024/11/know-enemy.html

The following will be necessary to understand if  one intends to really comprehend what will be happening as Trump tries to deconstruct the beast machine behind Deep State - AND - reconstruct a powerful intelligence capability only useful against legitimately targeted individuals and foreign agencies. 


As things are now, Deep State is a greater threat to the republic than any foreign enemy and Deep State intends to complete the development of the beast into the means to make America nothing but an open air prison. Team Obama and some select RINOs have learned to rely on its nascent capabilities already.  Trump will be opposed by IT megalomaniacs,  Deep State thugs and bureaucrats, and crooked political hacks.  That's a lot of powerful folks.




Thursday, November 28, 2024

An opportunity to root out and kill an invasive species


                                              Communism - an invasive species

The survival instinct of middle class, common sense Americans has caused the revolutionaries to miss a step. How ’bout we nip this in the bud and kill Marcuse off for good?

The ‘march through the institutions’ started with the universities and teachers schools. Marcuse and friends were foolishly (he and his fellow Marxists intellectuals were as anti-American as they were anti-Hitler) welcomed with open arms at Columbia – and from there our current crop of hard left, America hating ‘educators’ sprung.

Given that Cultural Marxists prey on the impressionable minds of the young within what Marcuse called the ‘ghetto population’ our incoming Trump Administration should review all Federal Aid to students and refuse any funds to universities and colleges that have Cultural Marxists practices like DEI – or whatever new name DEI will be taking shortly.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

"Intelligence"? Not even close ...


An article about "intelligence" states that the Russian response to the situation Obama, Brennan, Biden, and Soros created in Ukraine was "unprovoked"???


Read no further.  Fire the teachers - now!  

Thoughts: Whodunnit?

Thoughts: Post Tenebras Lux

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Team Obama continues to play - it's American sailors who will pay

Some good lookin' Houthis

US carrier vacates theatre?



Here is my guess at the 'why'...


Obama's staff in the White House (sometimes called 'Biden's staff') now has US troops in Ukraine, using US satellite targeting information,  shooting US long range rockets into Russia, killing Russians.


Vlad has decided the proportional response will be Russians in Yemen using Russian satellite targeting to shoot Russian anti-ship missiles, at American warships, killing Americans.


Given today's US Navy has squandered competency and resources on 'diversity' and defective 'Littoral Combat Ships', it really has no adequate defenses against current Russian anti-ship missiles.


Obama, Brennan, Biden and Soros started the war in Ukraine.  

Hell to pay.

UPDATE - same day ... OK - think I was kidding about Obama and Brennan?  


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

(Obama's) White House National Security Staff and Deep State start killing Russians in Russia


 "Ukraine does not have the targeting systems or satellites to use these longer-range ATACM missiles for strikes into Russia. Ukraine is merely the launch geography for the U.S/NATO to launch missiles directly into Russia. "

Glenn Greenwald Outlines the Clear and Present Danger as Biden Administration Directly Attacks Russia - The Last Refuge

We, the United States of America, are targeting and killing Russians in Russia.

And Vlad knows it.

Obama, Brennan, Biden, Soros started the war in Ukraine.  

Pray Putin is Christian in his response.

A little truth leaks out ...

Today's DOD is, in the main, a joke.  

And I saw it degrade first hand.  Ever dropping 'gender neutral' standards, promotions based on gender or race not competence ...

On one tour I was an affirmative action crash dummy.

Today's DOD is the intended result of the policies America hating Cultural Marxists imposed upon it.  Follow the links folks - our country's future is at stake ...

How shoe-horning women into the U.S. military weakened it. | ZeroHedge

Can't say we weren't warned ...  https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4454887/user-clip-women-combat-testimony-marine-corps-generals-opinion 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

My $.02 on what just happened

Looking back a century or so … to the frustration of real Marxists, workers in the west, especially America, were satisfied with the success of the capitalist system.  What they wanted was what reforms were necessary to see they got a fair chance at a productive job, a house, an education for the kids, reasonably available and competent healthcare, safe streets.  

Marx's dream of them rebelling against capitalism in the streets failed in America unlike in the semi feudal Czarist Russia and economically backward China.

