Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Thinking some more about the unthinkable

When famous conspiracy theorist Art Bell got to the golden gates the very first question he asked God was "who killed JFK"?  God answered 'Oswald did it alone, unassisted'.  With that Art Bell said 'hmm, this goes even higher than I thought'.

Which is to say, conspiracy theories may survive even death itself.

If for no other reason than entertainment let me provide a nascent 'theory' involving the coordinated actions of: the CCP and it's military BIOWAR activity at Wuhan, a certain jesuit trained, deeply Clinton devoted, bureaucrat at the NIH (who funded that lab's 'gain of function' research, considered too dangerous to do in the US, with US taxpayer money), and a party whose candidate, through his son, is visibly deeply financially linked with that same CCP.

"In a stunning segment on Tucker Carlson tonight, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan explains how China actually manufactured the COVID-19 virus by weaponizing and modifying the genetic sequence within the China bat virus.

According to Dr. Li-Meng Yan the virus was specifically created and released by China."

 Gee, almost sounds like the makings of a conspiracy ...

So - it is a man made virus.  Created in the military side of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan.

And, it was intentionally released.  It's havoc on the Chinese population an attempt to provide plausible deniability and avoid the consequences of an act of war against America and the west.


Which only leaves one - really awful - question.  Are the (marxist)Dems complicit?

One oddball (over the top Roman Catholic)  observer of events is Michael Voris
at Church Militant.

Decanted from his most Roman Catholic Church loyalist pronouncements, his research has been top notch.  His eyeopening, detailed explanation of Alinsky and later Soros' leverage of the RCC is indispensable towards understanding how corrupt the RCC in America had become.

Now he, who well understands their maliciousness, asks:

"There's no way to know (big picture now), at least right now, if the Marxist Democrats actually conspired with the Marxist Chinese in the development and release of the virus in the first place. But given their level of evil (remember, they kill children by the tens of millions), why not?"

"Why couldn't this be some gigantic masterplan cooked up by the Marxists in Washington, D.C. and the Marxists in Beijing? "

So, hate to say it but, how unthinkable is it given the bloody dreams of the crew that gave birth to Obama and today's 'Justice Democrats'?

Praise God - and buy your ammunition.   

And re-elect President Trump.

Other references

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