Monday, May 24, 2021

Great News!

If you're looking to move into a depopulated United States ...

Wouldn't it be a bitter irony if CCP concocted the WuFlu expressly so that the vaccine killed Americans?

Rx in that case - calculate the number of Americans killed by WuFlu and the subsequent victims of the vaccine (or, maybe the next phase of CCP biowar, an agent specifically tailored to kill vaccinated people).  Determine the percentage of the population that represents.  Apply sufficient W-88s to major Chinese cities to annihilate an equal portion of China.  Bonus - most of the CCP party players will be vaporized in the carnage.  Thereby, justice served, CCP demolished and no threat to future mankind. 

UPDATE - same day - MSM trying to unwrite reporting on BSL4 lab origin being conspiracy theory.

FURTHER UPDATE - some evidence suggest release may have been unintentional.  None the less, the spread was intentional....

Premature attack, a PLA developed superflu, perhaps one not fully ready (lacking ebola payload?), gets out unintentionally and Xi and co. follow a plan to cripple US and the west with it once it's realized the cat is out of bag.  

Xi and the CCP remain responsible. US collaborators, like Fauci who hid the already prohibited funding, need answer as well.

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