Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How late is it???

 I equate 'the current US society' to Germany just after Hitler's election. 

The form of totalitarianism we have in DC is the fusion of elements I indicate on the right side of the slide.  

The 'party' in office doesn't matter, the coup was successful.  So long as the government is election proof (thanks to unfolded vote by mail ballots, etc) only the 'right kind of people' will occupy both ends of PA avenue.

As for those 'others'. the clingers with guns and Bibles?  The government will be turned on them with ever increasing brutality.  Say, how's those 'terrorists' from Jan 6 being treated?  Consistent with their rights as US citizens?

No jab, no job. 

This is just the beginning, but as for the establishment of the reich, it's done.

And the reich knows who the real threat to it is.

Do you see these as threats to Americans?  All the havoc that came from PRC and the Wuhan lab and that's the threat?   

Hmmm.  Remember Obama's 'intel' report to law enforcement agencies on who the threat was?   For the reich it is ever so.


DHS's current 'threat' warning is an intentionally self fulfilling forecast.   

My particular perspective comes from having worked in intelligence as a junior officer.  I've worked at Langley, at Ft Meade, at Friendship Annex. And I subsequently saw the most important work I was directly engaged in corrupted and abused by deep state,

Years ago but still, I likely better than many, understand the power the surveillance state has -  and now abuses so freely.  Subsequent to my tour in the labyrinth  'signal' collection obviously completed the transition from primarily targeted (constitutional) to unlimited (extraconstitutional).  And the new 'secret sauce' that has been added is the application of AI to mine the vast databases.

Oh, but not to worry citizen, your 'right' to privacy is protected by lawyers and judges.   Access to the vast databases requires 'FISA' approval.  

Ask Adm Mike Rogers how well that worked.   


> a wholly corrupt 'deep state'.

> Forced jabs. 

> racist anti-white, straight, Christian CRT in schools. 

> Abandoning allies in Kabul, 

> Treating US citizens involved in a FBI stage managed reichstag fire like 9/11 terrs.  

> Stolen election.

> Suppression of the truth on therapeutics against COVID and actions against Doctors employing them.

> No prosecutions of Antifa or BLM following a season of rioting.

> MSM nothing more than TASS and Pravda.  (ex. Trump Russian collusion. Hunter Biden's laptop a Russian disinfo effort.) 

I could go on. 

Perhaps our  Weimar days of valueless currency will follow the establishment of the reich in our case,  but, nonetheless... 

Perhaps you're missing it if you're inside the aquarium.  From the outside it's pretty clear.

It is very, very late for the ignorant and arrogant trying so hard to complete the 'fundamental transformation' to avoid reaping grisly - and for their interests, unintended -  consequences.

UPDATE- 9/30/21: the fourth reich has plans for your kids ...


the fourth reich has plans for your money



and the fourth reich intends to track every penny they let you spend


These people are monsters.

UPDATE - 10/1/21 fourth reich appoints minister for land


WOULD any of these people be seriously considered for a position even 10 years ago???

Monday, September 27, 2021

The (redacted) Bottom Line

 "In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable."


Update - same day.  The search engine manipulation for the results of this effort is AMAZING!  Try and find an article explaining how the audit provided adequate substantiation for the redacted bottom line.

Fraud was clear.. ex. https://jellyfish.news/az-audit-finds-proof-of-pre-meditated-fraud-multiple-ballots-had-verified-and-approved-stamp-pre-printed-behind-signature-box/

And in sufficient quantity.  https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/27/arizona-2020-vote-audit-finds-potentially-election-shifting-numbers-of-illegal-ballots/

Not that anyone not going to the effort of not just listening to MSM would ever know.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Reflect and Refocus

As a pensioner at leisure I have the luxury of adequate time to pay attention to events sufficient to understand them better than most.  It's a mixed blessing.  

Ignorance would be bliss, but I took an oath.

Coming from a military background I 'll break down how I categorize things in a way familiar to me, and provide what I think are the key information resources at that level.  This is not intended to be comprehensive but a fusion of the conclusions drawn and sources relied on from my blog over the last year and a half.

