Saturday, September 21, 2024

A forgotten moment at sea a long time ago

Another minor anniversary.  To remind, what we now know as "Deep State" isn't new.  They were trying to incite a war with Iran even 37 years ago - quite independent of Reagan's wishes at the time.

And while the books that record one of the events from that unhappy time are on the whole accurate - they are, in key ways, not.  

I know this, first hand.

Bottom line - put explosives, sharp things, and killers in proximity long enough and someone's gonna die.

And, it's never going to turn out the way you planned. 

       Iran Air 655

    "Invoke not that which ye cannot control"



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Stupid Factory

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than 
malice, because while  “one may protest against evil; it can be exposed and 
prevented by force, against stupidity we are defenseless.” - D Bonhoeffer

Watch this short ( 6 minute) video -

Bonhoeffer explains that stupid people operate as though under a spell and are capable of great evil.

The left in America today, our post modern, neo marxist, “progressive” left, knows this and has constructed the information warfare mechanisms to ensure the public is truly stupid.  Read from below and remember, the “democracy” she is working to further is the one that:
> selected, not elected Kamala,
> engaged in lawfare to keep one candidate off the primary ballot and to put another candidate in jail,
> is working across the country to weaken signature requirements, and even date requirements, on mail-in ballots,
> many of those ballots coming from the millions of illegals they've admitted for that purpose, and,
> is engaging in massive misinformation and censorship.

There is a complex maze of interrelated companies and programs seeking to ensure misinformation, the one 'truth', Kamala's 'truth',  which is anything but, is the only message most receive.

Along with the contractors, the FBI has resumed coordinating censorship and the insert of misinformation with Google, Facebook, and the main stream media (in the interest of 'democracy' you know ) …

"Foreign" being a weak term in view of  Deep State infowar  tools to disguise origins. (see "Umbrage" (1)  "Russian Collusion" ring a bell???) 

So, expect lots and lots of “stupid”.  A lot of people are spending a lot of money to produce it in America leading up to November.  Your 'internet experience', the news you see, the stories you read, are all being managed to turn, and keep, you stupid.

In other words, a Kamala voter.

Bonhoeffer states that “Only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity.”    And here, as in Germany in the '30s, the cowardice of our Churches is failing this country, and the world.  

It will be a miracle if our constitutional republic exists in March.


UPDATE: later same day - listen to the man, he knows of what he speaks ....

Friday, September 6, 2024

Questions for President Trump


My $.02 on major issues President Trump must be prepared to address before debate night. (Anyone wanna pass along to Susie Wiles?)

Afghanistan Withdraw.  President Trump has said contradictory things about US presence in Afghanistan.  On one hand he said he's have gotten the US out.  Alternatively he's said that Bagram Airfield should have keen kept as it is 'within one hour of where China builds its nuclear weapons' (presumably flight time F-22/B-2).

Both can't be true.  Can't leave and hold the airfield.

Preferably he would understand PLA IRBMs would likely, preemptively, eliminate the utility of the airfield, and counter force targeted ICBMs probably have any known PLA nuclear weapon production facility targeted.  Not a time sensitive target, not goin' anywhere.   

The Jab.   No easy way out here.  The results of the jab are now widely known. 

"They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots."

The shots "dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure,"

1. Trump MUST clearly state the CCP is directly responsible for, at the very least and without question,  deliberately spreading COVID to the US.  Wuhan Province was locked down – except for likely carriers being permitted to fly to the US and Europe.  That is Biowar.  That is attacking the United States with a weapon that influenced an election, destroyed a major part of our economy, and killed thousands.  

2. Trump MUST acknowledge he was misled, albeit by the man the world apparently considered the leading authority on what to do in such circumstances, Tony Fauci.  He must also promise to investigate Fauci's involvement with funding, providing technology to, and the research conducted, at the Wuhan Lab.  He promise to prosecute if malpractice or economic gain is discovered. And he should also promise to pull the EUA on the mRNA technology.

Abortion   Trump has confused a number of his most dedicated Christian supporters with his comments indicating his support for abortion after 6 weeks.  What is his position exactly?  Was his opposition due to weasel words like 'health care provider' instead of doctor, or 'health of the mother' instead of 'life of the mother'?  He needs to explain.

Gun Control    President Trump needs to state his appreciation for the Founders and their prescient solution for keeping tyrannical governments in check.  Simultaneously he can explain his interest in research towards replacing SSRIs, and holding parents accountable for securing arms away from demonstrably 'at risk' for violence children that have come to the attention of law enforcement and school counselors.