Monday, May 31, 2021

Unpleasant reality


Entering church this Sunday, my mind dwelling on the two young Army officers killed in the IED blast that very nearly killed my oldest son May nine years ago, I observed an abandoned camouflaged backpack sitting on a chair in the rear of the church.  The likelihood of a church bombing on a Memorial Day Sunday shouldn't be discounted so I brought it to the attention of the assistant pastor who, from memory correctly associated it with a member of the church staff and had it properly put away.

The event served to remind me of the topic of security in our houses of worship.  It seems to be one that only episodically gets attention.  This is unfortunate to say the least, the threat is real and will, very likely get worse in the near future.

Consider a few headlines from just the last five years ...

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have issued an advisory bulletin warning of possible Islamic Terror attacks against Churches and Christmas events.

Mass Shooting at Church Service in Nashville - Masked Shooter Identified as Sudanese Immigrant

Syrian Refugee Arrested During ISIS Inspired Plot To Bomb Christian Church in Pittsburg

The Fort Worth shooting, which took place 3 miles from my apartment in 2019, happened in five seconds, and, without a prearranged security response, would probably have cost the lives of an additional half dozen or more attendees.

So, as I have raised the issue of personal and family security a few times in the last year, it's worth asking - does your church have an active shooter security plan involving competent (judgement and marksmanship), reliable, rehearsed individuals?

If not, resources for consideration by the Senior Pastor and elders may be this group -, anything on the topic by Massad Ayoob, and the counsel of Senior Pastors in other churches in their states with established and robust security measures in place.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Remembering men who made history ... and looking towards history to come

There's a bunch of PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy) sub skippers and H-6 pilots with pictures of US carriers under their beds.

As this is Memorial Day weekend I thought to recall the massive contributions of some Naval Aviators and aircrews who died in the Battle of Midway.  That single battle turned history in the Pacific around and Japan never recovered their initiative thru VJ day.

80 years ago next year.  And yet, as I met some who flew the planes during that era, including aces Boyington and McCampbell, and, in truth, some of the planes still flown when I was a midshipman weren't visibly far removed from the TBMs of the day (the A-1E and S-2E particularly) it wasn't so remote at the time.  My first CO was a blimp pilot, my first Admiral an F-4U Corsair pilot.

Perhaps unsurprisingly I am not alone in my interest in the Battle of Midway. 

The author, an academic at the Navy War College, points out Chinese analysis focused on, among other things: the decisive role of U.S. codebreakers (today that's called 'information warfare'),  military leadership culture, and the ineffective employment of the Japanese submarine force.

Probably the key aspects I would focus on as well.  

Which makes one wonder ...

Can we assume our codes are secure from ChiCom code breakers and spys?  We'd be damm fools if we didn't presume our traffic is read real time in Bejing and PLAN Fleet HQs.  Military Research Lab directors, when briefed by CIA in the '90s on PLA research lab activity concluded their penetration of our most secret labs was, I quote, "total".  So they have our codes and their agents probably helped design the crypto and comms gear.

Is our leadership culture ready to lead trained killers into battle and to combat success?  Hell no.  SECDEF Austin is a wrecking ball conducting a Stalinesque purge of patriots and serious warriors which will leave us as prepared to fight China at sea as Stalin's fresh, PC leaders were to meet Guderian.

As for how the PLAN intends to incorporate it's submarine forces into an anti-carrier battlegroup engagement, I've already described their close study and adoption, with improvements, of the Soviet Navy's integrated anti-carrier strategy.  A strategy that evidently includes nuclear armed anti-ship ballistic missiles in lieu of the Soviet's nuclear AS-4 missile armed Backfire bombers.

So.  Xi's Admirals and ship and submarine COs are studying the battle of Midway.

What is our, oh so PC Navy studying? from

  1. EGO IS THE ENEMY: By Ryan Holiday
  2. HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST: By Ibram X. Kendi
  3. THE DICHOTOMY OF LEADERSHIP: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win By Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
  4. TINY HABITS: The Small Changes That Change Everything By BJ Fogg
  5. WE CAN’T TALK ABOUT THAT AT WORK!: How to Talk about Race, Religion, Politics, and Other Polarizing Topics By Mary-Frances Winters
  6. A TACTICAL ETHIC: Moral Conduct in the Insurgent Battlespace By Dick Couch
  7. FED UP: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward By Gemma Hartley
  8. MILITARY ETHICS: What Everyone Needs to Know By George Lucas
All of which is total marxist crap.  

God bless our honored dead.

Giving credit where credit's due ...

Fauci as Josef Mengele ...

 "Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks,"

Clearly he also thought providing the Communist Chinese People's Liberation Army Biowar establishment with a world class capability to produce deadly weapons was worth it as well.

What a fuk'n monster!

