Monday, February 28, 2022

Dealing with the news

I received this from a friend this morning.

Below is my reply ... (text, i don't use upper case often)


my friend.  we are being subject to immense info war efforts by both the 4th reich (illustrated 1) and team Putin.

what is critical is to trust nothing from an untrusted source and yet be willing to believe anything as there may be truth within the lies.

the people most responsible for the deaths in ukraine are the very same people that overthrew ukraine's elected president in the maidan coup in 2014.  Obama, Brennan, Soros, and the little devils that assisted them. 

that included an army of hackers and info war practitioners.  many the same were involved in the impeachments of trump and the theft of the election of 2020.  

these people are the enemy.

what is underway is, foremost, an attempt to remove Putin from power.  whatever his failings he is a nationalist, a patriot to russia.  they got rid of trump for similar reasons.  the cabal of new fascists' megalomaniacs,foolishly accepting assistance from Xi and CCP (who have another agenda)  will happily see children dead and national economies destroyed in pursuit of their socialist, totalitarian, globalist fantasies.  

on that latter note ponder - how can jp morgan have 1bil oz silver in their vaults and BOA be 800k oz 'short' at the same time?

what game is intended with the weaponization of  SWIFT?  note also, there are players common to all these items - the coup in ukraine, the coup against trump - and global banking.  if the us currency is no longer the global standard who gains?

the enemy.

may God help His people, the United States,  and may we see that those responsible for their years of treason against the United States are brought to justice.





Saturday, February 26, 2022


 "Vladimir Putin started the war in Ukraine" - Tucker Carlson Fox News

Really? Why?

Simple.  Following the fall of the Soviet Union Russia had one demand,  Ukraine would not be a member of NATO and host NATO (US really) missiles and forces on its border.

"It is a matter of record that in 1990, the U.S. Secretary of State James Baker promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that it would not expand NATO into the formerly communist states of Eastern Europe."

First Globalists like Soros and Obama, who hate a nationalist administration in Moscow, overthrew the Ukraine's elected president.

Then, in December, they made sure Russia knew Ukraine would become a NATO member state.

So, who dunnit?  

Ignore the MSM.  Look for the guy with his hand up meat puppet Biden's butt.

UPDATE - same day, worth a listen.

Just say NO

With the experience of gross government overreach and incompetence dealing with WuFlu, it is time to stop, or greatly modify, several initiatives which are being enacted or built while marketed in clever, appealing terms like 'progressive', 'sustainable', 'efficient', or 'safer'.  All these terms may be true to a slight degree with each of them, but mask inevitable consequences of such pursuits as described, i.e., the crushing, absolute control of populations. 

Consider, if the 4th reich will accept a mail-in ballot, why not a paper vaccine record?  Maybe it's not about medicine?

Given the vast, unconstitutional, monitoring and censoring of our communications, wouldn't the ability to remotely turn off smart cars (to say nothing of 'smart guns') be quickly abused by our already arrogant, over politized, 'public servants' (think teachers unions)?

And, about that 5G and growing 'internet of things'.  One of its architects explained that it is a construct in which, from inception, everything will have a point of sale feature, and hence, a 4th reich government/industry embedded control.

"Hey buddy, you're overusing your water' ... 'you're behind on your recycling' ...  'about that last blog post' ..   

Thursday, February 24, 2022


With the news, and some of the accompanying photos, which appear credible, it's evident Vlad had made his move to secure the regions he wants under his control. 

This is an AS-17, probably part of the opening 'suppression of enemy air defense' campaign.  It did not come from 'irregulars', but from the launch rail of a modern Soviet Air Force jet.  

There are likely many air search and missile direction radars in Ukraine in need of repair this morning.

One wonders what Spetznaz and GRU are up to in Kiev now?  For that matter, if Soros has upped his personal security.

Here in America, this should be final proof of the concept 'weakness is provocative'.  An unelected and wholly corrupt 'President', run by a race driven, America hating megalomaniac, has no real impact on world affairs.  Not at least as would benefit the 'free' world.

What the OBiden's DOD displays glowingly is arrogance and stupidity.

And it is not only Vlad that has the measure of team OBiden.