Antonio Gramsci (works translated by Pete's dad at Notre Dame), was a frustrated Marxist and became the father of “Cultural Marxism”.   He saw that a culture of content capitalists adverse to risk had to be overcome.  What was needed was a 'cultural infiltration' of Marxism into family, religion, media and law, and education.  Bring Marxists understanding into institutions like a virus.  His theory was to create 'organic intellectuals' with evocative stories of their bitter 'lived experience' instead of Lenin's intellectuals to radicalize the people.  Putting this into operation was Lukacs who wrote of the 'educability of consciousness', a consciousness of: 'you are part of a class, your class is oppressed – or you are an oppressor', and  'you are in the dynamic of oppression and need to overthrow the exploiters'.  That was the source of 'DEI'.  It was created by a man who hated democracy, capitalism, and who wrote “socialism is precisely the religion to overwhelm Christianity”.

Then came Marcuse – and we live, in many ways,  in the world he built.   From Frankfurt school to CIA, the father of the 'new left'.

1950 he wrote Eros and Civilization, that brought sexual liberation.  1964 he wrote One Dimension Man – he spoke of the necessary technologies for revolution – which materialized as social media, 'Green technology', the inefficient virtue signal gear that needs a Marxist government to work.  He wrote Essay on Liberation 1969 - that gave us feminism, social justice, sustainability.  The ESG model is the globalist model for implementation of  'E' 'Green' redistribution regulations, 'S' cultural Marxist social control schemes, and, 'G' Marxist governance.

Marcuse advocated exploiting the ghetto population (his term) because the working class is stabilized.   Exploit radicalized Feminists, race baiters, social misfits. This change of focus from middle class laborers and towards the misfits and radicalized margin fractured the hard left's century old bond to the working class.  

This realignment also opened the hard left to working with, and getting funded by, Fabian  globalists bankers, and megalomanical globalist corporation owners.  It was the Clintons who shifted the Democrat Party to this alignment.  Hillary was a committed Alinsky follower, introduced to the old rebel by her Methodist minster.  With the Clintons the Democrat Party, so long opposed to the Military Industrial Complex and Deep State, joined with them.  The war hawks got married to cultural Marxists.

Alinskyite 'community organizer' Obama further developed the new alliance, relying on the Deep State to persecute political enemies of the evolving marxist dream.  

By the time of Obama, the dream had been re-imagined and realized as “Communism 3.0” in China.  China had implemented a fascist party/elite monopolistic market within a totalitarian socialist culture -  Deng's “one country two systems”.   Deng built Communism 3.0 with money and technology from the west provided by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.   This is the model of governance both Davos and Deep State want to impose on America.

In 2024 Trump simply addressed the needs of the abandoned working class, needs which hadn't changed in 100 years -  a  productive job, a house, an education for the kids, reasonably available and competent healthcare, safe streets. 

Marcuse has failed.  The always malleable religion of Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Woke Marxism is now recognized by the majority in America for what it is.  The megalomaniacs in Davos, selling a Communism 3.0 dream of “you will own nothing and be happy” to our kids have been rejected.

It's morning in America again. 

UPDATE: 11/13/2024  - Apparently Carville isn't willing to lose an election just because the Dem Party is run by Marxists who need the Maoist 'identity politics' to tear America apart ...


UPDATE: 11/20/24 - Peggy just don't want to go the next step and say it's the Marxists in charge that made the change ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/11/19/peggy_noonan_the_democrats_no_longer_seen_as_party_of_the_little_guy_anti-war.html 

UPDATE: 11/23/24 - Below is from a Danish Parliament member's presentation at the World Economic Forum, the DAVOS crew.  This is COMMUNISM 3.0.  This is what Xi and team Davos want for our children ...


(and don't worry, folks like Gates and the Chinese Communist Party would never abuse their power in such a scheme ... yeah, they've earned our trust ...)

Saturday, November 9, 2024

We'll have those 220 seats now ...

 The steal lives on ...     going on 4 days to determine critical house seats? 

We KNOW there's dishonest players directly involved in the count at this point and stalling to get the means for a steal.  Take AZ for example ...


Friday, November 8, 2024

Observation ...


Good beyond hope

Know them by their works - it's not 2016 again

My previous posts discussed the creation of the monstrous, population control police state apparatus that had been built by our government, at our expense, under the absurdly titled "Patriot Act".

