Wednesday, September 4, 2024

To say the VERY least ...

My own, qualified, support for President Trump is a matter of record (1).  

Here's a more eloquent expression of the same...

Know this - The 'intelligence', 'justice', and 'defense' (irony all three 'eh?) agencies, combined with their industrial/contractor collaborators - including Google and Facebook, that comprise the "deep state", IS the greatest threat to our freedom today.  Bar none.  

ONLY Trump will make a material change to their ever increasing stranglehold on our freedoms.

Vote for Trump.  

Vocally advocate for Trump.  

Insist your Ministers and educators speak the TRUTH, expose the child mutilating, deep state collaborating, democracy ending regime in power for what it is, and insist each of us who can legitimately vote exercise our vocation as "We the People" and return Trump to the White House for our, and our children's' sake. This is what Bonhoeffer, a good Lutheran in a similarly challenging time would have us do....

                              "The ultimate test of a moral society

                 is the kind of world it leaves to its children"  - DB




As early as April of '20 I was getting fed up with President Trump's inability to see Fauci for what he was - a failure that had dreadful consequences even for my family ...

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