First - Global/Strategic

Only 2 players at this level:  Xi and CCP  vs Soros and the Davos megalomaniacs.

Xi and CCP.  Xi wants another term and further realization of the great dream of Chinese dominance of the world under them.

Soros and Davos are 'globalists' who want the realization of global governance – under them.

For a long time these two camps were working in cooperation against the great enemy – America and it's informed, financially independent, largely free middle class.  

Now apparently Soros has decided that war is over and open conflict with Xi/CCP has begun.  

He has progressed from:

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States”  The Age of Fallibility George Soros 2007


“I consider Mr. Xi the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.” 


This conflict is discussed by Michael Ofallon here: https://sovereignnations.com/2021/09/22/soros-vs-china-public-occurrences-ep-29/

What about the US? The indispensable world's only superpower?  Dead and barely aware of it.  So long as 'vote by mail' and other electoral frauds stand it will never again actually defend the interests of Americans, much less actually assist freedom seeking people world wide.  With the theft of the election of 2020 facilitated and approved by Barr and Pence Soros could turn to matters in China not worrying about being held to account. Thoughts: 'Vote by mail'? Total fraud. (nexttobagend.blogspot.com)

                                                          America -You are here


Activity at a national level.    

Three main sources here, again O'Fallon (web site above), the pugnacious Steve Bannon ( https://warroom.org/ ) and Conservative Treehouse (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/ )

Biggest activity at this level is NOT the WuFlu.  It is the gradual work towards decertification of the November 2020.

Bannon seem the only one who understands both the culpability of Communist China for WuFlu and the critical need to recover our electoral system. 

The sensi at Conservative Treehouse, 'Sundance' has done great work on the Deep State and Swamp and explains much of the national level gameplay as between one of two camps:

♦ TEAM One – The Department of State is aligned with the CIA.  Their media PR firms are CNN, CNNi and the Washington Post. Their ideology is favorable to the United Nations.  Their internal corruption is generally driven by relationship with foreign actors.  References: Hillary Clinton, Clinton Global Initiative, John McCain, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, Cass Sunstein, Brookings Institute, Lawfare, China-centric, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Council on Foreign Relations.

♦ TEAM Two – The White House is aligned with the Pentagon (DoD) and National Security Council (NSC).  Their media PR firms are domestic in nature. New York Times, Politico, etc.  Their internal corruption is generally driven by domestic influence.  References: Barack Obama, George Bush, Wall St, Big Banks, Multinational Corporations, Defense Contractors, FBI (state police), Judicial Branch, and community activists writ large.  [Presidential elections only affect Team Two (nationalism -v- globalism).  In the modern era Team One is independent.]

Ex. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/14/cnn-and-wapo-write-devastating-articles-outlining-general-mark-milley-as-leader-of-military-coup-against-president-trump/

And it explains the 'fourth branch' of government https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/15/former-intelligence-branch-officials-do-not-want-big-tech-regulated-duh-the-fourth-branch-of-government-is-a-partnership-with-them/

AGAIN – at the global/strategic level the US is a zombie at this point.  Leadership is owned by either CCP or Soros (in the case of Biden via the Obama organization).  What is obvious is that the so-called 'open society' Soros has paid to impose on us is anything but.  As Soros was a Nazi collaborator it is fittingly called "The Fourth Reich"


This is where, as officer friendly would say, 'shit gets real'.    The efforts by Soros, Zack Exley, and other actors must be countered and election rolls, election counts, and candidate vetting and selection totally analyzed and corrected.  EVERY citizen needs to be involved, every eligible voter engaged.  EVERY Christian needs to kick all of the very same Zack Exley's 'social justice' marxist infiltrations out and remain centered on the true faith. https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/07/29/bombshell-justice-democrats-founder-is-the-organizer-of-evangelical-social-justice-movement/

One glaring need is honest, uncensored discussion of issues and candidates.   'Local' forums like NEXTDOOR are totally controlled by the left.  'Alternate' newspapers the same.  