I asked some of the folks involved how they could have built such a thing, they responded 'it seemed like a good idea at the time given the terrorist threat'.  They knew it was likely to be abused.  

Obama, Brennan, Holder, the marxist that some Americans foolishly elected immediately turned the beast on 'we the people'.

They, and a host of evil allies, used it relentlessly to stop and, very  likely, even to try to kill, President Trump.

So, here President Trump, now fully aware unlike in 2016, lays it out, clear and simple.


Here's a tune for all those "honorable men" in Deep State ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9IfHDi-2EA


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Time to evict the man behind the curtain

48 hours after the greatest comeback in political history by President Trump, and national rejection of the marxists Obama run Biden/Harris regime, Obama's fist is all over the air waves .... 

That right Van ... spool 'em up ....

For those of you who don't know who, and what, a Van Jones is ...

Thoughts: Resources for understanding the left

And, for a one stop, three hour primer on this 'spirit of the age', this modern "Communism 3.0" that is animating Deep State, the megelomaniacs in Davos, and deciding your fate, there is this:

Thoughts: Know the enemy

Bottom line:

1. Americans MUST be taught about marxists, NOT taught by marxists,   

2. The America hating, race obsessed, resentment filled former President currently residing in his brick home behind a high wall he erected (oh the irony) must be forced out of DC. (Alinsky's tactics deemed deliciously appropriate.)  

3. The shadow government Obama, Brennan, Holder, Biden used to ruin our country must be deconstructed and dispatched 'top down, bottom up, and inside out'. The politically aligned, Deep State agencies need to be torn apart.  Charges need to be brought against those who abused the nation's intelligence assets, DOJ, IRS, and persecuted Obama's opponents.  Trumps plan to tear down and relocate them out of DC is brilliant and needed.  Will a disruption of the nation's intelligence agencies diminish out security?  Not when, relatively speaking, THEY ARE THE GREATEST THREAT to this republic.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Dark Tower Falls

 The Dark Tower Falls ...

This story was NEVER about justice.  It was Maoist persecution.  Abuse of power.  

We've seen a lot of it.  From school board parents to Mar-a-Lago.  

And so it begins.  

There are a lot of evil, abusive people in DC who need to be held to account for what they've done to this country.  

Revenge?  No.  Justice.

About Face!

 Different in so many ways ...
It's over.

Marcuse's "march through the institutions" has to be reversed.  The results have gone from merely hilarious to damaging.


"More has come to light that demonstrates the academy’s wayward path toward “woke” ideology and away from doing its duty to train the best naval officers possible.

For example, at least two civilian professors at the Naval Academy have required midshipmen (Naval Academy students who are also active-duty Navy) to state their preferred pronouns."

Time's up.  Our soldiers and sailors need to be taught about marxists, not be taught by marxists.  

Looking forward for them to hear from our Commander in Chief ..."you're fired".

UPDATE: 11/7/24 - ironic, no?

"Navy fires CO of Leadership and Ethics Command San Diego"


 UPDATE: 11/8/24 - Hmmm ....  given the bio one wonders, is this a "white hat" spook being purged?



Her deployments include Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay from 2007 to 2008 as the Current Operations Assistant OIC and Joint Intelligence Group Detainee Movement Operations Representative; USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in support of Operation Continuing Promise 2008; Operation Enduring Freedom from 2012 to 2013 as the Cryptologic Support Team 20 OIC in support of Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan (7th and 3rd Group Special Forces): and embarked USS Nimitz (CVN-68) from 2021 to 2023 as the Carrier Strike Group ELEVEN Assistant Chief of Staff N9/N39 for Non-Kinetic Effects, Information Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Special Access Program, and Special Technical Operations Program Manager, deployed to the 7th Fleet Area of Operations from 2022 to 2023.



'Best construction'


Sooo .... what happened?

First, I really do thank God for this second chance.

I also thank:

True the Vote,



and a brave, patriot named Donald Trump.

But, there was another game afoot ...

Obama (anti-American marxist) and friends had a candidate in mind who could (and would have) defeat Trump.

He would be a very effective tool for the revolution once in office.  Biggest personal goal - gun control.

NOTHING is as big an impediment to the dreams of a China style police state as the same guns that the Viet Cong and Afghans had in the hands of patriots here.

