Over the last half century American soldiers, sailors, and airmen, have died in adventures overseas that contributed little to the national defense of the United States. Their sacrifices are not to be discounted - but those who decided to waste the lives of our sons, and a few daughters as well, on inconsequential missions must be publicly reviled.
Globalists and profiteers speak of the "responsibility to protect" as a blank check for intervention - always at US expense in lives and treasure - in whatever misery suits the megalomaniacs in Davos, DC, and the halls of the UN (1). In the US the Deep State has used such a farcical justification again and again to continue endless, profitable for the few (2), wars.
Providentially, President Trump and Musk's DOGE folks have laid bare the USAID/CIA coup and war machine and is beginning to reveal just who has been making money on it.
All of which is to say - the gig is up, there is a new President in office, and further support for the endless war for the benefit of globalists and 'progressives' is over.
BUT that is not to say we've seen the end of war (philosophically that will not happen until Chapter 20 verse 9 of the Book - we're only just shy of verse 7 right now). A real, consequence producing, defense of our nation will, shortly and inevitably, require bloodshed. Invested interests just will not surrender easily, be they cartel/CCP, Deep State, or 'progressive' (a.k.a. marxists).
Unsurprisingly, as this fight is actually for our vital interests, not 'peace in the middle east', or the Ukraine, the action will be near to, and within, our borders.
Watch as the battlefield is being prepared:
by US loyal forces for the fight next door...
and by the enemy for the fight from within ...
https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2025/02/the-new-resistance-consolidates.html .
This won't be a clean fight, but a necessary one. Even if evicted from visible presence within the buildings of CIA, NSA, FBI the Deep State has a mirror intel community among contractors and 'think tanks', not to mention the Obama residence in DC. The contractors have no allegiance to anything but power and profit, and they hold databases of compromising information built up over decades to use on politicians, judges, and law enforcement officials.
The CCP, jihadis, cartel, and marxists are, to them, 'the enemy of my enemy'.
Rx - as always, have faith in God - be watchful, and make prudent preparations. Have at least 30 days of water, food and medicines on hand. Fuel and a generator. If not mentally/legally compromised have firearms you are proficient with. So prepared nothing is an immediate crisis and the fear porn that will be employed by many sides will be much less effective.
1. https://www.globalr2p.org/what-is-r2p/
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