Saturday, November 11, 2023

A word about Islam, and Christianity

Two points to consider today - I am neither a theologian nor a lawyer so just my $.02,

One, coincident with my - well earned - dislike for the modern state of Israel (1), here is a video from Israel in which the true nature of many adherents of Islam (the real Islam, simplistically put, the Medina L Ron Mohammed, not the Mecca L Ron Mohammed (2)) is clearly described - watch from 5:27: 

Two, Douglas Murrey speaks of the Nazis doing the unspeakable and drinking away their remorse.  This reminds that devout American Christians are NOT to obey a leader (or, the place holding puppet of an  actual leader) who promotes the violent abuse, killing, and maiming of Americans.  My fellow Lutherans seem a little confused about this.  The often quoted "Commentary on Romans", written by Luther as lectures in 1515-1516 was NOT his last, nor his best considered, analysis of a Christian's responsibility with regard to temporal leaders.  In this early work Luther writes that Paul directs "Christians must subject themselves also to the wicked and unbelievers //who have rule//" (3) and that servitude (not spiritual servitude at least) is appropriate.  This was the analysis of a fuzzy chinned, 32 year old celibate professor of Sacred Theology in Wittenberg who, at that time, had as much experience in dealing with princes, popes, and emperors as he did with fatherhood.   By 1532 an abundantly experience Luther better understood how faith and law apply to a situation in which Christians are confronted by a deadly, tyrannical government (4).   As explained by Professor Raley,  "Luther accepted legal arguments delegitimizing Charles as emperor, and, in 1539, with both sides mobilized for war, he contributed the theological argument that the emperor was the mercenary of a papal Antichrist and Beerwolff" (5) ("Beerwolff" was a legendary German monster).  

Tyranny.   Monstrous.  A man who overturns "the moral order".  Hmmm ... FBI seizing and shredding ballots to prevent forensic analysis, armed night time raids on political opponents, extreme incarceration of political opponents, support for the mutilation and sterilization of children in farcical attempts at  sexual conversion, support for abortion "anytime, anywhere. without guilt" ... any of this sound "tyrannical", upsetting to the "moral order" to you?

The OBiden brand - not Bud Light but Coors, better suited to a true "Beerwolf" 

- from a 1980's Coors ad


2. The Enigma of Islam: The two faces of Mohammad  -

3. "Commentary on Romans" Martin Luther Translated by J. Theodore Mueller, Zondervan Publishing House 1954

4. "Luther and the Justifiability of Resistance to Legitimate Authority" Cynthia Grant Bowman Cornell University Law School Faculty Publication 1979 -


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