WHAAAT ,,,white supremicists didn't scare you? COVID?
How 'bout space invaders?
The universe is a big place. The Bible speaks of nonhuman intelligent life. I accept that.
What I do not accept as true is claims that objects - with collision avoidance lights - are extraterrestial in origin.
Here's the latest - https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4358286-ufo-whistleblower-doubles-down-on-claims-this-is-a-nightmare-for-me
I've said my piece on this before - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/05/ufos-again.html and
https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/05/ufos-who-benefits.html .
My assessment remains that this is predominately driven by team Deep State for their's and DNC's benefit : quote (from May '21)
"Deep State/Pentagon Chaff and flare distraction of the masses from the inevitably emerging truths. Election of 2020 was stolen, Covid/WuFlu was deliberate biowar attack with US collaborators"
Two thoughts I'd like to convey on the issue now. But, first, and very importantly, realize where we are in America's history and the stakes in the game for 2024. Do watch this from VDH - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/11/26/victor_davis_hanson_brace_yourself_for_whats_coming_in_2024.html I'm amazed RCP posted it.
These two thoughts are:
One - there is a technique in inforwar in which you sell an opponent an absurdity with which he discredits himself. "Chemtrails" is a big one. However factual other claims by a so called 'conservative' may be, if he includes 'chemtrails' in his presentation he destroys any personal credibility - and thus the belivability of even his valid statements.
Two - as explained by VDH, NOTHING is beyond the progressive marxists who are running our government. The results of a convincing false flag UFO may be even more consequential than the Reichstag Fire of January 6th. This tactic was explored decades ago in an episode of Outer Limits appropriately titled "The Architects of Fear" ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0667826/ (1)). With today's resources how real could the US government and collaborating high tech megelomaniacs make such a hoax?
Gee, I wonder which side good old Tucker is playing on? Dupe - or deep state fear salesman in preperation for an event?
Either way disqualifies him as a VP contender.
1. On Amazon Season 1 Episode 3 https://www.amazon.com/The-Outer-Limits-Season-1/dp/B000JF01A0
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