But, that candidate (bald ex astronaut) appeared too moderate for the hard left to support.

Not the right demographic for the radical marxist fems and other identity maoists.

Thus the planned soft coup against Biden/installation of candidate without primary votes.  Mark Kelly couldn't win a primary in the Obama, Van Jones, Zack Exley radicalized Dem party.

What Obama, and friends didn't put into the calculation was what a mean shit Joe Biden was.   He very deeply resented being kicked out by the chicago jezus and botox nancy.

Mentally debilitated, perhaps, but never discount "Irish alzheimers" - can forget anything but a grudge.

Biden deliberately, loudly, repeatedly, proclaimed his female, multi racial intersectional jackpot VP as his successor - instantly welding the party to her as their candidate.

Ole' Joe knew how that would go.

And,  'good construction', apparently the combination of Trump and Kennedy and Musk was sufficiently attractive - or at least nonthreatening -  to lessen the active participation of the most competent hackers, the one deep state doesn't own but relies on for a neat, efficient, untracable steal.

Alternatively (this once upon a time old intel guy's favorite word in an analysis product) - those who could have stolen the election last night instead  decided to wake up on Wednesday morning personally much wealthier than they were the day before.


UPDATE: 11/9/24 - Biden immediately endorsing Harris was a "big FU to the party" ... yup ...


Sunday, November 3, 2024

More BS 'bombshells" from Deep State


Deep State, Team Obama is running with a story trying to smear Trump as a perv victim of Epstein.

Epstein was "appalled" at Trump?  https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-i-why-i-am-releasing-the-jeffrey-epstein-donald-trump-tapes-author-michael-wolff/

Bull crap!

 First - Trump did know Epstein - Epstein was in the business of befriending influential Americans and getting them into compromising situations on video for subsequent blackmail by the agency he worked for.

Second - Trump - uniquely - kept Epstein at a distance and finally kicked him out of Mar-A-Lago for trying to recruit underage females - and he, uniquely, assisted in preparing the prosecution against Epstein.  NOT something someone would do if Epstein and his employers had compromising video -



Interviewed by The Conscious Resistance outside the courthouse after the settlement announcement, Edwards was asked about accusations that President Trump has been involved in the same things as Epstein.

“The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, [Trump] is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, ” Edwards recalled.

He added about the president, “[He] was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information.”

Edwards was also asked about the rumor in a Patterson book that Trump actually had Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-Lago for hitting on an underage girl.

The attorney replied, “I definitely have heard that. I definitely have heard that and I don’t know if it was Trump himself as opposed to a manager there.”

Edwards also heard that Epstein hit on the underage daughter of a member of his club so Trump banned him. Edwards wasn’t sure if that’s true.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqb59n69Z80   4:58 to 7:07 


Last - Epstein was in the business of creating blackmail videos for his employer and wanted to convince anyone he wanted to create a 'friendship' with that he was connected with all the 'right people'.  As a salesmen he clearly would lie and overstate associations with influential people.

As for who Epstein worked for ... Oy!


Deep State doesn't want you to read the above ...

Epstein is "anti-interesting" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaoGl-soL1g 

UPDATE: I forgot I had this reference - https://prepareforchange.net/2019/08/09/mega-group-maxwells-and-mossad-the-spy-story-at-the-heart-of-the-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/ 


Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Steal II (cont.)

They bragged about it last time. The media is again spinning and lying to your face.  

The Dems have been caught cheating, it is a matter of fact.  Big media is just gaslighting to support Oba ... err, Kamala.


UPDATE: Same Day - Ever the masters of projection, the left tries to frighten it's base with an Orange Man steal election story ... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/11/congess-certify-election-results/680499/

While the better sourced story explains it's the left that is preparing to refuse to accept election results ...



Friday, November 1, 2024

Know the enemy

Far, far too many Americans have been taught by the left instead of being taught about the left.  Even within Christianity there are people who do not understand what they promote.  There is NOTHING good within cultural marxists tools for division like DEI.  It is a poison explicitly concocted by people that hate America to destroy it.

