Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Time to demonitize Disney Inc.

American parents, 

When you find you've been supporting an agency as dedicated to evil as Disney has become action is demanded.

This is who THEY are, this is what THEY plan to do to influence YOUR children.

Remove any current Disney product from view.  Buy nothing from these monsters.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Potential for improvement?

As I pray for an end to the killing in Ukraine I remain pessimistic for prospects ...

Reason being, unless Zelensky can free himself from the globalists/deep state forces that have dictated events in Ukraine - and intentionally incited Vlad in December - he is as likely to die (at the hands of 'Russian Special Forces', wink, wink) as to bring an end to open warfare.  

It appears there's prospects in Ukraine ready to continue the Jihad for as long as they'll be supported.  (Which is until the sun burns out or Putin is replaced according to the 4th reich and Davos crew.)

Like this guy .  Note - Nazi guerrilla warfare in west Ukraine was the routine until Vlad invaded. 

As for those behind this bloodletting - the revelation and open attribution and prosecution of them for their actions would be of enormous benefit to mankind.  

                                'elections (Ukraine 2014, US 2020), we don't need stinkin elections'

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Sunday's exchange of views

The following clip was forwarded to me as being particularly on the mark regarding the United States:


Extraordinarily accurate analysis from a foreign country. God help the USA . Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in a Prague newspaper.

"The danger to America is not Joe Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."


To which I replied:



Biden was NOT elected.  He was selected.  Barring all probable (given the effort to wipe the memories) hacks of the tabulators, barring even the probably decisive number of fake ballots in the deciding precincts (note the FBI itself took custody evidence from the lawful investigators and themselves shredded already once shredded ballots in a precinct in Georgia to prevent the proof they were fakes), the cover up of the Hunter laptop and contents regarding our 'president' was likely itself enough to decisively determine the election.

Bill Barr, had the ability to ensure the plain evidence of Biden's corruption with the Chinese and Ukrainians were justifiably revealed,  

Mike Pence had the ability to pause the coronation of a usurper long enough for a sufficient number of the intact, unfolded, 'vote by mail' ballots to be demonstrated as false to dictate real investigation and action by the states.  Forensic equipment and competent operators were available.  The courage and integrity of one man, Pence, was not. 

DOJ, FBI, state AGs.  The deep state that supported the coup with 'russia collusion' lies.  The MSM, RINOs, and the socialist Dem leadership.    

THEY, not the sheeple did this. 

THEY, not the few who were screaming about this as it was happening.  (Ex.,,

And, acknowledge this,  By September '20 Trump had glaring cause to relieve Barr due to his cover up of the Hunter laptop.  He did not.  And so, he shares blame.

Our future depends on our ability to have a fair election in '22 and '24, and in seeing those who stole the last one are debilitated and sanctioned. 

It depends on someone who will not surround himself with deep state and swamp traitors as our next President.  

Unfortunately, on that last note, it's most unlikely Biden will serve his full term.  He is a disposable wrecking ball for the socialists/globalists.  The weaponization of our institutions against us, and the assembly of armies of street thugs, is complete.  

Having a fair election may already be beyond us.

God save the republic,



UPDATE - on that last note, election, here's a look into what is happening from the perspective of two very qualified sources (specifically 06:56 - 18:22 ), -

UPDATE 3/29/22 - yes, the deep state ran a coup against President Trump.  And they're damm proud of it too.

Deja Vu


"Germany delivers ,,, MG3 machine guns to Ukraine"

Of course, Hitler's Germany was providing that same gun (slight caliber change, 8MM back then) to Nazi Ukrainians (including SS)  in the '40s to kill Russians and Americans so, not much change there.

(( UPDATE 3/28/22 - and remember those death camps?  Never again?  THIS is who YOU are supporting in Ukraine ...

WAKE UP!  NAZIs being NAZIs folks.  Obama, Biden, Soros, the lot of them will use ANYbody, employ ANY means (think COVID) to achieve their ends. ))

Meanwhile, senile wrecking ball Joe let slip the plan this week -

no surprise if you've kept touch -  ( including :  and ).

This is not a 'just war'.  Most of Ukraine is being used as a PR prop to support the replacement of a nationalist, Christian leader in Russia.  If there are war crimes to punish, begin with Soros and the folks behind the overthrow of a Ukrainian president in 2014 - the very same cabal who incited this bloodletting in December 2020.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Probably good analysis from a reliable source

 While this site's long suit is politics, it, along with Sovereign Nations is the very best at understanding  4th Reich shenanigans, they do a very good job a geopolitics as well.

Monday, March 21, 2022

'TLDR' is death by laziness

"There is great concern that the destinies of the peoples of the world is in the hands of an elite that is not accountable to anyone for its decisions, that does not recognize any authority above itself, and that in order to pursue its own interests does not hesitate to jeopardize security, the economy, and the very lives of billions of people, with the complicity of politicians in their service and the mainstream media."

