Friday, September 24, 2021

Reflect and Refocus

As a pensioner at leisure I have the luxury of adequate time to pay attention to events sufficient to understand them better than most.  It's a mixed blessing.  

Ignorance would be bliss, but I took an oath.

Coming from a military background I 'll break down how I categorize things in a way familiar to me, and provide what I think are the key information resources at that level.  This is not intended to be comprehensive but a fusion of the conclusions drawn and sources relied on from my blog over the last year and a half.

First - Global/Strategic

Only 2 players at this level:  Xi and CCP  vs Soros and the Davos megalomaniacs.

Xi and CCP.  Xi wants another term and further realization of the great dream of Chinese dominance of the world under them.

Soros and Davos are 'globalists' who want the realization of global governance – under them.

For a long time these two camps were working in cooperation against the great enemy – America and it's informed, financially independent, largely free middle class.  

Now apparently Soros has decided that war is over and open conflict with Xi/CCP has begun.  

He has progressed from:

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States”  The Age of Fallibility George Soros 2007


“I consider Mr. Xi the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.”

This conflict is discussed by Michael Ofallon here:

What about the US? The indispensable world's only superpower?  Dead and barely aware of it.  So long as 'vote by mail' and other electoral frauds stand it will never again actually defend the interests of Americans, much less actually assist freedom seeking people world wide.  With the theft of the election of 2020 facilitated and approved by Barr and Pence Soros could turn to matters in China not worrying about being held to account. Thoughts: 'Vote by mail'? Total fraud. (

                                                          America -You are here


Activity at a national level.    

Three main sources here, again O'Fallon (web site above), the pugnacious Steve Bannon ( ) and Conservative Treehouse ( )

Biggest activity at this level is NOT the WuFlu.  It is the gradual work towards decertification of the November 2020.

Bannon seem the only one who understands both the culpability of Communist China for WuFlu and the critical need to recover our electoral system. 

The sensi at Conservative Treehouse, 'Sundance' has done great work on the Deep State and Swamp and explains much of the national level gameplay as between one of two camps:

♦ TEAM One – The Department of State is aligned with the CIA.  Their media PR firms are CNN, CNNi and the Washington Post. Their ideology is favorable to the United Nations.  Their internal corruption is generally driven by relationship with foreign actors.  References: Hillary Clinton, Clinton Global Initiative, John McCain, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, Cass Sunstein, Brookings Institute, Lawfare, China-centric, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Council on Foreign Relations.

♦ TEAM Two – The White House is aligned with the Pentagon (DoD) and National Security Council (NSC).  Their media PR firms are domestic in nature. New York Times, Politico, etc.  Their internal corruption is generally driven by domestic influence.  References: Barack Obama, George Bush, Wall St, Big Banks, Multinational Corporations, Defense Contractors, FBI (state police), Judicial Branch, and community activists writ large.  [Presidential elections only affect Team Two (nationalism -v- globalism).  In the modern era Team One is independent.]


And it explains the 'fourth branch' of government

AGAIN – at the global/strategic level the US is a zombie at this point.  Leadership is owned by either CCP or Soros (in the case of Biden via the Obama organization).  What is obvious is that the so-called 'open society' Soros has paid to impose on us is anything but.  As Soros was a Nazi collaborator it is fittingly called "The Fourth Reich"


This is where, as officer friendly would say, 'shit gets real'.    The efforts by Soros, Zack Exley, and other actors must be countered and election rolls, election counts, and candidate vetting and selection totally analyzed and corrected.  EVERY citizen needs to be involved, every eligible voter engaged.  EVERY Christian needs to kick all of the very same Zack Exley's 'social justice' marxist infiltrations out and remain centered on the true faith.

One glaring need is honest, uncensored discussion of issues and candidates.   'Local' forums like NEXTDOOR are totally controlled by the left.  'Alternate' newspapers the same.  

It is at this level I intend to focus in the future, with the odd inclusion of range reports and such.

1 comment:

  1. Listened to the O Fallon podcast. I plan on making it a regular, in addition to Brannon. Great stuff.

