We MUST make China pay for the devastation and death WuFlu brought to the west.
We must also hold Fauci accountable for his part. "Billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been flowing from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through U.S. research centers in order to directly support laboratories of China’s People’s Liberation Army."Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
First, Epstein did NOT commit suicide by strangling/hanging himself with sheets.
https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/06/found-dead-in-his-jail-cell.html - use
the links to compare ligature marks. Epstein was strangled by a cord or wire, NOT a sheet.
Second, the involvement of Israeli intelligence with Ms Maxwell is well documented.
Now, look at this sequence of events ..
What you can expect is almost no prosecutions of VIPs by deep state who holds the trove.
The pictures/videos are only valuable as blackmail material if the cretin avoids trial. I would expect some few deep state enemies to be outed as pedos - a win/win for deep state/team obama.
Update 12.31.21 additional detail on Israeli intel and Epstein prostituting adolescent American girls for the state of Israel https://storageunit.home.blog/2019/12/18/former-spy-details-israels-main-motive-behind-epsteins-sexual-blackmail-operation/
Will the mob continue to 'shop locally'
Volatility and mass ... what could go wrong
"shop locally"? It appears not.
Can't say I have much sympathy for the 'elite' class given their decades long support for what is now known as CRT. At least I agree with the advice they're being given, although one has to insist on significant training as well as a good shotty. Just remember - shotguns are close work weapons. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/11/another-day-on-range.html
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
January 6 - Political Theatre brought to you by the 4th Reich
The Who, What, When, Where, Why of a piece of political history.
A little more on Deep State agent Epps ....
Notice the comment by 'Important Announcer' below the article - "It should be noted that ANOTHER Oath Keeper leader (Stuart Rhodes, the National leader) is similarly unindicted even though he participated Jan 6th planning that resulted in others he was supervising going to jail. When revolver published the article about Stuart Rhodes, Ray Epps came off the FBI most wanted list the next day."
Nor have their phones been taken.
Oath Keepers was probably a Deep State false flag from inception. Remember Obama's DOJ and their very FIRST 'intel' report to police? The the threat they feared was disgruntled vets with AR-15s.
January 6 was the 4th Reich's Reichstag Fire.
UPDATE 12/31/21 more on FBI as agents of terror "FBI agents and informants, according to the filing, “concocted, hatched, and pushed this ‘kidnapping plan’ from the beginning"
Update: 1/4/22: Looks like the FBI's been outed for what they really are now ...
Disband the FBI. Prosecute the 'Trump collusion' hoax team.
UPDATE: 1/6/22 - about "the myth" https://www.newsweek.com/myth-january-6-opinion-1666417
Saturday, December 25, 2021
The 'gift' (no, not a Christmas gift)
A good look into Ghislaine and her association with our 'special friend'.
As much of the trove is now in the hands of the FBI ('the shield of the party') deep state is all the more dangerous.Friday, December 24, 2021
Yes, there IS good news!
Just check your local Bible. MT 1:18-25.
No, seriously. We've been through worse.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Why Corona AND Ebola at Wuhan?
The evidence provided associating activity at the Wuhan BSL4 lab with COVID-19 is sufficient, lacking reliable evidence to the contrary, to demand Xi and the CCP be held accountable for it's origin and release.
More recent articles have further indicated that the PLA BioWar folks there were working on a number of agents, along with Corona virus, to include Ebola. The latter via, at the very least, samples obtained from Canada.
Why Ebola? It's certainly not a problem in China.
It's a demonstrable fact that China has minutely researched the strategies and systems of the US/Soviet Cold War. They've recreated the old Russian anti-carrier game plan and, at enormous expense, produced the missile and torpedo armed subs, anti-ship missile and electronic warfare aircraft, the reconnaissance satellites, every component of the classic Soviet anti-carrier strike complex – with the intelligent substitution of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the more vulnerable Badger and Backfire bombers. (In actual fact they are flying Badgers, just the long range air launched missile regiments aren't emphasized nearly as much by the PLAN)
In their analysis of super weapons they must have familiarity with the work done by Biopreparat (Russia's BioWar agency) on combining small pox with ebola – 'epox'.