It is at this level I intend to focus in the future, with the odd inclusion of range reports and such.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bat Sh1t Crazy


I am surprised US DOD (DARPA) didn't fund this.

18 months before the pandemic, scientists in Wuhan, China submitted a proposal to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into the wild


There is a history of WMD development with bats in the US OBTW.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_bomb

That the PLA Biowar folks could surf along with such a scheme - with obvious wartime application (they ARE at war with us you know (1)), all funded by US government agencies and corporations, is simply staggering.

And - can you guess what other bat related virus the PLA was researching in Wuhan?


1. https://www.oodaloop.com/documents/unrestricted.pdf

UPDATE - 9/23/21   The idea of releasing an enhanced contagion virus into bats is, at first glance, nutty.  So, admitting the source is querky, here's one smart observers postulation on the why:


Knowing the brutal, atheist nature of CCP I don't think it's beyond possibility.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

No, the Pfizer jab doesn't contain graphene oxide ... now ...maybe

The claim that the Pfizer WuFlu jab contained graphene oxide created quite a stir.  Of course, claims that something visibly clear is '99%' graphene oxide are easily debunked ... which may be why such claims were made.

Nasty stuff.


They claim it doesn't.

Which may be true ... now.   

Given the money and staff flush with lawyers at big pharma I doubt someone would falsify this ...


So, having seen something like this before I'd take a guess and say it likely did, or, at least some batches of it likely did contain at least some graphene oxide - including the sample inspected above, and now those have been either used or recalled/eliminated.

Neat and clean.  

Unless you got one of those early shots.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

How late is it?

Not Milley, Milley's role model

Fourth Reich Oberkommando Milley actively blocked President Trump from using the military to end BLM violence.  

‘Peril,” written by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley spent months trying to minimize the damage being done by BLM in order to prevent President Donald Trump from invoking the Insurrection Act.


Such action would have been consistent with prior uses of DOD to protect citizens and property.

"Both Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush, respectively invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807, sent federal troops to respond to emergencies. President Dwight D. Eisenhower used the act to have federal troops enforce federal civil rights laws. Before that, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Woodrow Wilson used federal troops to respond to emergencies. "'


So, given his unprecedented role in the coup against President Trump, and objections against using the military to defend Americans - here or in Kabul - what does Milley think the proper role of the military, those "guys with the guns" her referred to, is?  

Hmmm ....and, OBTW, what justification is there for this?  


Who do these people work for?  What is their role?  Why are they needed?

To me it appears the 'Fourth Reich' is well along on preparations for a final solution to the same good Americans earlier referred to as 'deplorables' and those 'clinging to their Bibles and guns'.

We're seeing the fourth reich (1) establish itself, and we know what team Obama wants.  "They'd have  to be eliminated ...killed"


As I've said before ... it's really, really, late.  (2-4)

One necessary act to avoid (delay) the firestorm:  Milley must be removed from his position as Chairman and held to account.

But, regardless, perhaps it really is too late to save the union of 50 states.  (Consider, wouldn't it be easier to eject 3 states (CA, NY, IL) than see most of the 50 endure political violenceHave they kept faith with the union wrt voting, immigration?)  

Perhaps it is too late to avoid the bloodiest civil war in human history.  

That said, if the worst comes, I don't think the 4th reich will do as well as the UK in Ireland, who, when the smoke cleared, kept only 6 counties on the island ... and tenuously at that even now.

1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/09/marxist-maoists-globalists.html

2. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/05/grim-forecast.html 

3. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/06/its-later-than-you-think.html

4. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/06/yup-its-really-really-late-follow-on-to.html

UPDATE - 9/27/21 Most of the smarter than me folks I've asked, including a retired intel guy with extraordinary perspective on PRC, seem to believe PRC has, or will, win.  As they say 'God favors the one with the bigger battalions'.  BUT,  Soros and the Davos megalomaniacs are playing an unrestricted war campaign of their own.  If PRC goes bankrupt Xi will be on a gibbet, not the entire CCP leadership.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Imagining dystopia

While for most of us the rise of the Fourth Reich (explained yesterday) is starkly visible, another, loosely related (it's an enabler), but potentially more dangerous evolution in Artificial Intelligence is simultaneously taking place.

