Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The truth about FAUCI and WuFlu

It appears the role of the dual use PLA facility in Wuhan and Tony Fauci is becoming more accepted along the margins of our MSM.


For my part, I had made the effort to be functionally familiar with BIOWAR agents many years before as an officer and intelligence specialists.  It was very quickly evident WuFlu was the product of a BIOWAR lab simply from it's observed characteristics (1).  It appeared analogous to a cruise missile without the high lethality warhead,  And that latter observation is only as best we know for now.  Have we done the CCPs work and sterilized our foolishly vax'd children and young adults?  Regardless, it justified vote by mail getting the CCP candidate into the White House, and ruined the economy of the free world.   The addition of ebola (also being researched in Wuhan) to a coronavirus would have produced a Chicom equivalent to the celebrated, if possibly mythical, Russian 'epox' doomsday weapon (ebola plus small pox), but, as was, it was clearly good enough for their purposes.

There is no denying PRC deliberately spread it to America and Europe.  That is FACT.  They locked down travel within China - but allowed probable carriers to travel to New York, San Francisco, as well as Milan, London, etc.

China's culpability for the deliberate spread is not debatable.  They created WuFlu.  They spread WuFlu and deliberately killed Americans.  The agent could have been accidently leaked, or, more likely if you understand the nature of the beast CCP is, deliberately released in their own population first to provide plausible deniability to avoid strategic retaliation.  

Oh, and on a note of irony...  The megalomaniacal Davos billionaires often collude with the CCP as they see them useful to achieving their goals.  How's that working out Soros?


UPDATE - same day https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/report-chinas-military-weapon-covid-19-constructed-completely-command-control-chinese-military/

as the truth surfaces expect more and more deep state distractions (like, 'UFOs').

UPDATE - 5/19/21 They know what they've done.  https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-communist-professor-declares-us-was-defeated-biological-war-china

UPDATE - 5/23/21 BINGOhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/huge-rat-trap-fauci-admits-covid-may-lab-admits-funding-chinese-labs-video/

UPDATE 5/24/21 Interesting,  Even if the release was unintentional, Xi and CCP INTENTIONALLY spread WuFlu across the US and Europe.   That is beyond question.

(1) some of my earliest comments:




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