Saturday, April 27, 2024

What is - and what is to come


For many years I have followed Michael O'Fallon and been repeatedly horrified to see his predictions come true. 

Quite independently, and many years earlier, I watched interviews with KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov.  I appreciated it more than most as I had served a tour deep, deep, in the intelligence apparatus what is now called 'Deep State'.  And, shortly after that tour, I made a point to socialized with a very dedicated, hard left manipulator (who was quite unaware of my earlier tour in Deep State).  So networked was this little old high school teacher in small town Florida that her husband was awarded by Obama, her daughter worked for Soros, and her son is a bomb tossing union organizer.  I easily recognized her for what she was, and learned some about the hard left by observing what she was doing in her own little way for 'the revolution'. 

In this presentation Mr O'Fallon introduces folks unaware of Yuri with the KGB - and CIA - proven strategy for destroying a country.  He clearly describes how the 'progressives' have achieved success in  'stage one', demoralization, here in America.  He explains how the principal players on the apparent left, and the apparent right, for example, anti Israel vs anti Semitic, and anti Christian vs 'Christian Nationalist', are pursuing goals very different than what they use to inspire their gullible followers.

This is VERY important to understand NOW.

 Please listen, and consider.

May God protect our Republic.

UPDATE: 4/28/24 - Yup, fools marching to the tune of  neo-Marxist and Deep State organizers:

On the RIGHT  -

" How can you be sure they are Feds?

    Because the legacy news media is not spending any effort to unmask or destroy their lives. The corporate media was told to ignore this by their handlers at the FBI.

    If  Patriot Front were a real organic group, the reaction would be completely//different//…

    — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) April 27, 2024"

Who do you think would be revealed as the REAL directors of events on the ground on J6 should the media do similar reporting on that event?   (hint - not DAR members) 

On the LEFT -

"We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.”

Who is PAYING for the tents popping up on campus? 

Who else ....     The kids facing fire hoses and billy sticks are dupes of  one of the richest man on earth.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Saturday, April 20, 2024

"Patriots Day"

 The capabilities of our American police state have never been matched in the history of man.

Not Dzerzhinsky,

nor Himmler,

had the means to spy on their citizens that Obama and Holder focused on American citizens.

That abuse by government employees and government contractors, facilitated by megalomanical IT firm owners,  has now been formally sanction by congress.  

The Constitution is ignored.  The people too stupid, or lazy, to care that their freedom, their children's futures, have been stolen by the Reich.


The UNIPARTY, the REICH, has now done to our Constitution what the RCC and, ultimately, Giovanni Angelo Medici, aka., Pope Pius IV, did to the Bible.  

Simultaneous with the surveillance and censorship by the state and its agencies, thousands of provocateurs are among us inciting low IQ citizens from the left and the right to commit criminal acts further justifying police power.  The ridiculous, FED heavy 'kidnap' plot against Governor Whitmer is a good example.

America most needs a Christian spiritual revival with good people of every Christian denomination sharing their hopes and combining their efforts to save this country.  Zack Exley and friends need not apply.  

We also need a political reformer, and a movement, that returns our government to the Constitution.  

And, we need Christians in America to understand their responsibilities as electors, and Christians, as explained by Martin Luther when he was confronted by a tyrannical and immoral regime - a "Beerwolf". 

God help us.

UPDATE: Evening 4/21 - READ the story, watch the disgusting UNIPARTY liars...

We live in a police state run by Deep State - 

FISA-702 ONLY pertains to the private conversations of AMERICANS, not – I repeat – not any intercept or communication method that has to do with a foreigner or foreign adversary.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Suddenly it's raining Nazis


 "" is an astroturf news and opinion website owned by Christopher Michel of San Francisco.   As earlier explained (1 ) in their march through the institutions the "progressives" (aka Marxists) were working hard at re tilting the mindset of our military members and veterans towards  their 'one party, one truth, one Reich' mindset.  Michel, a once upon a time P-3 NFO, is the owner of "" and a political contributor to both RINOs and hard left politicians ( ).   'Fang Fang fan' Eric Swalwell to Sestak, Obama to Bush, a mix of RINOs, team Davos globalists, and a Chicom compromised congressman.  Truly a UNI-PARTY giver.  Based in San Francisco it is unsurprising he is a true believer in 'global warming' - or actually gets the scheme and agrees with it - and he pursues a bit a grift on that account with the National Academies.

That said then, "" should not be expected to be apolitical.  And it clearly is not.

