Sunday, June 28, 2020

End KungFlu terror

 Can't say I didn't tell you ...

"But for the great majority, I conclude that HCQ+AZ and HCQ+doxycycline, preferably with zinc can be this outpatient treatment..." 

Yale? Is that some right wing cult school? At this point if you have onset of Kung Flu and aren't offered HCQ and zinc get an attorney.

This from France ...

AND remember who is responsible -

CCP must be held accountable - and made to pay BIG!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Gross pandering

 Trump Figured Out Fauci and Now He's GONE | The Black Sphere


I've said a lot of unpleasant things about Dr Fauci already (posts 4/2, 4/5, 4/22, 5/2, 5/22).

One has to wonder what his motives are.  Politics?  Money?  He's funded the leaky lab in Wuhan with US taxpayer money - a lab that was doing research too dangerous to do in the states.

He is a real Hillary fan.  That is clear from the emails.

Now he avoids testifying to the obvious and instead panders to the leftist cause du jour.

“I cannot imagine that that //institutional racism// has not contributed to the conditions that they find themselves in economically and otherwise. So the answer, congressman, is yes.”
Dr Fauci June 23 to Congress

Compare that with this ...

'it's a vitimin D deficiency'
 Dr John Campbell April 15

One of these is science based. 

Guess which.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Profiles in Courage

Publicly strolling down to a church, Bible in hand, demonstrating faith in a higher authority and zero respect for a mob.  That is courage.

Challenging the - often violently enforced - PC corruption of our institutions and values.

That is courage.

What is not? 

Compare the personal and professional risk resulting from the actions of the craven souls below to   those cited above.

A 'Mayor' speaking her mind to a neighbor leader ...    Failing to address mortal risks with acts that might cost her the adoration of violent mobs.

Sworn Federal Agents of a totally corrupted 'law enforcement' agency showing cowardice in public ...

Once revered (if not by all at their zenith) soldiers demonstrating they are now politicians, or perhaps applicants for jobs with CNN.

(as an aside, again, one must ask - who hired these execrable traitors?  Pence?  These men were at odds with US troops leaving the $hit hole middle east and NEVER should have been proposed for their jobs in the administration)

And, not least, former Presidents failing to support the office they left (in shambles).

6/14/20 the extraordinary Diana West offers an explanation of our current crop of military 'leaders' and their motives ...

Monday, June 8, 2020

A clear assessment

Not a fan of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.  Eons of self promoting bureaucracy that necessitated Luther's reformation.

That said, there are many good people there and some brilliant minds.  This letter to President Trump should be read by all Americans.  It speaks the truth plainly.

An now a word on the riots ..

From an unusual source ...

Whatever the cause was, the actions taking place now have been corrupted as described above, by the violent left, and opportunistic thieves.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The answer to a question often asked by marxists shills

"Who needs an AR-15 and a 30 round magazine"?

Well, you, if you intend to face down intimidation.

The left has long loved their AKs, even using them on their banners.  Here's a commie (uncharacteristically with an AR)  vocalizing direct threats during a 'protest'.

They intend violence and death to promote the destruction of our republic.  The Bernie Bro with his SKS (yup, they do like combloc guns when they can get them) nearly killed several Republican congressional representatives.   He was not the outlier. 

The threat is present and real.  Currently the left in the street is a dangerous, violent mob that is driven by a well funded (at least in part by Soros), organized, international terrorist group ANTIFA.