All of which jarringly reminds me of something I saw on TV decades ago ... note well Ambassador Molari's final words (JMS was a genius)...

Global Warming, CRT, US funded PLA lab produced Covid, and now this.  

The real enemy is here. 

And it, the fourth Reich, want's you!

UPDATE - 2/24/22:  I just love this story -  It is credited to " a retired ..."   .     The author is a treasonous viper who was personally involved in our bizarre relationship with the autocracy in Ukraine (he was offered the job as their Defense Minister (!) ) and the coup against President Trump as well.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Range Day Report - the end of the snubby?

Of late I have been practicing fair serious, that is, with a timer in a tactical bay, with some handgun and holster combinations in an attempt to recover a degree of competence after glaucoma took a good share of acuity from my, hither-to, aiming eye. 

The proper move for a newbee, or even a middle bee perhaps, with such an affliction would be to retrain to shoot left handed.  On the advice of an actual expert (Mas Ayoob) however I adopted the practice of shooting right hand while aiming with my left eye.  Reason being, I'm probably too old to relearn on the left better than I can compensate with technique and still take advantage of the 35 years of muscle memory on my right side.

Sooo, there is that.

Also, I have had to realize the old reliable Combat Commander seems to be, like me, gaining some weight, and, as I no longer wear a young mans clothes, has become impractical for this old man to routinely carry.  

Two developments that have brought me to some personal conclusions I'd not have come to earlier.

Historically, I was one of the promoters and early adopters of Florida's concealed carry law and have been able to carry a concealed firearm for some 35 years.  This has not been as a law enforcement officer, or related to my military service, but as a 'common' citizen who believed it prudent to take a gun along at certain times, 'terrain and situation' dependent.  For the bulk of those years I relied on the advice given to me as a twelve year old  - or so -  by an experienced detective which was 'if you're going to rely on a gun you'll have to have two, a .45 (back then in the '60s that meant a 1911) and a  snubby'.   My nearly 40 year old Combat Commander has great fixed sights, shoots a serious round (hydra shok .45s),  and is as reliable as a stone axe thanks to old man Clark in Cajun country.   The less prominent  sights on my snub are much less amenable, and it's five round cylinder less than confidence inspiring. Over the happily, almost entirely uneventful, decades the snub nose .38 was the most common carry, the .45 was with me frequently enough, or in a quick access box at the home.  

While I have, with practice, become use to drawling with my right hand and aiming with my head canted with my left eye, it has penalized me by, for now, a half second for an aimed shot from a concealed holster.  

So be it.  

As a 'civilian' both concealment and retention are important as well.  My routine 'Yaqui slide' holster for the Commander is fast, but prints BIG in most cases.  My belly band for the snubby can be worn anywhere – but is VERY slow to engage.  

End result after a number of tries with several combinations of guns and rigs with a timer and consistent course of fire (Navy Basic Handgun Qualifier Course - OPNAVINST 3591.1G) is the selection of a single stack 9 in a jac slide holster.  Perhaps the best compromise, a reasonable caliber in a much lighter platform than the Colt.  The belly band will remain a deep cover solution – and a pocket carry in in pinch – but for most situations in which carrying is indicated, that's where I'll be for now.


The NHQC is a good drill for citizens to employ as it provides timed strings of fire with required ammo changes, firing hand changes, and is shot at a realistic distance.  It also dishes out a measure of humility should one fail given it's successfully navigated by members of ... ahhh  'today's Navy' (a real sight to behold ).

The NHQC, in my opinion, does NOT demonstrate actual 'competence' with a defensive handgun.   It is not fired on the move, and does not require transitioning to more than a single target.  It serves best as a standard drill for comparisons of rigs and demonstration of a rudimentary ability to safely drawl and fire from a holster.

Below is the score sheet I use.   Score with the 638 was 216.  Two strings were outside the required time (reloading issue noted below).  Shooting the course with the Combat Commander or the PPS 9mm is moderately easy.  Score with PPS was 235 with many 1st shots on target at 3 and 7 yard in well under 2 seconds.  This is the focus of most of my training currently.  Already the use of the left eye is  done unconsciously with the .45, the PPS is rapidly getting there.

