Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Cold Truth

No one knows the radical left like him.  Listen to him.

"... we’re already in a civil war. What the Democrats did in 2016 is what you call treason. They seceded from the Union for the second time, the first being with the election of Abraham Lincoln, which led to the shooting war. The reason we don’t have two armies in the field is that the federal government is too powerful so there’s nobody outside the government who can organize a military force that wouldn’t be crushed immediately. So the civil war is over who controls the executive."


 Update - 9/30/20  The above being true, who would have expected a typical, boring, 'sandbag the republican' debate?  Marxist are running one party,  They failed at a coup, now they want a revolution, not an election.

Monday, September 28, 2020


The only way Texas would go Biden is if they steal the election.

 Which is exactly what they are up to.

"With the help of mass mail-in ballots, the illegal ballot harvesting operation could harvest 700,000 ballots, one Harris County Democrat operative allegedly bragged."




“Awful, but lawful.”

This from the gentleman whose opinion I respect most  in these matters.



Prosecutors and investigators came to the conclusion that the boyfriend was sincere when he said he didn’t hear police announce, and thought he and his girlfriend were in danger from criminals – very likely the same ex-boyfriend of Breonna, the man the police were hoping to gather evidence against – when he opened fire.  Their conclusion said in essence, “He made a mistake of fact, but any reasonable person in his position might have made the same mistake under the circumstances, and therefore he should be held harmless.”  It’s what’s known as a finding of “excusable” action. 

The cops who returned fire – including the officer who was hit by the boyfriend’s bullet, which tore his femoral artery and came close to killing him – were apparently found to have acted in the reasonable belief that they were under murderous criminal gunfire which warranted their use of deadly force, in the eyes of the grand jury.  Same reason: “They made a mistake of fact, but any reasonable person in their position might have made the same mistake under the circumstances, and therefore they should be held harmless.”



Wednesday, September 23, 2020

One reader gets it



By now there's ample proof that wide scale use of HCQ/Zn is very effective at reducing deaths from WuFlu.


 And, speaking of WuFlu deaths, Dr Fauci seems to think New York did a bang-up job ...


Evasive, yes.

Once you see him clearly though, one question remains ...

which of the Dark Wizards is he working for?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Fauchian Bargin

By now anyone reading this blog knows how I feel about WuFlu and Dr Fauci. 

 By Mar 24 I was clear that the CCP was responsible for the breakout beyond their borders. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/chicom-flu-ccp-never-fails-to-amaze.html 

 By 27 Mar I was pointing out the evidence this was a man made strain bested the evidence it wasn't. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/perfect-example-of-todays-msm.html 

 By 28 Mar I was providing the background for understanding the release was intentional. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/not-unthinkable-to-everyone.html 

This week we have the brave defecting Chinese virologist telling us all the above is true. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/09/thinking-some-more-about-unthinkable.html 

April 5 I described the curious activity of Dr Fauce wrt HCQ. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/04/mere-coincidences.html 

By 22 April it was clear he had to go. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/04/fire-that-damm-fauci.html 

Subsequently it became clear Fauci funded the research - very much DUAL USE research - in Wuhan that created COVID 19.. 

Now we have the details which would substantiate the legal brief for prosecuting Fauci.  

"Fauci Should be Taken Away in Handcuffs — Money laundering, Anti-Trust, Wire Fraud" "You cannot look at that and say there’s anything but criminal intent because the government representing the people of the United States has said this is unethical. We have said that we aren’t going to fund it. We have said that this is a line we cannot cross. And what does Fauci do? He writes another check.” https://roundtablereport.com/?p=6350 

 So, on the major issues I've been batting one thousand on the WuFlu so far. Which makes the question I asked earlier this week all the more worth asking. Are the (marxist)Dems complicit? (in the devastation wrought on America by WuFlu) 

REMEMBER - this is what one of Obama's mentors had in mind for us back when - death camps.


That was then.  

And THIS is how one Dem felt after the last election. (I kept this gem, it sooo spoke from the heart)

So the question isn't unthinkable. Not now. Just look at the hate and the flames in our city streets. 


Update - 9/18/20 It appears I am not alone in my extreme mistrust of Dr Fauci.

 "...the gain of function research continued in secret. Dr. Fauci played a role in shifting this research to an even more secret place.

“Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research,” headlined an April 28 Newsweek report by Fred Guterl. In 2019, “the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.” When Fauci was asked about China’s role in release of the coronavirus he was evasive."

and what great company he keeps ...


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"THEY HAVE IT ALL": Ex-NSA Analyst Bill Binney Says Stellarwind Database Has Every Erased Mueller Team Text Message, Hillary Clinton Email


..." Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team “accidentally wiped” two dozen cellphones — so evidence of their treachery could not be known — met their match in former NSA Director Bill Binney who told the world yesterday in an interview that, indeed, they have it all.