Attached is a link to an excellent LONG lecture on the religion that is the spirit of the age.  It is well worth your time to listen to it - The Basics of Cultural Marxism - New Discourses

Thought for the day

 "We've been blessed with the opportunity to stand for something—for liberty and freedom and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to. And we have good reason to be hopeful and optimistic. We've made much progress already. So, let us go forth with good cheer and stout hearts—happy warriors out to seize back a country and a world to freedom."

– Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Steal II (2024 version)

Textbook election tampering, intimidation by marxists - 


 Who is this woman?  Fake ID.  Get a name for prosecution.


 Who is this woman?  Fake ID.  Get a name for prosecution.


Who is this armed person at a polling location?  Even if employed by a law enforcement agency his action is not in line of duty rendering him simply a guy with a gun at a polling location - arrest and prosecute!

Who are these 'translators'?  Who gave them authority to push ahead of other voters?


Pennsylvania will have to run it's election over.  It has already demonstrably corrupted this round of voting and invalidated any election results reported next week.

UPDATE: Same day -

Meanwhile, this guy is lying to a crowd at a church!  Perfect Marxist projection ...

 Who is the "they" buddy?    

Further update, same day - big box of ballots from 'post office' - actually a guy with no ID in a crossover from Rhode Island.  https://rumble.com/v5kpb7d-man-spotted-dropping-off-an-obscene-amount-of-ballots-at-northampton-pa-las.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

The PA election is corrupted.  Do it again, paper ballot, in person with photo ID, purple ink on finger,  and by hand count.


 UPDATE: 10/31/24 - The "Gaslight" is lit.  Here's the white wash explanation for what you can see happened - a separate group brought to the front of a line of waiting voters (background) - and a narrative which ignores the obvious problem - 'ok i'll change it' - a voters name - described by the eye witness ... https://triblive.com/news/politics-election/allegheny-county-debunks-social-media-video-about-bhutanese-american-voters-in-south-park/ 

Reminds of the clear video of the poll worker repeatedly rerunning the same ballots thru the tabulator in Georgia last time ... you can clearly see it ... but "no evidence" as Bill Barr would say.

UPDATE: 11/1/24 Deep State says this will be a clean election ... WHY have we allowed the feds to have a backdoor on our elections?  https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/election-infrastructure-secure-cisa-chief/story?id=115363983

 UPDATE: 11/2/24 The steal continues ...

Much easier to produce fake ballots this way - so the Dems are pushing for it.

FRAUD - https://x.com/JesseBWatters/status/1852519382640898345

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Faith requires honesty - and a spine

 One of the things I find sadly lacking in far too many 'men of the cloth' is a backbone when it comes to informing their congregations on the consequences to the free exercise of their faith should the 4th Reich continue to consolidate total power in DC.

Unsurprisingly, Archbishop Vigano (who really ought to be a Lutheran) tells the truth in this regard.  

"... you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery."

"...we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state, who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs." 

"...the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan."


While he may be overstating the effectiveness of the weather control stuff, the rest is accurate.  (Something I didn't know, Gates really is deeply involved in weather control efforts (1).) 

Perhaps someone can pass the Archboshops letter to the overcautious (best construction you know) President Harrison in St Louis?


 1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Dark speculation

Serious folks asking questions that would have been absurd only 24 years ago.


A few facts make this line of speculation worth investigating:

1. Several very powerful people will be prosecuted if Trump is elected.

2. Many contracts and support agreements - which are making defense contractors Billions - will be ended by Trump.

3. The research by DOD and CIA into mind control, remote viewing, etc. produced remarkable, documented successes as early as the '80s.  Search for "Star Gate", "Grill Flame"  on the CIA archives.



4. Even current, visible, DOD research involving mind control, augmented by modern drugs and technology is terrifying and screaming for oversight (given deep state's abuse of everything else) .


UPDATE - Same day - There is NOTHING deep state players will not do to stop Trump.  They will say anything, do anything ...

But I've told you about these evil, arrogant folks time and time again.  Most recently ...


UPDATE: 10/24/24 - yup, the general is a great deal less than an 'honorable man' ...   https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1849535424173064257

UPDATE: 10/30/24 - given our superabundance of flag officers and their SES so called 'equivalents' this is hardly surprising ... https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1851438810950705573 

Having worn a 'loop' three tours I've known a number of flag officers.  The number of those still living I trust to hold the nations welfare over their own is - one.