A couple of lessons learned in this pursuit:

1. I have NO 100% reliable 'paddle' holster.  Twice in drills the snubby came up on target encased in it's nice, high tech overcoat.  I had a good, solid belt cinched tight on both occasions.  I do cant my torso some to afford solid purchase on the grip in drawling, but that seems necessary in the interest of a secure grip and speed.

2. I could navigate all the required strings of fire with the 5 shot j frame EXCEPT the ones requiring a relatively quick reload, i.e. two rounds fired, reload with 2, and fire within 10 seconds.  The short ejector rod on the j frame didn't clear the brasses on several occasions.  Also my manipulation of the speed strip from the left coat pocket was uneven.  At best I went less than 3 seconds over on two attempts.   I could accomplish the more leisurely string requiring total of 8 rounds in 20 seconds at 15 yards, just, and that with several of those rounds well out of the 5 zone.    

I believe that with concentrated practice a NHQC can be done with a 5 shot j frame …   Might be a pet rock project.  

3. My 'duty' round for my snubby is the flat profile Federal HST.  'speed' loading these is much more difficult than a round with a conical profile.  Henceforth my speed strips will be something different. For the drills I was using 130 Gr conical flatpoint.

4. When training with cheap ball ammo it's instructive to fire a few rounds of your 'service' ammo at the end.  It re calibrates you to the point of impact you'll have to deal with on the street.

As with all things there are areas for zealots of every description on the web.  For revolver issues these guys seem the most knowledgeable -

Score sheet - 


Monday, February 21, 2022

What all this about Ukraine?

I think that in the only post I've mentioned the Ukraine I confessed to not having an opinion due to the amount of mis-dis-mal information.

I have been totally mystified regarding the 'Russia about to attack Ukraine' story.  Clearly most western reporting sourced by team OBiden and the 4th Reich has been "mis-dis-and mal-information" (thanks for new buzzwords DHS!).  Undoubtedly, so has much of the reporting coming from Putin Inc.."

It's certainly a confused mess, likely with Soros, Biden, and Clinton all at major risk should records of their involvement in criminality and influence pedaling come to light.  

What was always obvious to me was that Russia taking back their only ice free seaport (Sevastopol), one that was built by Catherine the Great, was inevitable.  

As for Ukraine, they've not been innocent of poking the bear  ... "On April 15, 2021 Andriy Melnyk, Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, told Deutschlandfunk radio that if Ukraine was not allowed to become a NATO member, his country might have to reconsider its status as a non-nuclear weapon state to guarantee its defense.".

And, as for OBiden, and the fourth reich, he's intentionally been stirring the pot endlessly.

Perhaps Vlad will take advantage of the mess - and the dubious legitimacy, and competence, of America's 'resident-in-chief'.

To which I say, stolen election have consequences.  Here and abroad.  

If borders were actually important to the Fourth Reich Texas wouldn't be suffering an invasion right now.

UPDATE 2/22/22 - Fox News is pumping Tulsi big time.  I mean, how many politicians get soft lensed by the media like Doris Day? 

'Public Health' the new 'Global Warming"?

It's amazing what commie libs want to justify with the claim  'public health' ...

Whatever happened to global warm .... err - the 'man caused CO2 engendered global warming powered climate crisis'?

Meh, you're all racists too.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Means, Motive, and Opportunity

I had earlier confessed as to being at a loss to explain the unscientific jihad to get everyone vax'd - and apparently not coincidently entered into a vax database.

It is now evident that the global database of us little people is a major driver for the Davos megalomaniacs managing the daily fear porn of 'mid-dis-mal information' we are being fed.

These folks, along with Xi and Fauci, have blood on their hands, and they exercise vast power unchecked by courts, governments, or any Christian mores.

UPDATE - 2/21/22:  in his semi-entertaining, stoner way even Joe Rogan is getting to the larger truth.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The truth about the jab

 If you are young.  

If you intend to have children...

GIVEN the effectiveness of ivermectin and HCQ/Zn...

Look at the true data and decide ...

So much for opensource intelligence

 Techno cool hacker website offers info on intelligence agencies involved in hacking and surveillance.

