Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Things that make you say - "OH".

 Now we see the who, and why, the shooter's manifesto wasn't released.  

"The //FBI's// BTAC knows so much about Hale that it sent a “memo” to the Chief of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Dept. (MNPD) recommending that “legacy tokens” (documents that may claim credit for attacks/motives) should not be disseminated to the public."

FBI.  Of course.

The document clearly didn't align with the Deep State's faux meme for mass shooters.   Also, it clearly points - again - to Big Pharma.

Call me unsurprised on all fronts.

UPDATE - It appears my note of this morning is more relevant than expected.

As with ALL mass shootings by minors the first question I ask is ... which SSRI was he/she on, and did he/she just start, stop, or change dosage.    SSRIs are, like mRNA(1), WORSE than the disease they are claimed to treat.  

BAN them.

(1) I've worn myself out on the topic ... most recently -

UPDATE: 8/4/24 - Seems FBI knew they had a candidate shooter a year before today's event. 

What meds did they have dad put him on?  Who was he communicating with online subsequent to coming to FBI's attention?

Is this sounding familiar???? 


 UPDATE: 9/7/24 - It appears the shooter is the gay male equivalent of a "TERF" trans exclusionary radical feminist.   Again - what meds was he on?

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