Saturday, April 20, 2024

"Patriots Day"

 The capabilities of our American police state have never been matched in the history of man.

Not Dzerzhinsky,

nor Himmler,

had the means to spy on their citizens that Obama and Holder focused on American citizens.

That abuse by government employees and government contractors, facilitated by megalomanical IT firm owners,  has now been formally sanction by congress.  

The Constitution is ignored.  The people too stupid, or lazy, to care that their freedom, their children's futures, have been stolen by the Reich.


The UNIPARTY, the REICH, has now done to our Constitution what the RCC and, ultimately, Giovanni Angelo Medici, aka., Pope Pius IV, did to the Bible.  

Simultaneous with the surveillance and censorship by the state and its agencies, thousands of provocateurs are among us inciting low IQ citizens from the left and the right to commit criminal acts further justifying police power.  The ridiculous, FED heavy 'kidnap' plot against Governor Whitmer is a good example.

America most needs a Christian spiritual revival with good people of every Christian denomination sharing their hopes and combining their efforts to save this country.  Zack Exley and friends need not apply.  

We also need a political reformer, and a movement, that returns our government to the Constitution.  

And, we need Christians in America to understand their responsibilities as electors, and Christians, as explained by Martin Luther when he was confronted by a tyrannical and immoral regime - a "Beerwolf". 

God help us.

UPDATE: Evening 4/21 - READ the story, watch the disgusting UNIPARTY liars...

We live in a police state run by Deep State - 

FISA-702 ONLY pertains to the private conversations of AMERICANS, not – I repeat – not any intercept or communication method that has to do with a foreigner or foreign adversary.

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