Monday, September 6, 2021

'brood of vipers'

I see another letter has been produced by 'retired flag officers'.  Well, I mean the 30 August (1) one demanding Austin and Milley resign,

Not the 12 May(2) one saying Biden was a national security risk, or the 1 September (3) one saying Biden disrespected the Gold Star Families.

I've  earlier (4) voiced my opinion of some of the flags who are NOW so vocal in trying to DEFEND the services.  And again I ask – what credibility, what legitimacy do many, probably most of you have to comment?

Beyond the fact that, along with the SES 'flag equivalents' there's too damm many of you anyway, like literally almost 2 1/2  admirals and 'flag equivalents' PER SHIP (5) in the navy,  many of you sat on your ass, maybe even scored some advancement brownie points, by helping the agents of destruction.

Why did you stand by as the Bible was removed from the POW/MIA settings?   Did you even stop to think for a moment WHOSE AGENDA that was advancing?  Did you care how it was a disgrace to so many of us in the ranks?  Many of us fought for God and Country.  You officially denied one and hastened to render the other unrecognizable.

God and Country.

And honor.  How could a Naval Officer escape Court Martial after surrendering his boats, crews, weapons, and communications gear to Iran?

Why did you allow the elements of what is now well known as 'Critical Race Theory' – a marxist construct to destroy our country – get a foothold in the services?  CLEARLY that NEVER was going to be in the best interest of 'good order and discipline'.  

How could you let the services be so badly abused by people with Marxist  race and gender agendas use it to norm their perverse ideologies?  'Celebrate' what???  

How big was your payoff?  Another star?  A board position on a silicon valley company? 

And NOW, under an execrable President (*), with a SECDEF and CJCS that really do represent the 'best' selected from among you, we've seen a needed, if embarrassing, withdraw become a colossal military defeat.

And so you write.  Now.   Thanks.

Now there is an enormous fissure between the people who normally provide you with their sons to man the ranks. 

Now the types of individuals most attracted to the Obama/Biden/Austin/Milley military are individuals driven by ideologies antithetical to our founders values and our countries culture.  

Every man is entitled to express an opinion but for the reasons above your collective opinions matter not.  

Spare us your outrage.  

1. 30 August Accountability

2. May 12 Biden mental health

3. September 1



Update - 9/8/21:  I didn't feel it necessary to remind how hilariously WRONG the folks participating in these letters were before Biden's election.  Despite what was so plainly obvious ..."Almost 500 national security experts — including 22 four-star military officers — slammed Donald Trump in a public letter released Thursday, calling him unfit for his role as commander in chief and endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden."

Hey, 'experts' and Generals. how you liking that OBiden team now?

UPDATE- 9/11/21:  A fair assessment of our 'leaders; in uniform for the last decade or two ...


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