Take a gander at the movie review for a film titled ‘The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare’, which the film reviewer says "Is the Nazi-Killing Heist Film America Needs Right Now".  The film appears to be a run of the mill explosion and gore fest - nothing remarkable there.  What is of note however is this comment by the reviewer: 

"The resulting heist film also unexpectedly prompts a look at the dangers of extremism through a comical lens -- something worth considering as the United States grapples with its own mounting domestic turmoil. A growing number of Americans are convinced that civil war looms on the horizon amid a revitalization of neo-fascist movements at home, “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare” offers a reminder (albeit a violent one) about exactly how to deal with Nazis -- a comforting historical fairy tale for uncertain times."

One has to ask Ms Sicard, the reviewer (also an author for astro turf military site Task and Purpose), and Mr Michel, what neo-fascist are they referring to? The neo-Nazis trained overseas by the CIA supported Nazis in the Ukraine?  The very ones used by the Deep State guerilla theater organizer of  "Occupy Wall Street" to produce the much celebrated media event in Charlotte?

For that matter, does Ms Sicard and Mr Michael support the killing of Nazis in Ukraine?  You know, the ones wearing the Nazi occult black sun and SS regimental runes on their uniforms?


Or, given that group was funded by Obama and Brennan are they 'good Nazis'? 


From here it's very clear who the Nazis are.    Maybe Joe can grow that lil' 'stache to clue in Ms Sicard?



Wednesday, April 17, 2024

We've seen this before

A bad movie we've all seen before.  Even conscious attempts to replicate the visuals. 

 Nazi Germany 1930s                                                    Washington DC today

Ruling clique focused on race issues                                     Same

Ruling clique comprised of leaders of industry,                     Same

         media, and state police agencies

State propaganda predominates                                             Same

       State has SA terror forces to intimidate or                          Same (BLM/ANTIFA)

       brutalize populace

      Victimization of identifiable population                          Same (White, Christian, Straight)

           State pagan ;religion'                                                               Same

Compliance of established church clergy                                Same

Enormous influence of military and associated                       Same


Politicization of military                                                           Same

Unbridled police state activities                                               Same

Aggressive use of military outside border                               Same

         Worship of 'the one' (Hitler)                                                    Same (Obama)

         Deathcamps/Mengele                                            Castration/mutilation/ Rachel Levene

Reichstag Fire                                                                           J6

Sense of ideological superiority                                            Same

UPDATE: 4/18/24 -  Understand this -  Tucker Carlson: Congress Is Lying To You About FISA | ZeroHedge

UPDATE: 4/18/24 - Excellent lesson on politics of compliance.  We lived this in WuF1u.  Listen and learn - we were had!

UPDATE: 4/18/24 - Tucker 'gets it' - watch this piece.  Also note well, how the celebrated hangman's noose appears in "Meathead".s documentary.  A bit of stage prop I've noted on before (probably constructed by either a current, or former, FBI employee).

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

"Too Long Didn't Read" is no excuse

 Read today's summary on the FBI by 'Sundance' - it is the ugly truth.

Realize where we are today.  America is vastly different than it was in the 80s.

And - also realize the Deep State is manipulating the ill informed and weak minded to achieve it's ends.

UPDATE: 4/18/24 -  Understand this Tucker Carlson: Congress Is Lying To You About FISA | ZeroHedge

Friday, April 12, 2024

Why a 2nd Amendment?

 From someone who understands.

Immigrant Who Escaped Chinese Persecution Absolutely Demolishes Gun Grabber David Hogg (

A note to "Mr. Speaker"

There's a line in the very funny - very dark now - Brit comedy show "Yes Minister" about England's famous "Official Secrets Act".  'It doesn't protect secrets, it protects officials'.  

Reading this bit of news (below) drove me to sending "Mr. Speaker" this note via his web site.

Speaker Johnson Caves on Spying on Americans Without Warrants (


Dear Mr. Speaker,

Again, I apologize for the use of a fictious address.  Your site only accepts in district mail despite your national position.

Please sir do NOT reauthorize FISA in its current form.  Anything else you do subsequent will be of little use if Deep State is not curtailed in its unconstitutional activities aimed at controlling 'we the people'.  I have an informed opinion on this having worked inside the beast for some years.  As currently operating what we have is a 4th Reich running the country - a fusion of industry and police state like Hitler had.  There should be NO collection without warrant - which is the opposite of what we are doing now.  As in my day, despite their briefs, that is the correct way to operate and NOT present an overwhelming risk of abuse to Deep State and its suborned politicians.

