Monday, February 26, 2024

War Criminals

This news just in ...

" For eight years leading up to Russia’s invasion in 2022, Ukraine’s government, with help from the CIA, relentlessly bombed Eastern Ukraine. "

In case you STILL don't get it.  Obama, Brennan, Biden, and Soros caused the war in Ukraine.

But, I repeat myself ...

Ukraine's installed regime (a feature we here in the US share - and by the same folks) has cancelled elections.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Straight out of "That Hideous Strength"

What was science fiction becomes documentary

One has to wonder what is the world view animating Davos.  What do these people think of America's middle class, the folks who make the light go on, build and repair cities and populate the ranks in America's DOD.   The 'them' team Davos hates the most.

From two different perspectives arrive recent articles on the pontifications of a Yuval Harari.

FRONTPAGEMAG offers a comment on Harari's focus on transhumanism

ALTMARKETS goes more into his historic precedents:

The later may be more to the point.  The increasingly bizarre pursuits of our self declared 'elites'  illustrate that, having denied God they're susceptible to the occult.  

Spirit Cooking anybody?

Update: 3/6/24 - no surprise here ...


Silly person - no one wants to create an army of occupation

Task and Purpose is a publication intended to coopt military members and veterans to a progressive view.  The left was tired of soldiers and vets being reliably conservative in their political outlook and TP is one of the efforts to manipulate that voting base.  Task & Purpose was founded in 2014 by Zachary Iscol, Brian Jones, and Lauren Katzenberg. TP's founder, Zach is a close associate of the Clintons (1),  ran for Mayor of New York (2), and is clearly not your typical Marine veteran.

In the face of a growing awareness that the military age Chicoms illegally entering the border are intended to be used to alter the loyalty of our military to our constitution  TP ran a story to stamp it down.

The truth is however that Bret Weinstein's, and our, gut instincts are much more likely correct.  

Watch especially after the 11:00 mark

Remember there is NOTHING the deep state will not do to hold onto power.  Their freedom (many can be prosecuted for their abuses of the national surveillance system) and fortunes are at stake.  Clintonista's TP's rapid response is more of a confirmation there is a plot than a reassurance for Americans.

"Progressives" and Deep State ask 'Where can we find such men?'  

Xi has the answer.

Note that in the comments section to the TP story one vet opines: "Nothing entirely new: served with an émigré from Mexico who after service in Viet-Nam, would be given U.S. citizenship and retire a chief warrant officer."  That this development is "Nothing entirely new" is dead wrong!  His Mexican friend wasn't sent by the government of Mexico.  The Chicoms coming over the border can't possibly be leaving PRC without the government's assistance.  They are also being provided assistance to avoid the most difficult portions of the journey by the PRC

I've commented on the political corruption of our military for over 3 years -

These men are coming with a purpose. OBiden has permitted the CCP to open intelligence outposts "police stations" in the US.  Their, and Xi's, purpose is not to see our republic returns to the largely free country it was 20 years ago. 



Update: 3/2/24 - 

Better believe it folks.  They're already passing out guns to them in California.  ZERO loyalty to our republic.  This is just like the CCP getting tank crews from far out of  Beijing to run over the students in Tiananmen Square.

UPDATE: 3/14/24 - Remember Google dropping 'don't be evil" ,,,

No alternative

 This is the only man who will trim back our criminal deep state and who is running for President in 2024.

Note - Laura is ESTABLI$HMENT.  

UPDATE:  2/22/24 - one thing for sure, ole' sniffin' Joe ain't running the place ...

UPDATE:  3/3/24 - Trump's greatest failing is personnel.  Haspel for CIA director, Barr as AG, Milley and Pence. So, no surprise here -

Hopefully someone will succeed in getting Tulsi off the VP candidate list before it's too late.  

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

How repulsive is the Washington swamp?

Explore for yourself.  Study the information in the link below.  The thought that 'we the people' select a leader - and the government employees are there simply to carry out out our legitimately elected leader's wished is light years away from what takes place between the ears of these "civil servants" and organizers.

If by Gods grace Trump regains the White House the effort to clean these folks out of DC will be massive.

UPDATE:  2/22/24 - one thing for sure, ole' sniffin' Joe ain't running the place ...

"Adults in charge"

"The Biden administration, and Joe Biden’s 
presidency, was supposed to be the return of the “adults” in charge" (1)

60 Minutes did a polished bit of DOD propaganda last week.

Good to see an obviously competent Naval Surface Warfare Officer get his 15 minutes of fame.

But, let's talk context.  Big picture, shall we?  

