Monday, September 30, 2024

Fauci need to go to jail!

We are beginning to hear the truth from the mouths of those involved in the WuF1u disaster.


(I'm flat out of 'told 'ya so on the topic of WuF1u)



Thursday, September 26, 2024

He taught constitutional law for years ...


Sad thing is, he believes every word he says.

"Back when it was passed you could not own a cannon"


Hey Joe, what were these PRIVATELY OWNED ships armed with? 


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Best Navy Everrrr!

If you type Navy into the search window at the top left you'll see I've expressed my opinion on 'today's Navy' many, many times.

And now it seems someone's unplugged the extension cord our IO Battle Group depends on ...

Rudder post looks toasted. 

No redundancy in unrep ships.  Maybe all those useless LCSs can daisy chain barrels?

Sigh.  Most of DOD can be scrapped so long as we don't pretend to be an empire or the sheriff for  megalomaniacs of Davos.

The "Deep State" - past and present

I find it amazing that some do not understand that the 'administrative state' - the 'deep state', is the major power broker in Washington DC today.  

The Deep State is a combination of the career senior professionals within the nation's intelligence agencies, justice and law enforcement agencies, the DOD, and the cabal of contractors engaged in highly classified activities and manufacturing that support them.  Subsequent to the reversal of roles in which, initially, the major IT companies relied on Deep State for funding (that's why Google is free folks), and now Deep State has become dependent on the IT companies for their capabilities, Google, Face Book, and a hand full of others have become inseparable from Deep State.  You are censored, surveilled, de-platformed, analyzed,  and your ability to know about the world around you - your 'web experience' is managed for the mutual benefit of big IT and Deep State.

It didn't happen overnight.  

Here's two episodes I well recall ...

The Deep State, in this case, CIA and service intelligence chiefs, deliberately lied to the President in order to secure the purchases of extremely expensive weapons systems. 

And ...


Ace Lyons was NOT alone in attempting to precipitate a war with Iran during the Reagan administration.  He was only the most obvious, and an easy fall guy for the very ugly, unintended consequences (the "Vincennes incident").  The Deep State, along with those we now call "neo-cons" (Bill Kristol and friends), as well as the always mendacious Israel lobby, were all behind this.  

All they needed for their 'Remember the Maine" moment was a bunch of dead US sailors ...

More recently, the Deep State DELIBERATELY LIED to American voters just before the last presidential election.  They knew that if the public understood the devastating information proving Hunter's and 'the Big Guy's (Joe Biden)' cash relationships with the CCP and Ukrainian thugs, it would have decided the election in Trump's favor. 


 Do NOT believe these people.  They have abused our trust, and our nation's intelligence and defense capabilities, for their own enrichment and ideological goals. Their 'endorsement' should be an indictment.

UPDATE: 10/2/24 - So, given we have no functioning President it's no surprise to learn our top guy guiding US policy with Israel is ... an Israeli born, Israeli Army veteran.  Deep State gives clearances to whomever they want:

listen to first 11 minutes ,,.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

A forgotten moment at sea a long time ago

Another minor anniversary.  To remind, what we now know as "Deep State" isn't new.  They were trying to incite a war with Iran even 37 years ago - quite independent of Reagan's wishes at the time.

And while the books that record one of the events from that unhappy time are on the whole accurate - they are is key ways not.  

I know this, first hand.

Bottom line - put explosives, sharp things, and killers in proximity long enough and someone's gonna die.

And it's never going to turn out the way you planned. 

                               Iran Air 655

    "Invoke not that which ye cannot control"



Global Warmi ...err ... whatever, we're DOOMED!


 Not really ...

It's actually funny when the truth comes out. 

UPDATE: 9/22/24 - Here's a good sample of the truth presented by the co-founder of Green Peace -

Friday, September 20, 2024

This is NOT politics as usual

 Can you finally see it - these people are evil.  The know FULL WELL the consequences of their words.

This is not politics as usual.  The old Republican/Democrat thing is gone.   The establishment of both parties are a fetid 'swamp' of self interests, hookers, cash, and blow.  Bush/Cheney will support Kamala (Obama III).  

Showing integrity, Kennedy supported Trump.

The division in this race is between good and evil.  Our politics has been deliberately driven out of control by very clever manipulators ...

"well this is a problem" - classic understatement. 

The evil megalomaniacs running our government and the media are stoking the fires with deliberate lies -

The opinion of Trump as an American, as a President, held by far too many is based on lies.  A cartoon. 

And it's clearly working -


And yet - our Lutheran pulpits are silent.  Our newsletters rerun articles from 4 years ago.  

Nearly entirely silent for the rise of Hitler, the Lutheran clergy are silent as a 4th Reich consolidates hold on the world.

Perhaps we can learn where a Christian should stand elsewhere ...

 UPDATE: 9/24/24 - Musk gets it ...


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2 Quick thoughts ...

1. The assassination attempts began once it was obvious lawfare was going to fail at stopping Trump.  Killing him is the best option 'they' (chiefly Deep State, Soros and son, Obama, and Team Davos) have left.