Left to an all powerful, coldly rational, Godless, governing machine to decide, how how do you think the issue of eliminating poor people would be resolved?   Low IQ people?    Non-conforming people?


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Marxist + Maoists + Globalists =

 The fourth reich

(click on image for larger)

UPDATE - same day.  Fourth Reich Oberkommando Milley earned his position by abandoning his oath and betraying President Trump.   https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/report-milley-told-china-secret-phone-call-give-ccp-advance-warning-us-ever-going-attack/

UPDATE - 9/23/21 'sadly NAZI Germany' - at least these budding mass murderers are self aware,  https://youtu.be/4oWWcqGk1m4

Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11 twenty years later

BIG lesson - it's always been lies.  

Israel knew, and at a minimum, didn't provide a reasonable warning.  

At worst they obscured intel that would have warned us by manipulating our wiretaps on the prospective terrs.

'the bigger question is how could they /Israel/ not have known' 


We were attacked by Saudis.  We responded by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq.

And by gradually turning the US into Communist China.

Cui bono?

We've never addressed Israeli mendacity.  In fact we later started another war based on intel regarding 'launch ready' WMDs.  Guess who we relied on for that? (1)

Nor did we isolate sharia adherents in the US and treat this disease appropriately.  With the predictable results.  Guess what many of the sons of today's sharia adherent Afghan refugees will be doing in ten years?


As with Trump and the wall, Ann Coulter has had 9/11 right from the start ... https://anncoulter.com/2021/09/08/9-11/

(1) ooops! an error ... (sure) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3294865.stm   

Friday, September 10, 2021


Wonder who will be exempt from the evil 'jab' decree?  

The same folks who were exempt from earlier demands to to do.

“USPS is not included in the executive order requiring vaccination of Federal employees. USPS has a separate statutory scheme and is traditionally independent of federal personnel actions like this,” a Biden administration official said.


Now, why would that be?

Consider ...

Today we read of some 440,781 mail in ballots in PA that were missing or had fraudulent addresses.


Think they are in the business of delivering elections not the mail?

I do.






Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Chapter II "The Shadow of the Past"

In case you missed it ...

As the shit show in Kabul turned deadly Biden tried to point some of the blame for America's worst military failure on Deep State's inadequate intelligence wrt the quality of the Afghan Army.

Deep State then immediately released not only the transcript, but a voice recording, of a call between Biden and the Afghan President which made it clear Biden well knew the Afghan Army was in collapse.


Interestingly, Biden's threatened retaliation against Deep State was by announcing he will reveal more about 9/11 than would be comfortable for Deep State and politicians of both parties (as though he isn't even now setting the stage for something much worse).


9/11?  What's to know, I read the report (I did).  

Clue - the celebrated 9/11 report was crap.  Sorry, but it was.

An intelligence cell focused on open source analysis called Able Danger had identified Atta as long as 21 months before the Sept. 11 attacks.



Their activity was NOT briefed to the 9/11 investigators.  The resulting report was thus grossly flawed.

Recall, ramifications of a real airing of the intel available PRIOR to 9/11 had Clinton loyalists taking extreme, even ridiculous (if effective) actions to cover ass ...


And, if 'methods and sources' described in a fair review of 9/11 intel include Able Danger, collateral damage could include one of  the Bush camps saints.  As it happens, Able Danger was once tasked to demonstrate their methods could be of use to ID players in WMD and advanced weapons tech proliferation.  Problem was, WHO they id'd as involved.



The reputation police did a great job isolating Rice from events around her.  "There was no suggestion that Rice or any of the others had done anything wrong."  And even subsequent reports on the tech transfer and subsequent use against US aircraft missed using the word - 'Rice'


But, her role in derailing investigation and prosecution is obvious, and she doesn't look pretty in retrospect.

https://rense.com/general50/condi.htm  (not my favorite site, but the specificity here lends credence)

"In 1997, Stanford professor Lewis was charged with using university funding and equipment to set up the deal with Galaxy New Technology. Stanford Provost Condoleeza Rice announced that Lewis faced an investigation because he had used university stationery and his office to run the joint U.S-Chinese business. In the 1997 investigation, Rice issued a statement to the university press.

