Looking back a century or so … to the frustration of real Marxists, workers in the west, especially America, were satisfied with the success of the capitalist system. What they wanted was what reforms were necessary to see they got a fair chance at a productive job, a house, an education for the kids, reasonably available and competent healthcare, safe streets.
Marx's dream of them rebelling against capitalism in the streets failed in America unlike in the semi feudal Czarist Russia and economically backward China.
Antonio Gramsci (works translated by Pete's dad at Notre Dame), was a frustrated Marxist and became the father of “Cultural Marxism”. He saw that a culture of content capitalists adverse to risk had to be overcome. What was needed was a 'cultural infiltration' of Marxism into family, religion, media and law, and education. Bring Marxists understanding into institutions like a virus. His theory was to create 'organic intellectuals' with evocative stories of their bitter 'lived experience' instead of Lenin's intellectuals to radicalize the people. Putting this into operation was Lukacs who wrote of the 'educability of consciousness', a consciousness of: 'you are part of a class, your class is oppressed – or you are an oppressor', and 'you are in the dynamic of oppression and need to overthrow the exploiters'. That was the source of 'DEI'. It was created by a man who hated democracy, capitalism, and who wrote “socialism is precisely the religion to overwhelm Christianity”.
Then came Marcuse – and we live, in many ways, in the world he built. From Frankfurt school to CIA, the father of the 'new left'.
1950 he wrote Eros and Civilization, that brought sexual liberation. 1964 he wrote One Dimension Man – he spoke of the necessary technologies for revolution – which materialized as social media, 'Green technology', the inefficient virtue signal gear that needs a Marxist government to work. He wrote Essay on Liberation 1969 - that gave us feminism, social justice, sustainability. The ESG model is the globalist model for implementation of 'E' 'Green' redistribution regulations, 'S' cultural Marxist social control schemes, and, 'G' Marxist governance.
Marcuse advocated exploiting the ghetto population (his term) because the working class is stabilized. Exploit radicalized Feminists, race baiters, social misfits. This change of focus from middle class laborers and towards the misfits and radicalized margin fractured the hard left's century old bond to the working class.
This realignment also opened the hard left to working with, and getting funded by, Fabian globalists bankers, and megalomanical globalist corporation owners. It was the Clintons who shifted the Democrat Party to this alignment. Hillary was a committed Alinsky follower, introduced to the old rebel by her Methodist minster. With the Clintons the Democrat Party, so long opposed to the Military Industrial Complex and Deep State, joined with them. The war hawks got married to cultural Marxists.
Alinskyite 'community organizer' Obama further developed the new alliance, relying on the Deep State to persecute political enemies of the evolving marxist dream.
By the time of Obama, the dream had been re-imagined and realized as “Communism 3.0” in China. China had implemented a fascist party/elite monopolistic market within a totalitarian socialist culture - Deng's “one country two systems”. Deng built Communism 3.0 with money and technology from the west provided by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. This is the model of governance both Davos and Deep State want to impose on America.
In 2024 Trump simply addressed the needs of the abandoned working class, needs which hadn't changed in 100 years - a productive job, a house, an education for the kids, reasonably available and competent healthcare, safe streets.
Marcuse has failed. The always malleable religion of Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Woke Marxism is now recognized by the majority in America for what it is. The megalomaniacs in Davos, selling a Communism 3.0 dream of “you will own nothing and be happy” to our kids have been rejected.
It's morning in America again.
UPDATE: 11/13/2024 - Apparently Carville isn't willing to lose an election just because the Dem Party is run by Marxists who need the Maoist 'identity politics' to tear America apart ...
UPDATE: 11/20/24 - Peggy just don't want to go the next step and say it's the Marxists in charge that made the change ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/11/19/peggy_noonan_the_democrats_no_longer_seen_as_party_of_the_little_guy_anti-war.html
UPDATE: 11/23/24 - Below is from a Danish Parliament member's presentation at the World Economic Forum, the DAVOS crew. This is COMMUNISM 3.0. This is what Xi and team Davos want for our children ...
(and don't worry, folks like Gates and the Chinese Communist Party would never abuse their power in such a scheme ... yeah, they've earned our trust ...)