The sheep are being manipulated to stop reading, investigating, questioning.  

Are you a sheep?

Here is an excellent analysis of what is happening in Ukraine - and on a wider scope by a brilliant observer.  I recommend you read it.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Standing the watch - at home

                                 Sailor?  No, privileged white male - NOT what today's Navy wants.

Like many middle class American families of Irish, Italian, and German origin, our family (direct and 1st order relations) fought in all this nations major wars and most of the smaller ones, over the last century. Grandpa and his brother were in the Army in WWI. My dad was in the Navy sailing the U boot infested waters of the Atlantic. Pouring over his library of histories of war at sea inspired me in my Navy career. The job nearly killed me three times – though only once by enemy action. After 20 years in uniforms and flight suits I worked 10 years as a 'civil servant', and 7 as a contractor, for the Navy, a total of 37 years. And, most painfully, my eldest son was very nearly killed ten years ago in Afghanistan serving with the Army.

WWI to the Afghan War, this family, and many like it, have had real 'blood in the game' and have been proud to serve this country. The United States deserved no less. But this latter condition is no longer true. 

 Today in America white, middle class, Christian males, young and old, are the only group that can legally be discriminated against - and the PC leadership of  today's military reflects and embraces that reality.

Text between individuals attempting to rescue Americans during the fall of  Kabul

 The deadly incompetence, and disgraceful abandonment of Americans in Kabul was a sterling example of such 'leadership' in action. It is also clear, despite the efforts of the installed regime and MSM, that our foreign engagements are now ONLY intended to provide ever greater returns for the invested elite and the globalist megalomaniacs instigating these conflicts. 

    A deep state/Soros 'color' revolution in Ukraine in 2104 - and one is underway here as well

Events in Ukraine are true to this form, from the Obama/Brennan overthrown of their elected President, to Biden's deliberate provocation of Putin by communicating to PRC that the Ukraine would become a member of NATO (1).

The endless vilification of a predominantly Christian Russia and it's nationalist leader by America's ruling 4th Reich (a fusion of the swamp, deep state, corporate leaders, MSM, and leftist ideologues) has brought us from the lies about Trump/Russian collusion, through the lies about Hunter's revealing laptop being Russian disinfo (2), to the current demands for direct war with Russia. My personal direct evidence of the change in Russia from an atheist socialist state to Christianity was earlier recorded in this blog (3). Two good articles on this development can be found cited below (4, 5).

Simultaneously, the real threat to America isn't overseas, it is here. It is in our CPUSA and CCP influenced universities and schools. It is in our 4th reich intrusive, and corrupt, intelligence and law enforcement agencies. It is the racist, leftist, brown shirts thugs in the streets stealing elections. It is at both ends of the CCP paid for Pennsylvania Avenue (6).  And it is along our open border to the south. President Trump, vanity, boorishness, and marital infidelity notwithstanding, loved the US. But he didn't remove the swamp and deep state agents embedded in the White House staff, much less in the Pentagon and Langley where traitors carried out a coup against him.

If we are to survive as a free country we must elect honest men and women and our institutions must be cleansed of the Vindmans and Milleys, the Comeys and Barrs, the Obamas, Clappers, Brennans and Faucis.

Until then, if it's blood we must shed to defend our republic and constitution, it's looking as though it won't be far from home.







    UPDATE: 3/21/22 - apparently as a result of the lack of strong, healthy, young soldiers the oh so PC DOD is now attracting, our enlightened leadership has a new spin on 'lean mean fighting machine'

Friday, March 18, 2022

Life imitates art

The 'big guy' dirty as hell with ChiCom and Ukrainian money?

From conspiracy theory to indisputable.

New York Times finally admits the truth?  We always knew it was true.  

Impeachment will (for Democrats) be regrettably necessary (wink wink). 

Here's the important question.  Why?  And why now?  

Fear porn at a climax, plague, financial ruin, NUCLEAR WAR!!!!  

It's, perhaps, ironic that the movie Dune is now running in movie theatres.

The book upon which it is based brilliantly explores the relationship between political, religious, and financial power, and the environment.   Within the book,and the movies based upon it, is a diabolical scheme

Consider - if the senile wrecking ball Biden is Rabban - who does Obama/Soros intend to play Feyd?

UPDATE 3/20/22 - Apparently I am not the only one connecting the dots -

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Hey, remember Hydroxychloroquine???

dated September 4 2021.   

And, which is unmitigated Bull Shit.  

Clear enough?  

Here's just two examples of the truth ...