'They' will continue to try.  President Trump is advised to rely on personal security professionals to augment the suspiciously inept US Secret Service.

2. The shift to a 'kinetic' option suggests 'they' are not convinced they will be able to steal the election in such a way their hold on the government will persist.

God bless our republic.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why do 'they' want Trump dead?

 $$$ ...

And 'they' want to blame ... Trump! 

See it now?

UPDATE: Same day -   “Ryan Routh, the aspiring Trump assassin, was well connected to Ukraine’s military. He had many contacts in Ukraine, per New York Times, which said he had spent several months in Ukraine"

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The BIG picture

Critical points -1. Team OBiden is intentionally goading Putin looking for an October surprise.

                         2. The war in Ukraine was created by Team OBiden for the purpose of regime change in Russia AND cementing the hold of our ever more visible authoritarian autocracy here in America (you REALLY don't think Biden is functioning as President do you???)

The US and NATO continue to provide ever longer ranged weapons to Ukraine and killing increasing numbers of Russians within Russia.   Note this well, the targeting information for those weapons is beyond Ukraine's capabilities, WE - the US of A - are aiming those missiles that are killing Russian civilians.

Vlad has had enough.

Exact words -

The clown princes of OBiden's 'National Security' strategy ...  the very same arrogant and incompetent  Generals and 'experts' that produced our grotesque defeat in Afghanistan - and are among the loudest critics of President Trump - are the people that started the war in Ukraine.

Now, Team OBiden appears fixated on expanding open warfare throughout Europe and, perhaps,  into the US as well.  Remember what we did to NORDSTREAM?  Care for an irreparable breach of the Alaska pipeline?

And this is the point at which it is critical to remember that all this is all happening coincident with the great revolution here at home.  Forcing a larger Russian response is intended to be the next 'big issue' - an "October surprise".

The only individual I know of who has been explaining what is happening is Michael O'Fallon.  He is well worth listening to for Americans of any political stripe ...


Friday, September 13, 2024

Dzerzhinsky's got nothing on this guy

We are all Soviets now.

 A man who apparently thinks we all are fools ...

Given Trump's performance in the debate will not secure him a win that exceed the probable 'steal margin', Garland will have a prominent role in determining the future of our republic.

God help us.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Reporting" that deliberately skips a critical answer

 not really ... Walz KNOWS he's a CCP asset

Mainstream media is providing Harris/Walz with Level IV protection.  Here's a piece on Walz's frankly startling 30, that's THIRTY! trips to Communist China.

It buries the key question in the middle - “I’m sure he paid for all those trips himself on a teacher’s salary,”  

YES - 30 trips?  30?  

What did that cost? 

Who paid?  

Why did they think this was a wise investment? (Cluebird ....(1))

I also ask - did Walz report EVERY SINGLE trip to Communist China while serving to DOD as was required?  

TIME inc, claims to be in the business of news.  So - report.



1.  "Elite capture, as used by the CCP, is a form of political warfare that seeks to control the actions of political, academic, business, and cultural leaders outside of China to benefit the CCP. The means of control take a variety of forms including financial incentives, financial dependence or compromise, business entanglement, offers of access to opportunities within China, ideological appeal, and even blackmail." -

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Stupid Factory

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than 
malice, because while  “one may protest against evil; it can be exposed and 
prevented by force, against stupidity we are defenseless.” - D Bonhoeffer

Watch this short ( 6 minute) video -

Bonhoeffer explains that stupid people operate as though under a spell and are capable of great evil.

The left in America today, our post modern, neo marxist, “progressive” left, knows this and has constructed the information warfare mechanisms to ensure the public is truly stupid.  Read from below and remember, the “democracy” she is working to further is the one that:
> selected, not elected Kamala,
> engaged in lawfare to keep one candidate off the primary ballot and to put another candidate in jail,
> is working across the country to weaken signature requirements, and even date requirements, on mail-in ballots,
> many of those ballots coming from the millions of illegals they've admitted for that purpose, and,
> is engaging in massive misinformation and censorship.

There is a complex maze of interrelated companies and programs seeking to ensure misinformation, the one 'truth', Kamala's 'truth',  which is anything but, is the only message most receive.

Along with the contractors, the FBI has resumed coordinating censorship and the insert of misinformation with Google, Facebook, and the main stream media (in the interest of 'democracy' you know ) …

"Foreign" being a weak term in view of  Deep State infowar  tools to disguise origins. (see "Umbrage" (1)  "Russian Collusion" ring a bell???) 

So, expect lots and lots of “stupid”.  A lot of people are spending a lot of money to produce it in America leading up to November.  Your 'internet experience', the news you see, the stories you read, are all being managed to turn, and keep, you stupid.

In other words, a Kamala voter.

Bonhoeffer states that “Only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity.”    And here, as in Germany in the '30s, the cowardice of our Churches is failing this country, and the world.  

It will be a miracle if our constitutional republic exists in March.