Hmmm ... something missing?   Like, between that powerhouse Hungary and Italy???

Just sayin'.

Dark Money

 How (and who) runs DC and elections today.

And who is supposed to clean this up?



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

This lady is a fraud

 Fox News favorite Tulsi Gabbard tweets into the Durham storm ....

Clue bird.  Tulsi knows full well FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ did NOT work for the Clintons when they were trashing the constitution spying on Trump.

She just doesn't want to piss off Obama before she runs for President.

Just say no to gun ban Tulsi.  

UPDATE: 2/24/22  This lady's getting on Fox News more than any other politician.  And the soft lensing?   As bad as Doris Day.  CLEARLY a RINO favorite.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Team OBiden Tries to Appear Competent

I have been totally mystified regarding the 'Russia about to attack Ukraine' story.  Clearly most western reporting sourced by team OBiden and the 4th Reich has been "mis-dis-and mal-information" (thanks for new buzzwords DHS!).  Undoubtedly, so has much of the reporting coming from Putin Inc..

Possibly the true nature of the 'threat' was revealed by the witch of the west on Sunday.

Which is to say, there never was a real threat of war with Putin on Putin's account.  Team OBiden and the 4th Reich are running a hoax to make the drooling usurper in chief appear the peacebringer.

The only real consequence of consequence?  The price of oil went up.

And, given their foremost export, who does that benefit?

Way to go ... Brandon.

UPDATE:  2/15/22 Yup, they're making some cash.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Rosetta Stone

This is an enormously long read for most.

It is, however, of fundamental importance for understanding where we are, and how we got here.

So slip on your bunny slippers, grab a hot coco and READ.

If you've not read my Feb 1 post, here is the crux of it -


 Below was an explanation provided to me, by one involved in the transition, of why unconstitutional violation of privacy was justified as necessary, and why we now live in a prison planet of electronic surveillance.   This exchange was in 2013, well before the revelations of how team Trump was placed under unconstitutional, politically motivated, surveillance by Obama's deep state agencies.

 "XXXX (my name), WRT the Verizon issue (not Prism), it is a signal processing problem. Think of terrorist telephonic communications as infinitesimal but very important signals that are nearly certainly buried in a particular mountain of noise (all other telephonic communications). The mission is to find them. To find the signals you need to know as much as possible about the characteristics of BOTH the signals AND the noise in order to understand what distinguishes the one from the other. The more you know about the characteristics of the signals, the better you are able to develop tuned filters to search for them in the noise. The more you know about the characteristics of the noise the better you will be able to suppress it (the noise) to enhance the contrast of the signals and facilitate the search. BOTH of these activities requires access to the full bandwidth. If you can't access the haystack, you can't find the needle. Does this access open the door for possible abuse? Yup, and adequate preventative measures need to be in place to prevent abuse from happening. Are they? I don't know, and there will in any case be differences of opinion on what constitutes "adequate measures." However, unless one is willing to assert that we simply should not be looking for needles in the haystack unless we already know where they are, I don't think what has been going on is an irrational approach to a very difficult problem."

 Such an opinion is wrong.  


May God help us and the republic.

Friday, February 11, 2022

And I thought Trump was bad at hiring ...

And he certainly was, to the great detriment of the country.  

But he's got nothing on OBiden.

As I've recorded before, I've nothing against homosexuals as a rule, As a Christian I believe they're sinning, but I've met  a few in uniform whom I'd have easily relied upon in combat.  They were competent, focused on the mission, and their 'orientation' just didn't come up on the job or serve as a chip on their shoulder.

Others were a problem for their commands.

That said, based on my experience, it should be obvious this fella has real problems and should not be in a critical position of trust.

But, then, with Obiden, maybe that's the plan.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

They really do need to disarm you


Why did the government in Australia treat its citizens like prisoners to force the experimental gene therapy into their arms - and America's illegitimate regime take more cautious measures? 

Biden is just a meat puppet for Obama.  A drone placed in office after stealing an election to be the face of a wrecking crew being run from Obama's walled home in DC.  And, however unconstitutional, and destructive to the republic, expect meat puppet Biden to try and ram severe gun control measures through before his departure.

Because ... well ....

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Do you get it yet???

