Saturday, July 27, 2024

A revealing obsession

An interesting analysis of things going on in Obamaland.(adult language) -

Similar reporting in print - 

VERY interesting point provided in this reporting - "Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention."

Consider carefully - WHY would "the one" ... a race obsessed, resentment filled, power player want another white guy (!) in the White House?

Because, as noted just 2 days ago (1) Obama referred to his inability to effectively disarm those who would be political dissenters as his "greatest frustration".

And, in Mark Kelly he sees a white face that America might just be stupid enough to listen to and voluntarily disarm.  Gun Control is his - and his wife's great cause you know ...

Having already created the mechanisms of a police state, and now very visibly using it to persecute political enemies - Obama even now pursues a plan to disarm us.

Take that seriously folks.  

Why the fixation on gun control?  

Is it because of crime?  The disproportionate victimization of blacks to 'gun crime'?   

No.  Were that the case he, as President for 8 years, would have done something ... anything ... about that condition in Chicago - or any other crime ridden, Democrat controlled, major city.

Consider the obvious.  It's probably because, like his political mentor, the ultimate goal for Obama involves concentration camps and death for political opponents -

Don't be surprised.  He's just doing what Marxists (including race obsessed neo-Marxists) do.




UPDATE:7/28/24 - Looks like 'the one' is pushing for his guy -

Perhaps he wants folks talking about gun control - even while he has Soros paying BLM and ANTIFA to torch our cities?

Senator Kelly, with his background certainly knew the significance of 'remote sensing' equipment to the Chinese while he was helping them.   CAPT Kelly knew that when the Chinese were talking about "Space tourism" they were being every bit as honest as when they bought an old Russian ship to be a 'gambling casino'.

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