Before the article - 

2020 Oct 26

"Zinc with an ionophore was associated with increased rates of discharge home and a 24% reduced risk of in-hospital mortality among COVID-19 patients, while neither zinc alone nor the ionophore alone reduced mortality."

And subsequent - 

2021 Nov 25

"All but one patient (99.6%; n = 236/237) treated with HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without high-dose IV vitamin C (IVC) fully recovered."

Rx - If your Doctor still believes HCQ/Zn ineffective against corona virus get another doctor.

The unremarkable truth

Here is an assessment of the situation in the Ukraine.  Although I'm not a land war guy, I have studied their war at sea, and strategic, systems and operations for a long time and this sound most credible compared to the propaganda the 4th Reich is spewing.

Remember how we got here.  Putin invaded - as he had warned would happen - because the Chinese had told him what representatives from the OBiden administration had said to them (the Chinese) - Biden wanted Ukraine in NATO.

And remember - it's not about Ukraine,  It's not about 'freedom' or 'peace'.  It's about Soros and the Davos Megalomaniacs wanting to unseat Putin.   

UPDATE - 3/21/22 It's about removing Christian Nationalist Putin.  To stir up opposition one publishes reports like this ...

UPDATE - 3/21/22 Conservative Treehouse confirms the analysis ...

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Not Nostradamus, Cassandra.

As Monk, the defective detective often said, 'I could be wrong - but I don't think so'.

If you've followed this blog for long you'd have seen:

Sept '21 I explained it was ever more clear to me there were only 2 players left on the global scale, Soros and his Davos megalomaniacs, and Xi.

21 February I confessed confusion on Ukraine and offered no firm opinion of what was taking place given the immense propaganda from both sides.

24 February I reminded all that the folks controlling our government and media in the US - the  '4th Reich' - could not be trusted. I opined that the invasion of Ukraine being the result of an 'appearance of weakness' was a false narrative, team OBiden (1) deliberately kicked the Bear in the balls and forced the response by telling China Ukraine would be a NATO member in December.  They knew China would tell Putin and Putin had constantly said this would not be acceptable.

26 February I made clear the history of the understanding with Russia that Ukraine would not be a NATO member.

27 February it was clear to me what the game was being pursued by the instigators of the war in Ukraine, the 4thReich/Davos (esp. Soros).  

This message was reinforced on 28 February

On 8 March I provided documentation of the deep involvement of Soros in felling an elected president in Ukraine, and all events culminating in the current war.

And on 12 March Soros himself confirmed his objective.  There are other goals being pursued, among them the destruction of the US dollar, disarmament of the US population, establishment of a social credit system via vax passport, but, in the main, and at the moment, Putin is the target for the Ukraine op.

As for Team OBiden listening to Soros and opening conflict with Russia and China?  I've provided this as a response before ...

1. On team OBiden -, and 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Post Tenebras Lux

After darkness light

Confused about Ukraine?  It is critical for Americans to understand that the same people destroying America, funding competing factions warring in our streets, who stole our election, are directly responsible for the situation in Ukraine.

"The idea of the new Ukraine came from George" (Soros)

Update 11 March - 'well son of a bitch' ...

Monday, March 7, 2022

A dose of the arrogance and stupidity of the 4th Reich

 Today's offering from that bastion of credibility "Yahoo News" ...

As explained, repeatedly over the last week, ALL the events in the Ukraine are intended for the primary purpose of  removing nationalist (dare one say patriotic?), pro-Christian, leader Putin from office. They got rid of Trump in the 2020 'election', now it's Putin's turn.  And most of the cast of dirty tricksters, hackers, tratorious flag officers, and propagandists at work in the Ukraine situation are the same as overthrew the elected president of Ukraine in 2014, and Trump in 2020.  For the unelected Biden regime to point to dirty tricks by Putin to get 'elected' is not mere irony, it is another demonstration of the unaccountable arrogance, and ignorance, of  the OBiden regime/Deep State/Davos globalists who are managine events, and news from the front.

Hard truth is -  Putin is as legit as Biden as far as elections are concerned.  (Deep dive here, read at a speed to comprehend)

Obama, Biden, and the enforcers of the 4th Reich, including the political thugs formerly known as the FBI, know this perfectly well of course.  But THEY really are "capable of anything" to ensure the ursurper remains in office long enough to fully neuter the constitution - and those 'Bible and gun clutching' Americans who built the place.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Enough with the end of the world already

 One hears much about Russia shelling a nuclear power plant.    'War crime!'  'Reckless'!

Perhaps critics are innocent of the knowledge that such attacks are in the toolbox for any American air wing strike planner.

As for the terrible 'vacuum bomb'?   Yup, invented here and used routinely by our team.

Fun question - how much fentanyl do you think Xi and his CCP friends smuggle into Russia every year?