Deep State IS the greatest threat to our republic.  


XXXXX CDR, USN (Ret.) (Intel Subspecialist)


UPDATE: Same day - the NEED was clear - NEVER FORGET: Chris Wray's FBI Illegally Used FISA to Spy on Americans 278,000 Times without Warrant - Including Trump, J6 Families and Trump Donors | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The Speaker fought for the 4th Reich AGAIN and saved their ability to spy on us.

House finally passes surveillance bill after three stumbles - Live Updates - POLITICO

TYRANNY: House PASSES Bill to Renew FISA Warrantless Spy Program by 273-147 Vote - Here's the 126 Republicans Who Voted YES to Snoop on Americans Without Meaningful Limits | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

TYRANNY.  Remember that word.  

UPDATE: 4/13/24 - FISA is a way around the 4th Amendment.  It is being used to spy on any political opponent of the Deep State or it's servants.  Mike Benz on the FBI's Lawless Use of FISA Spying: "This Is the Most Corrupt Agency, the Most Lawless... We Will Know There Are Checks and Balances When We See Them in Jail" (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft  "We will know there are checks and balances when we see them //the FBI// in jail".

Bush created today's DEEP STATE.  Obama aimed it at honest, patriotic Americans.

FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, ATF, CISA, NCSC these ARE the greatest threat to the US our country has ever faced.  Uncontrolled - given our politicians are so gutless and vile and their vices are easily exploited.

UPDATE: 4/15/24 TYRANNY exposed



Thursday, April 11, 2024

Moloch, not 'medicine'

Here's some detail on the abuse our "Health Services" folks are visiting on some confused kids...

OBiden's "Public Health Service" is run by a, deeply troubled, big promoter of 'gender affirming surgery' for children.  This 'surgery' is actually horrific sterilization and mutilation of children.  

Here's the male to 'female' 'surgery' -    Might as well put horns on him and call him a deer.

Minors are being taken from families refusing to authorize tranny mutilation.

Other neo-marxist 'progressive' states are racing to ensure kids can get mutilated.

And the 'surgery' is not only a fraud.  It often causes suicides.

Obama's "fundamental transformation" of America is near complete.  America is no longer post Christian.  America is not merely atheist.  America is officially, as far as the government goes, pagan.  The current Obama administration, utilizing the drooling meat puppet Biden, is a monster. 

UPDATE: 4/12/24 'gender affirming' children is just butchery - Study Shows 98% Of Children Grow Out of Gender Confusion by Adulthood - The HighWire

This regime seeks to overturn the moral order of this republic. 

Monster, overturning morality, remember that word.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Red Pill for those who can not believe

After the 'election' of 2020 PBS told us about the "exhaustive piece of reporting" which debunked the conspiracy theory that the 2020 election had been stolen.  The "Big Lie" they called it.

"We went to the local election officials" ... the producer of story bragged.  (Of course, it was those election officials that facilitated the steal.)

Also, the US Attorney General, bag pipe playing Bill 'Hunter Lap Top is disinformation' Barr told us there was "no evidence" of election fraud.

So that's it.  Trump supporters are crazy, right???

Sorry folks.   

The UniParty, the Deep State, the Media, are ALL telling you a deliberate lie. The story cited above wasn't "reporting" - it was a big, fat, middle finger raised in the face honest citizens by a taxpayer supported PBS.  Attorney General Barr is a monster who, among other things, white washed Epstein's death and actively participated in a coup.

Here's a dose of red pill for you if you doubt - facts Barr know well.

Video CLEARLY shows election workers - in a building claimed to be closed for the night - repeatedly rerunning the same ballots through a tabulator -

There were many, many "Mail in" ballots that were clearly never folded and appeared machine marked - and these were kept from the public after the fact, despite laws requiring they be kept available -

Despite years of attempted memory holing and character assassination, USPS admitted the truck driver's claim he drove OVER A QUARTER MILLION COMPLETED ballots from New York to PA was true

The above are direct, clear evidence of fraud.

On a larger scale there was a massive effort to stuff ballot boxes using individuals who were, at the minimum, illegitimate couriers

And the machinery used in elections in many states is corrupt - according to one of the most important engineers at the firm producing the equipment -

Face the hard truth now folks.  2020 was "Rigged" (1) and stolen.

And it will be tried again.  

Why - because there were no consequences, and, election theft is justified to the one percenters based on their opinion of average voters -

IMHO, if they steal this one, they 'will have summoned that which they can not control'.  

On their heads be it.
