Friday, May 22, 2020

The truth will out

As long as 'professionals' persist in refusing to implement the obvious treatment because of financial interests, political ideology, or ignorance most of our sheepel will cower in their homes listening to endless fear porn and fake news.

There are good reasons President Trump is using HCQ as a prophylactic.

Actual experience -

appears to be overtaking slow agency acceptance -

despite vested interests attempting to bury it with misinformaton -

There is at least one new production facility in the US for hydroxychloroquine. Claims that it can't be used because we need save it for other illnesses should be moot by now.

Currently opinions differ, Meh, ok for that. I spent my last 15 years successfully arguing with 'experts' and their 'models' so research on a topic like this was natural for me. I'll leave the potential motives alone at this point.

My research is done. I've reached my conclusion and have located at least one doctor who administers HCQ with zinc upon early WuFlu onset. So I'm where I want to be for now.

I'm no Dr so buyer beware but, thank God, it's a free country (or, at least we are in Texas) and that's my $.02.

5/23/20 - I located this bit Saturday morning.  Further justification, no surprise.

5/30/20 - yeah, they DON'T want to test it with zinc.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Different reactions to Chicom hacking

The joke organization that, pre-Obama, was considered a credible source alerts the public CCP is trying to hack into agencies and corporations working on a cure for the WuFlu ...

Know who else is working on that?   Our 'special friend' Israel.  Perhaps the Chinese tried hacking there too.

See the difference in reaction?  

My guess is that Israel's response was more blunt because, for them, it's a case of thieves falling out.   Israel has been a critical channel for PRC's covert acquisition of critical US military secrets for decades.

Some in your face examples:

LAVI - a joint US/Israeli project to defend Israel.   Now a major part of PRC's airforce

Patriot - “An absolute disaster, even if they only received the radar systems alone, much less the missiles"

Israel betrayed us to the Soviets (example, the spy Pollard whom Obama released to Israel to placate jewish campaign donors), and now to PRC. 

It's what they do.  Perhaps having China try to steal, not buy, their (as opposed to American) research was too much for them.

With an enemy like Xi's Communist China we can't afford 'friends' like Israel anymore.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

House cleaning

While the WuFlu and it's fatal and economic consequences remains foremost in our minds, it's very important to keep our eyes on the prize, that is, our freedom.  The vindication of Gen Rogers is. hopefully, only the first major success in uncovering and undoing the seditious effort by Obama with Brennan and Comey as his primary agents.

Here is a good article identifying which Republican establishment figures worked AGAINST the President and assisted team Deep State.  Their fake 'investigations' were never intended to hold Hillary, federal agencies, anyone accountable.

They must go.  At the end of Trumps second term the party must be free of these opportunistic traitors.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

State of play

It's a good time to understand what the big picture between US and CCP looked like shortly before WuFlu  -

By October 2019 the CCP understood Trump had their number and was going to remain in office.  The revised economic deal was going to reverse the long enjoyed inertia favorable to them, destructive to us.

Thus the timing of the WuFlu was either fortuitous or deliberate(1) on the part of Xi and his CCP hardliners.

And the CCP may have more than one torpedo in the water...

 "China’s big move for the 21st century is to pull a “trap door” on the U.S. by launching a gold-backed crypto currency that will devalue the U.S. dollar to “zero""

1. My post of  28 Feb 'Not unthinkable to everyone' is looking better with age.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The same 'experts' and 'intelligence community sources'...

that told you so much that was wrong already now are sure this wasn't a man altered virus.

Listen and learn.

Update - 8/21/20  

Complete documentation of who and how now provided by proper expert.

Only remaining question - WAS THE RELEASE INTENTIONAL?   When we have an answer in the affirmative in hand - that, folks is grounds for war.

Or big power shadow dancing as discussed here well back on 1 April.