Binney, one of the original National Security Agency analysts and longtime whistleblower, said that if the DoJ really wants to know what was on those phones, “all they have to do is go to NSA Stellarwind Database and pull them out as all SMS going over the cell network are captured & stored forever.”

"Binney also talked about The Hammer, a project by former NSA chief James Clapper that he also exposed via a fellow whistleblower inside the CIA. Where records of every phone and internet tap the government makes are kept to keep watch on the watchers, The Hammer was a separate protocol they created, meaning there would be no evidence of who was being watched by Big Brother.

“The Hammer was set up inside the CIA by, according to the whistleblower, by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA chief John Brennan. It was done so that they could spy on anybody they wanted to, without anybody in the intelligence community or the US government or any other government knowing they were doing it,” Binney said in the CDMedia interview."



Just add a pinch of Comey and you've got the makings for a first class sedition team.  Our 'intelligence' agencies have become our most dangerous national security threat. 

Thinking some more about the unthinkable

When famous conspiracy theorist Art Bell got to the golden gates the very first question he asked God was "who killed JFK"?  God answered 'Oswald did it alone, unassisted'.  With that Art Bell said 'hmm, this goes even higher than I thought'.

Which is to say, conspiracy theories may survive even death itself.

If for no other reason than entertainment let me provide a nascent 'theory' involving the coordinated actions of: the CCP and it's military BIOWAR activity at Wuhan, a certain jesuit trained, deeply Clinton devoted, bureaucrat at the NIH (who funded that lab's 'gain of function' research, considered too dangerous to do in the US, with US taxpayer money), and a party whose candidate, through his son, is visibly deeply financially linked with that same CCP.

"In a stunning segment on Tucker Carlson tonight, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan explains how China actually manufactured the COVID-19 virus by weaponizing and modifying the genetic sequence within the China bat virus.

According to Dr. Li-Meng Yan the virus was specifically created and released by China."


 Gee, almost sounds like the makings of a conspiracy ...



So - it is a man made virus.  Created in the military side of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan.

And, it was intentionally released.  It's havoc on the Chinese population an attempt to provide plausible deniability and avoid the consequences of an act of war against America and the west.


Which only leaves one - really awful - question.  Are the (marxist)Dems complicit?

One oddball (over the top Roman Catholic)  observer of events is Michael Voris
at Church Militant.  https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-arrest-the-democrats

Decanted from his most Roman Catholic Church loyalist pronouncements, his research has been top notch.  His eyeopening, detailed explanation of Alinsky and later Soros' leverage of the RCC is indispensable towards understanding how corrupt the RCC in America had become.


Now he, who well understands their maliciousness, asks:

"There's no way to know (big picture now), at least right now, if the Marxist Democrats actually conspired with the Marxist Chinese in the development and release of the virus in the first place. But given their level of evil (remember, they kill children by the tens of millions), why not?"

"Why couldn't this be some gigantic masterplan cooked up by the Marxists in Washington, D.C. and the Marxists in Beijing? "

So, hate to say it but, how unthinkable is it given the bloody dreams of the crew that gave birth to Obama and today's 'Justice Democrats'?


Praise God - and buy your ammunition.   

And re-elect President Trump.

Other references 



Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Visitor

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,

but against principalities, against powers, against

the rulers of the darkness of this age, against

spiritual hosts of wickedness

in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12 New King James Version

The Visitor

Fleet Admiral Feliks Nikolayevich Gromov, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, visited the United States in early 1995. In my role as Flag Secretary for the Navy's regional commander I developed his itinerary and accompanied his party throughout most of his tour of the bases and local sights across the Jacksonville Naval complex.

Context for the visit. The Navy of the Soviet Union, in which Gromov spent the major share of his adult life, was a part of a colossal military super power whose odd socialist production proclivities were manifest in WMD production as much as in any other pursuit. The Soviet Union had a peak stockpile of 45,000 nuclear warheads in 1986 and still, in 1995, had over 25,000. The mountain of biological weapons being managed were the result of an ongoing production effort that at one point had reached an annualized production capacity for weaponized smallpox, rabies, and typhus, for example, of 90 to 100 tons. Even after the visit by Gromov, in 1997 Russia declared an arsenal of 39,967 tons of chemical weapons.

Morale was slipping along with budgets. Soviet Russia had already experienced it's Viet Nam in Afghanistan in the 80's, and was now engaged in what became known as the First Chechen War.

Thus, Fleet Admiral Gromov had a sea bag full of problems on his mind while visiting Florida and Georgia.

What was Gromov's most pressing question for his US Navy Flag Officer host in Jacksonville?

Chaplains. How are they trained, how are they employed to minister to the sailors (including the crews of the Atlantic Fleet's Ballistic missile submarines in Kings Bay Georgia just visited)?

What was going on in Murmansk and Vlad at the time was that Russian military leaders like Gromov were cautiously addressing the problem of a military with an enormous arsenal of WMDs left spiritually adrift without their “Zampolit”.

