Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 - mixed results, dark forecast

 Some personal thoughts on the departing year. (It is my blog after all ...)

More true of years past, less so recently.

Looking back.

Best vacation ever!  Beach vacations are a long time family thing.  Delighted the tradition continues.

It's evolution - the shark's become a walrus.

Other good vacations were seeing the Tennessee mountains and Jackson Hole.  We even visited several of the "Yellowstone" filming locations - to include the notorious "Train Station".

Delighted to be at church with my older son's family during Christmas season at a nice, small, LCMS church.

Worst part of the year - losing friends and family.  Sister-in-law Colleen, may she rest over the hills of Ireland!  Kathy Craig - the first person to say hello to me and greet me warmly at our church in Georgetown.  Also Doc Retz, a long time mainstay of the same congregation and good friend.  I guess things do happen in threes.  

With so many elderly friends - the price of finally being part of a community - I dread the inevitable losses with coming years.

Dog was my co-pilot for many walks and adventures

Also, this year I lost my favorite 'granddog', Nemo, a Cream Golden Retriever bitch.  I've never been so attached to an animal so it was a loss indeed.

Looking forward

I feel entirely blessed with a loving, wonderful wife and a family that's healthy and thriving in a fracturing economy and deliberately polarized republic.  

We're as prepared for hard times as seems practicable.  

Long term I'm actually optimistic, BUT near term however, I'm expecting a very hard time for the country.  

Stacked against a free, informed, Christian, educated, and prosperous US middle class is:
Team Obama (including Brennan - much overlap with Deep State inc. here),
Deep State inc. (now with intel inside!),
the RINOs (much overlap with Deep State inc. here as well),
Team Davos,
Xi and the CCP,
the benighted moslems,
the Israeli lobby (remember, Epstein hung himself),
the violent, Davos funded, drones in ANTIFA and BLM, 
FBI managed low IQ types with Nazi flags,
paranoid, delusional, violent trannies and "queers" (their term),
countless criminals and some saboteur/terrorist trained moslem (notably Hizballah and Quds) and Chicom MSS and PLA agents, all given entry to our country by the treasonous Obama and Biden,


"progressives", some ignorant, many malicious, rotting out our institutions and western Christianity.  

On our side - our Lord and Savior.  

So, long term, we win.  It's just how bloody and unpleasant the game will be that's a question.  

Mean time, cling to those Bibles and guns folks - you'll likely be needing them.

May God bless His church and the republic.


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