This is not the largest effort since WWII.  Dual carrier battlegroups, US warships striking mines, were all part of the 'Reflagged Tanker' operation in the '80s.  While this was, in part, an effort by deep state to get enough dead US sailors for a 'casus belli' for a war with Iran  (2), a handful of responsible military commanders in theatre, such as Captains Frank Lugo and Dave Yonkers, saw this did not happen.  Instead, the US muted it's activity after killing some 290 Iranian civilian airline passengers.  

Iranians haven't forgotten

Instead of a photogenic "Remember the Maine" event unanticipated consequences ARE what happens when you pack a volatile area with men, ships, and explosives.  

This current effort in the Red Sea appears much the same as the reflagged tanker "Earnest Will" operation then,  an effort by deep state and the Israeli lobby to get the US into a war with Iran.  And this current brinksmanship is being carried out by folks with far less talent and experience than we had in the Reagan administration.  

Otherwise - why are US Navy warships and personnel there?

To defend the seaways?  For who?

In May  2023 the worlds merchant fleet was comprised of some 40,000 ships.  Of those 5,500 were PRC's, 177 were American.  Less than one half of one percent.  "US interests" are claimed to own 1,785 ships (3) - but avoid US flag status to skirt taxes, requirements to hire US citizens as crew, safety considerations, etc.  Good business, but not in the best interest of the US of A.

Cargo going to/from US and Europe crosses the Atlantic.  Cargo going to/from US and Asia crossed the Pacific.  The Suez, like middle eastern oil - when the US is taking advantage of it's resources - is not as consequential to America as it may be to European and Asian nations - or, perhaps, Blackrock.

Are we being paid to defend China's ability to ship sneakers on non-US flag merchants at the best rates?   Did the sailors in our 'all volunteer' military sign up to put their lives at risk for such a cause?

Go back to the 11:10 mark of the 60 Minutes segment.  Replace the word Houthi with Ukraine, Iran with United States.  US provided harpoon missiles, launched no doubt with US assistance, sank a Russian warship in the Black Sea. Vlad did not respond by striking the US. 

Similarly then, if a cargo container with SS-N-23 supersonic, sea skimming anti-ship missiles finds it's way into Yemen, and that results in major damage to an aircraft carrier, or the sinking of one of our destroyers - what then?  

Because of the stupid game OBiden is playing in the Ukraine 'he' has no just cause to retaliate on anyone other than the hapless Houthis proximate to the smoking launcher. 

As Ambassador Molari would say - "yeahsss, good job".

UPDATE:  2/22/24 - one thing for sure, ole' sniffin' Joe ain't running the place ...


2. Ace Lyons was not 'rogue', just the most visible of the deep state cabal intent on starting a war with Iran while the US military was at apogee.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Hard truth - so much of what you think you know is a construct of the 'National Security Estate'


Tucker's best episode yet.  I've blogged about DOD's intrusive, unconstitutional collaboration with industry to spy on, and influence all US citizens.  This puts it out front, center.

Even this humble blog is routinely throttled and occasionally banned.  

 Listen to the presentation.  It explains the who every bit as well as Shadowgate  ( ) explained a component of the how.

To remind, I wrote about DOD's IW ability being turned inward August 15, 2020:
I noted CISA as a direct threat to our elections in July 2022:

As more and more people are realizing, we are well on a way NOT to a 'civil war'.  We are on the way to a very likely violent retaking of our republic from the unelected cabal that runs it.

UPDATE: Following day - Here's a great example of the deep state 'borg' at work.  FBI seeds a glowing story about how they captured an AK waving dumb ass which is repeated by Faux news and further repeated by Yahoo.

I opine the threat represented by the likes of him is nothing to what our open border and blind eye to the Chinese Intelligence Service is creating right now under the nose of OBiden's FBI.  

The Borg hive mind rejects it immediately.

So, to COVID/jab/Fauci and invalidity of mass mail in ballots add CCP invasion to the list of unmentionable subjects.

UPDATE: 2/18/24 - The deep state REALLY doesn't want to talk to the people that write their checks about this ...

And, for those who discounted my earlier note ...

Yes, despite most of MSM quickly trying to memory hole the story I touched on earlier (1), the owner of the clandestine bio lab with EBOLA virus in it does have associations with Xi and the CCP ... He is an agent for Xi folks.

 "Zhu had previously stolen millions of dollars of intellectual property from American companies and was part of an ongoing transnational criminal enterprise with ties to the PRC.

Zhu, who went by a number of aliases.."


Jumping the shark

There use to be a joke bumper sticker - "Nuke the gay commie whales"

OBiden topped it -

Can't we at least get that joker to wear a "Space Force" uniform?  Pleeeze???

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Connect the dots for yourself


They share one thing 
- a fierce hatred for free, informed, armed Americans

There is no denying the CCP is at work preparing our destruction.  To deny that is to be either a fool or complicit.   Below are some of the pieces of the story.  Make of it what you will.