 The Plan

As reported in 'War On The Rocks' Russia has since developed “a 'nuclear priesthood' which Quote permeated the units and commands in charge of Russia’s nuclear forces, and became an integral part of the nuclear weapons industry. The Russian Orthodox Church positioned itself “as one of the main guardians of the state’s nuclear potential and, as such, claims the role of one of the main guarantors of Russian nuclear security.” At first the church partnered with the military, enabling servicemen to fulfill their religious obligations while on duty. In time, religion penetrated more deeply into the military, as Russia’s political elite and religious elite intertwined. Today, the church has entrenched itself at the tactical and operational levels of the Russian nuclear forces. Depending on how one views the role of religion in the context of nuclear forces, that’s either a discomforting or a comforting thought. End quote.

Russia today is a survivor of communism. The double speak of marxists are transparent lies for the majority of the population and has little chance to engender a revolution to achieve a communist utopia. A robust Christianity in a Russia that still possesses a monstrous destructive capability is a comfort indeed. This is a country that is modernizing it's ballistic missile force, showcases a novel multi megaton strategic torpedo, and it's horrific biowar capability persist. The rumors of their development of a biological super weapon, 'Epox', a hybrid of ebola and smallpox, is easily credible.

Note that Russia has a  'deep state'. of it's own.   From wiki - "In March 1992...Yeltsin acknowledged the existence of an illegal BW program in the former Soviet Union and ordered it to be dissolved. His decree was, however, not obeyed." They conclude that "In hindsight, we know that with the ultimate failure of the... [negotiations] process and the continued Russian refusal to open the... facilities to the present day, neither the Yeltsin or Putin administrations ever carried out 'a visible campaign to dismantle once and for all' the residual elements of the Soviet BW program".

For it's part Communist China, with it's growing nuclear and, as we well now know given the product of the BSL4 facility in Wuhan, Biological warfare systems, has minutely studied the fall of the Soviet Union and made sure it has party loyal Zampolit in key positions throughout their Navy today.

No Yeltsins standing on tanks in Tiananmen square for them!  Enabled by the immense surveillance capabilities they employ against their own people perhaps now such a model will work, for a time.


All of which contrast starkly with America today

What died in Moscow, and is staunchly defended in Beijing, appears attempting to flourish in America.

Cultural Marxism, the bovine scatology of critical race theory, and outright contempt for the elected Commander in Chief is in full exhibition from the perfumed princes in the Pentagon to the now, dangerously gullible, lower ranks.


          West Point cadets. God, country, identity - which do you suspect is their priority?

From the service academies to the pier, Christianity is under assault within the today's Navy. Navy focused blog 'Commander Salamander' reports “Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void.“


 At the higher echelons flag officers and SESs are shocked at a President showing reverence for our foundational Christian faith and who intends to actually set policy. 

Task and Purpose – a slick periodical showing up on bases not too long ago. Purports to 'provide authentic reportage and perspectives on stories that matter to military members'. Founder is Democrat exploring a NYC Mayoral bid and Martha Vineyard buddy with the Clintons.

Washington (AFP) - “President Donald Trump's interventions in US military policy, from reversing a Navy SEAL's demotion to withdrawal from Syria to a transgender ban, increasingly undermine Pentagon leadership, defense experts said Monday”, 

The PRESIDENT's "interventions".  Imagine that!

The question must be asked – with the void created by driving Christianity out, will our military be our defender or our tormentor? As anticipated years ago by ADM Gromov and his peers , could such a force competently defend their country and be trusted with the most horrific weapons known to man?

And, beyond the military, Marxist are succeeding at eroding the Christian faith as part of their 'march through the institutions' with the intent of destroying the west. A homosexual rapist protecting, marxist Pope currently runs the Roman Catholic Church while marxist theory 'social justice' is spreading throughout evangelical denominations. The former courtesy of the Jesuits, the latter, tellingly enough, facilitated by THE very same agent of diabolic change that co founded the 'Justice Democrats' , now runs AOC, and dictates policy to Nancy Pelosi, Zack Exley.

So, do you see it now? Certainly the Russians and Chinese do,

We can't say we weren't warned by our forefathers.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral

and religious people. It is wholly inadequate

to the government of any other. “- John Adam

God help us.

 PS  This was written just before President Trump announced Marxist Critical Theory would be banned in his DOD.  Whatever else he is, he is clearly the right man for the time.  


 PPS  Diana West was spot on with this earlier this year - https://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htlead/articles/20200718.aspx

Update - 19 Sept 20 Yup, you can guess how I'm voting.  http://dailytorch.com/2020/09/trump-protects-religious-freedom-as-navy-reverses-course-on-catholic-priest-cuts/   (though I'd prefer Missouri Lutheran Chaplains)



















https://youtu.be/1h5iv6sECGU    The Brains Behind AOC

UPDATE - 7/21/21 - in the works (as you can imagine)