Xi unleashed the virus on the US and, among other things Biden is a result.

Xi, Fauci and the hosts of traitors who assisted Biden all have hell to pay.

Hard Truth

                          OBiden prepares to counter the 'conspiracy theory' Biden didn't win

" ... the mainstream media, the lords of Silicon Valley, the leaders of the Democrat party – 

grossly misled the country on the two biggest stories of the last five years: 

Trump/Russia and COVID-19."

And it is VERY clear that by denying travel within China - but flying probable carrier out of China -  Xi intentionally spread the WuFlu to the US and Europe.

Gee. MSM, the swamp, deep state, the Davos megalomaniacs, they ALL LIED.

Now, wanna guess why they are fighting tooth and nail to stop the election audits in AZ, WI, GA???

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Kindling piling up

 Take this ...

plus this .. (Chicom responsibility for WuFlu plague becoming undeniable)

Then add this ...
16 electoral college votes

plus 11

plus 10 ... EQUALS usurper Biden and co. evidicted by federal marshals.

What won't the communists, the billionaire megalomaniacs, the fattened DC swamp dwellers, the deep state pompous princes, the perverts and druggies running MSM - ALL of them, together -  do to prevent justice being served to the Obiden administration and the CCP?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Not a step I'd recommend


Da shiznit ... expect this to be the standard for future bling in our neighborhoods

As it's Yahoo News I'll have to see the bill myself, but, as reported, I'm not in favor.

I've said my $.02 on the gun thing generally already ( )

What Texas has now works.  Will this lead to an improvement?  How many competent, capable, citizens who care to bear the responsibility aren't already carrying with a CWL in Texas?

The downsides seem all to obvious to me - but perhaps I'm more considerate of the folks in blue than some.

As one commented in a different forum

"...I am a Texan. I carry under LEOSA and a CHL. I am afraid many of the “In your face” Open Carry Texas group has done more harm than good. "

UPDATE - 6/26/21 an example of when NOT to display and menace with a firearm.  Perp couldn't drive away, posed no deadly threat to car owner.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Great News!

If you're looking to move into a depopulated United States ...

Wouldn't it be a bitter irony if CCP concocted the WuFlu expressly so that the vaccine killed Americans?

Rx in that case - calculate the number of Americans killed by WuFlu and the subsequent victims of the vaccine (or, maybe the next phase of CCP biowar, an agent specifically tailored to kill vaccinated people).  Determine the percentage of the population that represents.  Apply sufficient W-88s to major Chinese cities to annihilate an equal portion of China.  Bonus - most of the CCP party players will be vaporized in the carnage.  Thereby, justice served, CCP demolished and no threat to future mankind. 

UPDATE - same day - MSM trying to unwrite reporting on BSL4 lab origin being conspiracy theory.

FURTHER UPDATE - some evidence suggest release may have been unintentional.  None the less, the spread was intentional....

Premature attack, a PLA developed superflu, perhaps one not fully ready (lacking ebola payload?), gets out unintentionally and Xi and co. follow a plan to cripple US and the west with it once it's realized the cat is out of bag.  

Xi and the CCP remain responsible. US collaborators, like Fauci who hid the already prohibited funding, need answer as well.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

UFOs? Who benefits?

Don't claim I'm always right but, here's further ruminations on the topic earlier discussed (1).

QUESTION - Who stands to gain from the current rash of 'UFO' sightings if they aren't actually encounters with little green men?


A. Mormonism, UFOs and aliens are fundamental to Mormonism,  Substantiation by 'government experts' could be used to support their odd theology.

Notable example, deep state/swamp thing Harry Reid - who happened to fund, with your dollars,  the UFO seeking 'X Files' group in pentagon.

Example, the erratic, proudly Mormon, Glen Beck

The mormon extraterrestrial theme even occasionally pops up in our culture thanks to Hollywood ...

which has at least elicited some humor

B. Pre-Millennial Dispensational 'christians'.

Following the establishment of the 'dispensational' movement among Christians in the US and England, curtesy of funding from wealthy zionists, the imminent 'rapture'' of believers was repeatedly announced.  Among this group now there are a number of believers associating the - apparent - increase in UFO activity to yet another imminent 'rapture'' of the believers.

One of the better presentations

(Note - I'm an old weapon systems guy so I was at least entertained by Missler's exploration of the nature of extradimensional objects, but I'm not not buying in to the theology.)

B. Deep State/Pentagon 

There is the, ahhh, distinct, likelihood that most Navy observer UFO events, which predominantly take place in known submarine operating and R+D areas, are submerged launch and recovered UAVs

Very, very small uavs, much closer to observer than assessed, would be attributed with much higher than actual speeds

Also, visual stealth should, by now be available for some applications, especially in very low observable UAVs.  

                                                  'But these are trained, military observers ...'