Biden's FBI and CIA do nothing because Biden is merely a meat puppet for Obama, hopelessly compromised and deluded.

Just as CIA used Twitter as an invaluable source of intelligence and to incite  'color revolutions' in foreign countries, Communist China's intelligence service no doubt exploits Tik Tok in America -

Directly responsible for deliberately spreading COVID, CCP now has covert BIOWAR labs, and intelligence service command posts, established in the US,  
And the CCP is FLOODING the US with unaccompanied military age men.

Men whose path is managed from China, and who are NOT open to interview by Americans.
So - just who is running our border, facilitating this invasion?

Clue - Rice is Obama's gloved fist in the usurper's White House.

The why is easy - as terrorists or troops, the Chinese crossing from the south are coming with a purpose.  It's just passing odd globalists like Obama (and Soros) think they will survive Xi's realization of 'their' plan.

UPDATE: 2/16/24 - So Biden, err, Rice, err, OBAMA wants chaos.  And he has brought it.   To he and his kind I only remind what that other book said - "invoke not that which ye cannot control".

Monday, February 12, 2024

For the record


A response to a glowing article titled "In Praise of The Military Industrial Complex"

Commander Salamander published a gushing article by a contractor about what a great thing America's "Military Industrial Complex" is.

My response" 

From: The Gaffer

My goodness. I had 37 years and 9 months active duty and working in, and for, the Navy and I wouldn't have been able to write such a one sided - or naive - review of the MIC after only 8 or 10 years at the job.

Sure the MIC looks good from the deck of a reasonably well designed, built, maintained, and manned ship - but, really, is that representative? My experience - although dated now - leads me to believe that's largely not the case. Recent examples; the LCS, what's that burning at the pier, and the Connecticut.

But the greatest evil visited on the republic by the MIC is far, far from the ramp and deck plate. It lies in their participating in the "deep state" - the unelected cabal of contractors and bureaucrats who are unanswerable to the nation but have hijacked it's most powerful tools of influence. As a JO I thought it was cute that Bobby Ray would tug on his sock when his boss spoke to congress in order to tip off Senator Goldwater he was lying. Not too much later it was less funny being in the Persian Gulf while Adm Lyons appeared to be pursuing an agenda shared by some - but not the Commander in Chief - at the time.

Sigh, those were the days.

Today we have a coterie of Generals and Admirals (active and retired, running code-word access IT firms) who have directly opposed the will of the elected President and have conspired in a coup against him. While we were otherwise distracted the incredible information warfare systems designed to counter foreign government was, first commercialized ('tossed over the transom'), then aimed at the enemies of deep state - and DC power player political opponents (for a fee/consideration in kind).

And THAT, IMHO, is the real power of the MIC - it has become exactly what Eisenhower warned of.

Word of the day - "PHILANTHROPATH"

 A useful word.

Friday, February 9, 2024


 Gosh, who guessed it?  Trump actually won in 2020 but the election was stolen.

BAN mail in voting for all but deployed military.  Do a simply QA on the count of the military ballots.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Invasion Inc.

One corporation in the great illegal immigrant grift industry changes it's name to better reflect their orientation and focus.

WHY? (from their own website )

The Weinstein interview is a must watch -

Hard left grift.  DO NOT support these people.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


Our border's open.

BUT, let's make sure we get $17.6 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Israel!

You know ... our "special friend". 

Special indeed ... special, NOT so chosen anymore ...

Why?  Was it that great intel on "launch ready WMDs" that had us go to war against Iraq y'all gave us?  Or, maybe it's some memorial to Epstein?

Friday, February 2, 2024

Finally someone gets it

 A puzzle in only 2 parts: 

1. A video ALL Americans who will vote must watch -

16:35 - Not a friendly invasion of military aged males.

30:35 - Illegals to man the US Army?   (Gee, who'da guessed? )

46:17 CCP has a different understanding of what the future of our country is than most Americans

1:00 Is COVID connected? It was the product of BIOWEAPONS research  

1:05 China did NOT vaccinate their population with mRNA.  

1:08 Make one population immune to a bioweapon and another more susceptible. 

And, 2. a priceless piece of intelligence on the mindset of the PLA and CCP leadership -

I'm dead tired of saying I'm right.  

About the CCP and WuF1u. 

About the border.  

About the plan to create an army of occupation using illegals.

There's a bloody road ahead.  

Not merely the wealth of the world, but the freedom, including religious freedom, of all mankind is at stake.

UPDATE: 2/10/24 - Think I'm kidding?  How 'bout 20,000 mostly unaccompanied, military age, male candidates for Obama's dream army?  They can't be leaving Xi's prison state without permission and instruction.