Yet, no formal charges were filed, and Rice quietly dropped the investigation against Lewis and Hua Di."

Putting US national security second, Rice probably didn't want a colleague brought to justice, and, just a s likely has Stanford's financial interests at heart as well.   They make a lot of money from Communist China.

Such actions have ensured Stanford continued value to Chinese intelligence.  Ex. https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2021/02/19/stanford-researcher-allegedly-tied-to-chinese-military-faces-more-charges

So, Biden's threat is aimed at Deep State broadly, and at participants in both parties.  

Back in the day we'd say Biden was breaking hard right and deploying chaff and flares.

UPDATE - and to remind, MOSSAD could easily have provided adequate warning of 9/11.  In fact, they very likely made sure we didn't see it coming.  Look at the 9/11 related portion of my earlier post, especially the Fox News reporting 


And even the inept FBI on its own was getting wise to the plot before hand


Make the bastards pay


Fauci lied to Congress.  https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/massive-foia-release-proves-fauci-funded-wuhan-research-construct-sars-related

If, at this point, you do not understand how deeply Fauci was involved in the work in China that created WuFlu, you need help beyond being better informed.  China's responsibility for the plague, and Fauci's role in it has been a topic constantly discussed in these parts.

Fauci's despicable activity regarding the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan is akin to helping Nazi Germany in the '40s with more efficient uses for Zyklon B.  The lab was, from inception, intended as a PLA Biowar facility

The French knew, and built it anyway.

"The country’s intelligence services warned that the laboratory was conceived for dual civilian–military use; the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) could turn it into an arsenal for bacteriological warfare overnight. They knew the PLA was working on bioweapons and already had taken control of several mobile P3 laboratories France had provided China just after the SARS epidemic."


State Dept and CIA knew, in his position Fauci surely knew.

"What I can say for sure is this: we know that they were engaged in efforts connected to the People's Liberation Army inside of that laboratory, so military activity being performed alongside what they claimed was just good old civilian research," Pompeo said, as per Fox News.


And a defecting virologist confirms WuFlu is PLA product.

Chinese virologist "Yan Li-Meng, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong who came under spotlight accusing Beijing of Coronavirus coverup recently, has alleged now that the novel Coronavirus came from a People's Liberation Army (PLA) lab, without elaborating it further."


So the French stupidly provided the PLA with a world class BSL-4 level facility, and Dr Fauci stupidly provided the technology.  

Fauci also killed many thousands of people worldwide with his disinformation campaign against Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

But, the party primarily responsible is the Xi and the CCP.  

A, The bug got out of the lab, deliberately killing Chinese to avoid retaliation or accidently - either is believable.  Negligent manslaughter and wrecking economies or an act of war.  Either way, they are responsible.

B. They lied about human to human transmission well after they knew better simultaneously vacuuming up all the PPE they could worldwide.

C. The deliberately allowed spreaders to leave Wuhan and fly to the US and Europe - even while travel out of Wuhan in China was prohibited.

What to do?

Prosecute Fauci.  And abandon all the stupid 'jabs'.  There are therapeutic treatments that work, and the jab has been demonstrated inefficient at best.   https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/08/the-ronacoaster-once-you-get-in-the-vaccine-car-you-aint-getting-off-til-the-rides-over/


Punish China.  Evict all Chinese citizens from free world nations.  Prohibit all banks and investors from dumping money into China's economy.  Collaborate with all nations and build the case for even stronger measures against China. 

Make the bastards pay.

PS - in many cases the devastation has been due to the 'cure' more than the disease -


None the less, Xi is to blame and Fauci must be held to account for his role.