You are intentionally being lied to.  Buried in lies.  Intentionally immobilized with fear and doubt.

It's all (the major stories carried in coordination by the networks and many deep state agencies) been lies since Trump announced he was running.

Truth be told:

The election was stolen

As noted above, and as I've noted since early 2020, COVID-19, better called WuFlu, came from the lab, Fauci knew it and cover it up

Fauci and the media also suppressed the truth about treatment - HCQ/Zn and Ivermectin was the RIGHT way to go (unless you needed unrelenting fear porn to justify 'vote by mail' to steal the election and implement CCP/Davos megalomaniacal schemes of population control).

And that 'mostly peaceful' 'insurrection' (hardly, the only guns were on the feds, the only fatality an unarmed woman)?

Yup, deep state theatre for sliming Trump supporters ... who now, according to the marxist, are 'terrorists'.

But, aren't we all?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Who is driving?

I spoke with a gentleman who is engaged in building the wonderful 5G infrastructure.  He didn't seem too mindful of the inevitable negative consequences.

 I live in Texas.  We make gasoline here.  And yet, Musk and his electric car factory have moved in.  

 Lot$ of clout.  

 His cars will be dependent on Communist China for lithium and chips.  Old gas cars, not so.

 Think he'll be pressuring the state to support the transition to 'autonomous' cars?

 Think that's all there is to it?

 Think again.

  It's not that the Davos crowd will abuse the technology once it's here.  They want the technology in order to abuse us.  Imagine how much liberty you will lose when the government, which already reads your email and monitors, at the least, who you call,  can immobilize your car, or chose where it delivers you to.  

 Such abuse is INEVITABLE.

 Consider how technology changed how NSA worked.  They transitioned from collecting on targets (enemy countries and likely terrorists and spys) to collecting EVERYTHING - without warrants - and pretending our privacy was protected because warrants would be required to look into the vast database for your email, phone call, text ...

 Yeah, that worked great.

 Deep state and the Davos megalomaniacs are great at providing justification for the chains they put on us without constitutional authority.  The discussion in the link above includes an explanation of how, in the claimed pursuit of 'safety' and 'sustainability' we will lose our freedom to travel as we wish. 

 Below was an explanation provided to me, by one involved in the transition, of why unconstitutional violation of privacy was justified as necessary, and why we now live in a prison planet of electronic surveillance.   This exchange was in 2013, well before the revelations of how team Trump was placed under unconstitutional, politically motivated, surveillance by Obama's deep state agencies.

 "XXXX, WRT the Verizon issue (not Prism), it is a signal processing problem. Think of terrorist telephonic communications as infinitesimal but very important signals that are nearly certainly buried in a particular mountain of noise (all other telephonic communications). The mission is to find them. To find the signals you need to know as much as possible about the characteristics of BOTH the signals AND the noise in order to understand what distinguishes the one from the other. The more you know about the characteristics of the signals, the better you are able to develop tuned filters to search for them in the noise. The more you know about the characteristics of the noise the better you will be able to suppress it (the noise) to enhance the contrast of the signals and facilitate the search. BOTH of these activities requires access to the full bandwidth. If you can't access the haystack, you can't find the needle. Does this access open the door for possible abuse? Yup, and adequate preventative measures need to be in place to prevent abuse from happening. Are they? I don't know, and there will in any case be differences of opinion on what constitutes "adequate measures." However, unless one is willing to assert that we simply should not be looking for needles in the haystack unless we already know where they are, I don't think what has been going on is an irrational approach to a very difficult problem."

 Such an opinion is wrong.  

We now live with a stolen election, and unbridled abuses of power by FBI, DOJ, even the dammed Post Office,

 And, if we are to ever recover our freedom, it must stop.

UPDATE - 2/4/22 Zero Hedge with another insight on OBiden's marxist Stasi schemes for your car ...

Big DOD can't let servicemembers vote their conscience ... (they'd lose their jobs)

Because of some first hand experience I made the point to warn of tampering with DOD absentee ballots before the 2020 election.

After the election I pointed out the obvious disparity between the declared results and all prior elections.

Well, as OBiden the usurper would say (1)... '"well son of a bitch"