UPDATE: later same day - listen to the man, he knows of what he speaks ....


Like everyone else over 10 years old I remember 9/11 well.

The biggest causality that day was our freedom.  Good, brave Americans died, some willingly in order to prevent more deaths.

God bless them.

But the "Patriot Act" was written by the very people who failed to defend us from such an act, and yet who wanted more power.  They weren't fired, they were rewarded.  The Patriot Act created the structure for a police state that inevitably would be abused.  It was passed by lazy politicians who wanted to say they 'did something'. 

It clearly was going to be abused.

 And it was. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Bummer name dude ...




Questions for President Trump


My $.02 on major issues President Trump must be prepared to address before debate night. (Anyone wanna pass along to Susie Wiles?)

Afghanistan Withdraw.  President Trump has said contradictory things about US presence in Afghanistan.  On one hand he said he's have gotten the US out.  Alternatively he's said that Bagram Airfield should have keen kept as it is 'within one hour of where China builds its nuclear weapons' (presumably flight time F-22/B-2).

Both can't be true.  Can't leave and hold the airfield.

Preferably he would understand PLA IRBMs would likely, preemptively, eliminate the utility of the airfield, and counter force targeted ICBMs probably have any known PLA nuclear weapon production facility targeted.  Not a time sensitive target, not goin' anywhere.   

The Jab.   No easy way out here.  The results of the jab are now widely known. 

"They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots."

The shots "dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure,"

1. Trump MUST clearly state the CCP is directly responsible for, at the very least and without question,  deliberately spreading COVID to the US.  Wuhan Province was locked down – except for likely carriers being permitted to fly to the US and Europe.  That is Biowar.  That is attacking the United States with a weapon that influenced an election, destroyed a major part of our economy, and killed thousands.  

2. Trump MUST acknowledge he was misled, albeit by the man the world apparently considered the leading authority on what to do in such circumstances, Tony Fauci.  He must also promise to investigate Fauci's involvement with funding, providing technology to, and the research conducted, at the Wuhan Lab.  He promise to prosecute if malpractice or economic gain is discovered. And he should also promise to pull the EUA on the mRNA technology.

Abortion   Trump has confused a number of his most dedicated Christian supporters with his comments indicating his support for abortion after 6 weeks.  What is his position exactly?  Was his opposition due to weasel words like 'health care provider' instead of doctor, or 'health of the mother' instead of 'life of the mother'?  He needs to explain.

Gun Control    President Trump needs to state his appreciation for the Founders and their prescient solution for keeping tyrannical governments in check.  Simultaneously he can explain his interest in research towards replacing SSRIs, and holding parents accountable for securing arms away from demonstrably 'at risk' for violence children that have come to the attention of law enforcement and school counselors.   

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Things that make you say - "OH".

 Now we see the who, and why, the shooter's manifesto wasn't released.  

"The //FBI's// BTAC knows so much about Hale that it sent a “memo” to the Chief of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Dept. (MNPD) recommending that “legacy tokens” (documents that may claim credit for attacks/motives) should not be disseminated to the public."

FBI.  Of course.

The document clearly didn't align with the Deep State's faux meme for mass shooters.   Also, it clearly points - again - to Big Pharma.

Call me unsurprised on all fronts.

UPDATE - It appears my note of this morning is more relevant than expected.

As with ALL mass shootings by minors the first question I ask is ... which SSRI was he/she on, and did he/she just start, stop, or change dosage.    SSRIs are, like mRNA(1), WORSE than the disease they are claimed to treat.  

BAN them.

(1) I've worn myself out on the topic ... most recently -

UPDATE: 8/4/24 - Seems FBI knew they had a candidate shooter a year before today's event. 

What meds did they have dad put him on?  Who was he communicating with online subsequent to coming to FBI's attention?

Is this sounding familiar???? 


 UPDATE: 9/7/24 - It appears the shooter is the gay male equivalent of a "TERF" trans exclusionary radical feminist.   Again - what meds was he on?

To say the VERY least ...

My own, qualified, support for President Trump is a matter of record (1).  

Here's a more eloquent expression of the same...

Know this - The 'intelligence', 'justice', and 'defense' (irony all three 'eh?) agencies, combined with their industrial/contractor collaborators - including Google and Facebook, that comprise the "deep state", IS the greatest threat to our freedom today.  Bar none.  

ONLY Trump will make a material change to their ever increasing stranglehold on our freedoms.

Vote for Trump.  

Vocally advocate for Trump.  

Insist your Ministers and educators speak the TRUTH, expose the child mutilating, deep state collaborating, democracy ending regime in power for what it is, and insist each of us who can legitimately vote exercise our vocation as "We the People" and return Trump to the White House for our, and our children's' sake. This is what Bonhoeffer, a good Lutheran in a similarly challenging time would have us do....

                              "The ultimate test of a moral society

                 is the kind of world it leaves to its children"  - DB




As early as April of '20 I was getting fed up with President Trump's inability to see Fauci for what he was - a failure that had dreadful consequences even for my family ...