Wormtongue is alive and writing for NY Times apparently.   He has been well cultivated by the CCP for years. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/chinese-propagandists-tout-nyt-columnist-thomas-friedmans-comments/


Monday, September 6, 2021

'brood of vipers'

I see another letter has been produced by 'retired flag officers'.  Well, I mean the 30 August (1) one demanding Austin and Milley resign,

Not the 12 May(2) one saying Biden was a national security risk, or the 1 September (3) one saying Biden disrespected the Gold Star Families.

I've  earlier (4) voiced my opinion of some of the flags who are NOW so vocal in trying to DEFEND the services.  And again I ask – what credibility, what legitimacy do many, probably most of you have to comment?

Beyond the fact that, along with the SES 'flag equivalents' there's too damm many of you anyway, like literally almost 2 1/2  admirals and 'flag equivalents' PER SHIP (5) in the navy,  many of you sat on your ass, maybe even scored some advancement brownie points, by helping the agents of destruction.

Why did you stand by as the Bible was removed from the POW/MIA settings?   Did you even stop to think for a moment WHOSE AGENDA that was advancing?  Did you care how it was a disgrace to so many of us in the ranks?  Many of us fought for God and Country.  You officially denied one and hastened to render the other unrecognizable.

God and Country.

And honor.  How could a Naval Officer escape Court Martial after surrendering his boats, crews, weapons, and communications gear to Iran?

Why did you allow the elements of what is now well known as 'Critical Race Theory' – a marxist construct to destroy our country – get a foothold in the services?  CLEARLY that NEVER was going to be in the best interest of 'good order and discipline'.  

How could you let the services be so badly abused by people with Marxist  race and gender agendas use it to norm their perverse ideologies?  'Celebrate' what???  

How big was your payoff?  Another star?  A board position on a silicon valley company? 

And NOW, under an execrable President (*), with a SECDEF and CJCS that really do represent the 'best' selected from among you, we've seen a needed, if embarrassing, withdraw become a colossal military defeat.

And so you write.  Now.   Thanks.

Now there is an enormous fissure between the people who normally provide you with their sons to man the ranks. 

Now the types of individuals most attracted to the Obama/Biden/Austin/Milley military are individuals driven by ideologies antithetical to our founders values and our countries culture.  

Every man is entitled to express an opinion but for the reasons above your collective opinions matter not.  

Spare us your outrage.  

1. 30 August Accountability https://dailycaller.com/2021/08/30/letter-generals-admirals-austin-milley-resign-afghanistan/

2. May 12 Biden mental health https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/more-than-120-retired-generals-and-admirals-sign-letter-questioning-2020-election-and-biden-s-mental-health/ar-BB1gEWY3

3. September 1 https://www.westernjournal.com/87-flag-officers-issue-devastating-demand-biden-insults-gold-star-families/

4. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/10/about-that-senior-military-leader-letter.html

5. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/08/death-by-bloat.html

Update - 9/8/21:  I didn't feel it necessary to remind how hilariously WRONG the folks participating in these letters were before Biden's election.  Despite what was so plainly obvious ..."Almost 500 national security experts — including 22 four-star military officers — slammed Donald Trump in a public letter released Thursday, calling him unfit for his role as commander in chief and endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden."


Hey, 'experts' and Generals. how you liking that OBiden team now?

UPDATE- 9/11/21:  A fair assessment of our 'leaders; in uniform for the last decade or two ...


Friday, September 3, 2021

Your WuFlu Daily Samizdat

Thoughtful interview with the right guy on the technology behind the jab, and the wisdom of mandatory widespread jab efforts.

On a risk benefit analysis basis only high risk (largely elderly) ought be jabbed.  Risks of broad application explained.


"Covid-19 is risky for the elderly, not very risky for young- and middle-aged-adults, and nearly risk free for people in der the age of 20"  


So what is driving the huge global(ist) effort to get everyone - including folks with more effective natural antibodies having had WuFlu - jab'd?  Especially when there are known, effective therapeutics??

AND - go ahead - put these links on your facebook, post them on 'Nextdoor' ... see how long they last.

UPDATE - 9/8/21 A good summary of what we know on Wuflu:

https://wmbriggs.com/post/37264/  how much worse will the cure be than the disease?