I equate 'the current US society' to Germany just after Hitler's election.
The form of totalitarianism we have in DC is the fusion of elements I indicate on the right side of the slide.
The 'party' in office doesn't matter, the coup was successful. So long as the government is election proof (thanks to unfolded vote by mail ballots, etc) only the 'right kind of people' will occupy both ends of PA avenue.
As for those 'others'. the clingers with guns and Bibles? The government will be turned on them with ever increasing brutality. Say, how's those 'terrorists' from Jan 6 being treated? Consistent with their rights as US citizens?
No jab, no job.
This is just the beginning, but as for the establishment of the reich, it's done.
And the reich knows who the real threat to it is.
Do you see these as threats to Americans? All the havoc that came from PRC and the Wuhan lab and that's the threat?
Hmmm. Remember Obama's 'intel' report to law enforcement agencies on who the threat was? For the reich it is ever so.
DHS's current 'threat' warning is an intentionally self fulfilling forecast.
My particular perspective comes from having worked in intelligence as a junior officer. I've worked at Langley, at Ft Meade, at Friendship Annex. And I subsequently saw the most important work I was directly engaged in corrupted and abused by deep state,
Years ago but still, I likely better than many, understand the power the surveillance state has - and now abuses so freely. Subsequent to my tour in the labyrinth 'signal' collection obviously completed the transition from primarily targeted (constitutional) to unlimited (extraconstitutional). And the new 'secret sauce' that has been added is the application of AI to mine the vast databases.
Oh, but not to worry citizen, your 'right' to privacy is protected by lawyers and judges. Access to the vast databases requires 'FISA' approval.
Ask Adm Mike Rogers how well that worked.
> a wholly corrupt 'deep state'.
> Forced jabs.
> racist anti-white, straight, Christian CRT in schools.
> Abandoning allies in Kabul,
> Treating US citizens involved in a FBI stage managed reichstag fire like 9/11 terrs.
> Stolen election.
> Suppression of the truth on therapeutics against COVID and actions against Doctors employing them.
> No prosecutions of Antifa or BLM following a season of rioting.
> MSM nothing more than TASS and Pravda. (ex. Trump Russian collusion. Hunter Biden's laptop a Russian disinfo effort.)
I could go on.
Perhaps our Weimar days of valueless currency will follow the establishment of the reich in our case, but, nonetheless...
Perhaps you're missing it if you're inside the aquarium. From the outside it's pretty clear.
It is very, very late for the ignorant and arrogant trying so hard to complete the 'fundamental transformation' to avoid reaping grisly - and for their interests, unintended - consequences.
UPDATE- 9/30/21: the fourth reich has plans for your kids ...
the fourth reich has plans for your money
and the fourth reich intends to track every penny they let you spend
These people are monsters.
UPDATE - 10/1/21 fourth reich appoints minister for land
WOULD any of these people be seriously considered for a position even 10 years ago???