So - popularizing a flurry of UFO stories while employing this technology on VLO reconnaissance aircraft overflying PRC and Russia, for example, lends a measure of deniability to the US.

C. Swamp/Deep State

Chaff and flare distraction of the masses from the inevitably emerging truths.  Election of 2020 was stolen, Covid/WuFlu was deliberate biowar attack with US collaborators(3).

My money's on the current rash being the product of a mix of the above.

UPDATE - 5/23/21 BINGO US Collaborator number 1 -

UPDATE - 5/29/21 The report of 'swarming' pretty much ties the 'mystery' to reported DARPA/Navy UAV R+D activity.

(noted above )

UPDATE - 6/1/21  Ya think?





Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The truth about FAUCI and WuFlu

It appears the role of the dual use PLA facility in Wuhan and Tony Fauci is becoming more accepted along the margins of our MSM.

For my part, I had made the effort to be functionally familiar with BIOWAR agents many years before as an officer and intelligence specialists.  It was very quickly evident WuFlu was the product of a BIOWAR lab simply from it's observed characteristics (1).  It appeared analogous to a cruise missile without the high lethality warhead,  And that latter observation is only as best we know for now.  Have we done the CCPs work and sterilized our foolishly vax'd children and young adults?  Regardless, it justified vote by mail getting the CCP candidate into the White House, and ruined the economy of the free world.   The addition of ebola (also being researched in Wuhan) to a coronavirus would have produced a Chicom equivalent to the celebrated, if possibly mythical, Russian 'epox' doomsday weapon (ebola plus small pox), but, as was, it was clearly good enough for their purposes.

There is no denying PRC deliberately spread it to America and Europe.  That is FACT.  They locked down travel within China - but allowed probable carriers to travel to New York, San Francisco, as well as Milan, London, etc.

China's culpability for the deliberate spread is not debatable.  They created WuFlu.  They spread WuFlu and deliberately killed Americans.  The agent could have been accidently leaked, or, more likely if you understand the nature of the beast CCP is, deliberately released in their own population first to provide plausible deniability to avoid strategic retaliation.  

Oh, and on a note of irony...  The megalomaniacal Davos billionaires often collude with the CCP as they see them useful to achieving their goals.  How's that working out Soros?

UPDATE - same day

as the truth surfaces expect more and more deep state distractions (like, 'UFOs').

UPDATE - 5/19/21 They know what they've done.

UPDATE - 5/23/21 BINGO

UPDATE 5/24/21 Interesting,  Even if the release was unintentional, Xi and CCP INTENTIONALLY spread WuFlu across the US and Europe.   That is beyond question.

(1) some of my earliest comments:

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Biden follows his master's example ...


and who is this nearly mythical 'white supremacist'?  Well, if you are a straight, white, Christian male, and/or say Biden didn't win, or WuFlu was deliberate, well then ...

And, don't worry America!  DOD is recruiting the best military everrrrr (hope this is satire)  ...

Think Austin's Army of pervs will handle Russians?

Russian recruiting ad -

or racist, brutal Xi's Army?   You know, the guys who still use flamethrowers?

JoBama and Co. are a freakin' bad joke.  And they will get a lot of delusional snowflakes killed.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Time bombs ticking down


A. Publication of evidence PLA biowarfare folks created and released COVID.

B. Proof of fraud in presidential election.  

The enemy (swamp/deepstate/CPUSA/davos megalomaniacs) will have real, open warfare in our streets before permitting the election fraud, or CCP responsibility for pandemic, to be appropriately addressed.

and with the degusting performance by the police in Plano this weekend, ) expect Governor to shortly implement similar 'flee forward' law here in Texas as good Governor DeSantis signed into law in Florida. 

'course out here the pick ups have a rack of long horn ivory on the hoods.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

It was NO accident   The WuFlu attack was discussed, advocated, 5 years prior to it's implementation.

"...we have a 2015 document from the Chinese military describing using COVID as a bioweapon - four years before the COVID-19 pandemic breaks out just 
miles away from a Chinese lab working to make bat COVID more transmissible to humans"

Xi and the CCP haven't changed since Tiananmen.  There was no 'leak'.  There was a release, intended to provide plausible deniability.

Update - 5/11/21 and don't forget Fauci payed 'em to do this to us ...

Poor Tucker - he still wants to believe it was accidental.

Update - 5/15/21 -

UPDATE - 5/19/21 They celebrate,

They know they stold it

No quarter, no sympathy.  Turn over the legally requested information or go to jail ....

Update - 5/10/21 - Dominion and Dominion alone ran the AZ election ...

Texas refused to use this crap system 3x for good reason.  