I've provided my thoughts on the likelihood of the WuFlu breakout in the USA and Europe being a deliberate attack (1). Those thoughts haven't changed. I still believe the WuFlu was created in the Wuhan lab and intentionally released first among Chinese to present a case for accidental release and thus avoid retaliation by the west.
But now (H/T elders son) I offer for consideration the possibility that China, having reviewed Russian BioWar development of 'epox' may again have one upped the Russians. Just as the Chinese Admirals substituted anti ship ballistic missiles for the TU-22 Backfire bomber in their anti-carrier strategy, I suspect the PLA Bio war folks are working on corona virus, not variola (small pox) to serve as the backbone for their superweapon – an 'eflu'.
Among consequent possible benefits are:
a. early in the attack, the target country will not be reacting to a breakout of the much feared small pox – an event that would bring quick, massive public health effort, but a flu, maybe uncommon, but maybe not.
b. attack with the lethal 'eflu' could be proceeded with selected releases of a vary similar strain of corona permitting mass vaccination of own population with a vaccine adequate to disable the subsequent release of the killer version. And, if the first release is broad enough and suitably covered in media, the mass vaccinations will appear non threatening to other countries.
It's time we, and the free world, held Xi and the CCP to account for the WuFlu and took action appropriate to the realization this was a biowar attack. It is very likely only be the beginning of another phase of Communist China's Unrestricted Warfare against us.
The collaboration of US businessmen and bureaucrats with the PLA in developing WuFlu, and the intentional suppression, even banning of effective therapeutics, perhaps even for political purpose (legitimize vote by mail fraud), is also a matter for appropriate response here at home.
1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/not-unthinkable-to-everyone.html
Friday, December 17, 2021
a recommended link
I have to admit, I'm old. Some things are too remote from my experiences to easily comprehend.
Given the interest I 've shown in the CCP's brutal 'Unrestricted Warfare' against America, older son recommended this ...
It may explain why 'generation goldfish' doesn't understand socialism brings nothing for them but slavery and gulags.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
A really BIG question
The man who did not strangle himself with bedsheets (do your own homework on the ligature marks on the body ) visited Clinton in the White House 17 times between 25 Feb '93 and 28 Jan '95.
Remarkable I'd say.
If Epstein was an Israeli agent (again, do your own homework) WHAT was he trying to influence Clinton to do?
Items of interest
An informative article recently described the PLA BioWar apparatus and it's activities including making note of PLA experiments with aerosol distribution of ebola (gee, who anticipated this? (1))
As for origin off WuFlu (COVID-19) UK members of parliament were briefed "I think the lab origin is more likely than not."
So - what was suspected in March of 2020 is now solidly supported as fact. Is ANYONE talking about holding Xi and the CCP accountable?
1. when I first read of the species of bats experimented with in Wuhan, and the lab's BioWar purpose, the line of investigation was obvious https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/04/a-moment-of-dark-speculation.html
Monday, December 6, 2021
Words of wisdom
By now y'all know I am no fan of the Vatican.
BUT - among their clergy are some intelligent, honest observers of our condition who are worth listening to.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Rich liberals enjoy the fruits of their investments
Back in March of '20 I pondered how long would the opportunists who loot and burn continue to 'shop locally' ( https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/terrain-and-situation-observations-on.html )
So call me unsurprised with current developments on the coast that will likely be replicated nationally.
"The fact that this has happened, her being shot and killed in her own home, after giving, sharing, and caring for 81 years has shaken the laws of the Universe," said Oprah Winfrey"
UPDATE 12/6/21 - Ever since being a young aspiring criminologist I've kept track on the homicide perp statistics, including race of offender. The clearly evident fact of proclivity for violent crime by race is undeniable, even of the OBiden regime continues to deny the plain truth. More recently Ms MacDonald has often written on the topic more eloquently then I can. Here's a good example ...
Thursday, December 2, 2021
To remind ....
Big pharma, and globalists wanting vax passports continue to lie ...
Which ranks up there with Epstein killed himself ...