UPDATE - 5/10/21 AND so do the Republicans


Voting Machines in Pennsylvania County Only Rejecting Republican Ballots in Tuesday Primary Election

Friday, May 7, 2021

Grim forecast

Kafkaesque Literature

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) was a Czech-born German-language writer whose surreal fiction vividly expressed the anxiety, alienation, and powerlessness of the individual in the 20th century. Kafka's work is characterized by nightmarish settings in which characters are crushed by nonsensical, blind authority. Thus, the word Kafkaesque is often applied to bizarre and impersonal administrative situations where the individual feels powerless to understand or control what is happening. - Webster

Was Franz Kafka a prophet?

A. The pollicization of DOD rushes on.  It is clear OBiden wants an Army that will attack American citizens who oppose marxism.

B. The marxist brown shirts are now engaging in para military action in US cities - with NO reaction by the complicit and totally corrupt FBI, DOJ.

C. The MSM machine wants to OD the masses with shaped reporting on the - leftist funded and supported - growing violence.  As with the celebrated 'white supremacists attack asian American' story (1,2)  all reporting will be mere propaganda with the actual truth stood on its head.

Remember, there is a reason for all this.  CCP intentionally attacked the us with a bio weapon.

That attack was, in part, to assist Globalist and the CCP in stealing the election.

And, per the communist playbook, the final steps are being taken to destroy the United States by enemies foreign and domestic.

"our //KGB// stages of subversion: 1) Demoralization, 2) Destabilization, 3) Crisis, 4) Normalization (or as it is often said these days, “the New Normal”)"

Comrade Bezmenov was not optimistic about America's chances ...

This is it, dear Americans, your country (and mine now) will be the last to be “liberated” by Marxists, socialists, and domestic “do-gooders”. If the “liberationists” succeed in bringing their “New Order” to America, chances are you and I will meet in front of a firing squad — or worse in a “re-education” forced labor camp in the Alaskan Peoples Democratic Republic.’

Update - 5/8/21  Remember how often I've said 'infrastructure' over the last year?  (ex., 10/31/21, 3/21/21)  It appears we're being attacked in an entirely predictable way ...

Gee, if only we had an FBI and not a KGB.

1. It's the evil white folks who attack asians

2 .Meh, don't look like it ...

I could go on.... but, perhaps this proposed legislation - unintentionally - illuminates the real nature of the problem we're facing in violent crime  ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

UFOs ... again

                         “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” — Carl Sagan 

                                                  Sensor package on high altitude balloon

Two lifetimes ago (circ 1983) I had access to a low level classified library while waiting on a higher clearance.  I poured over the documents dealing with Soviet military hardware and found a few interesting items.  The chief of which was an explanation for the celebrated 'Roswell Incident'.

The specific document was guidance provided in the mid '50s for Soviet MIG-15 pilots on how to engage US surveillance balloons over Soviet territory.  Now discussed in 'open source' documents (1)


They //MIG-15s// also had encounters with Western spy balloons set adrift over Eastern Europe and the USSR. The balloons usually floated much too high for aircraft to reach, but occasionally they fell down to altitudes where they could be fired on, as well as become a hazard to air navigation. The story of the balloons is obscure: the US sent over hundreds for a few months in early 1955, and sent three improved balloons over the USSR in 1958 -- but the exercise proved ineffectual, the Soviets complained very loudly, and the effort was given up. Russian sources still insist that reconnaissance balloons were sent over the USSR into the 1970s; whether they were part of some program that was never declassified and was forgotten, or if the Soviets were just getting upset over stray weather balloons, is unclear.


Among the program names associated with this effort in the late '40s and '50s are: the US Army Air Force/Air Force (Project Mogol (2)) and CIA (Project Grandson(3,4)) 

Because of the source document I had to keep this gem to myself but now, 4 decades later, it appears to be common knowledge with the Smithsonian weighing in to debunk the 'little green men' explanation for Roswell (5).

All the above comes to mind given the latest flurry of 'UFO' sightings and videos of 'UFOs' being released by DOD and individuals who were embarked on ships in the area.

Fox News ran with a video purported to show a pyramidal UFO observed and recorded using low light level TV (6).  Given even a modicum of knowledge about developments in UAVs, the attribution of the observed aircraft to extraterrestrial entities seems rushed, even forced.   

                                                                      “Pyramidal UFO”

Our Navy has had a long program to develop submarine launched UAVs, many of which necessarily do not look like the common aircraft.  For example, the Cormorant sub-launched UAV – a derivative of which may well be the culprit.

                                           Cormorant developmental submarine launched UAV

Oh, and watch the first 11 seconds of the Fox News clip.  Blink, blink ... blink.  Doesn't it seem a little odd that little green men have equipped their space ship with what  easily appears to be an anti-collision strobe light?                                                 

Bottom line, while it makes sense that there is intelligent life 'out there', the current pig's breakfast of short, poorly explained clips from a host of sensors – many with entertaining idiosyncrasies -  doesn't amount to much by way of proof.





