Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Yea, but, how does this all end?

                                 Woodcut by Cranach for Luther's 1534 Bible

As this is a purely therapeutic blog, not primarily intended as a source of humor or information for anyone else and is routinely throttled by the powers that be, I get to post on a broad variety of topics. 

So, now, about that Book of Revelation.

One of the old white guys I most admire is Martin Luther.  This guy literally put his life at risk to oppose the Emperor and the Pope.  Think Obama and FBI times 10 as far as sheer authority to burn you at the stake, anytime, without opposition.

While in protective custody away from the Jesuits Luther translated the Bible into German and provided a brief preface to each book in the process.

When it came to Revelation, the still young ex priest expressed frustration at trying to understand it.  He wrote:

“ makes me consider it to be neither apostolic nor prophetic.”

“I can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it.”

“He //John// seems to me to be going much too far when he commends his own book so highly [Revelation 22]”

“Many of the fathers also rejected this book a long time ago...”

“My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in it.”

Oy!  This from a guy who translated Ezekiel?

And, within Lutheranism that seems a common opinion.  Most of our doctrinal documents are from the early reformation period.

Problem is - this low opinion of Revelation is NOT the opinion Luther held after he experienced plague, saw the Moslems advance as far as Vienna, continued to defy Popes who wanted him extra crispy, and raised a family.  That Luther promoted The Book of Revelation as a source of warning and hope for Christians in times of oppression.

It was studying Revelation and Genesis - in some detail - that returned me to Christianity.   Of the two, Revelation was the more challenging.  This was, at first, because of the overwhelming amount of ... fertilizer ... being sold to gullible, needy, and frightened souls by televangelists and folks with political agendas irrelevant and even contrary to the message within the Word.  Additionally, Revelation seemed a puzzle all by itself.  There are major themes interleaved within it, a disjointed time presentation of events, and the events themselves are described in a hyperbolic, poetic, figurative language.  The word is true of course, in essence, but many of the allusions fail an audience today because of the passage of 2,000 years since it was sent to the members of the seven churches. Like "Euphrates" .... whaaat?

As to exactly when it was written - it would remain opaque if one presumes it was written after the fall of Jerusalem.  If one accepts the internal and external evidences that it was written around 65 AD however, then, suddenly the rubics cube is more easily solved. 

What is critical for us to remember foremost is - this message was not written TO us.  It is of real value for us as well, today, but, initially, it was addressed specifically to the members of  7 churches in Turkey in around 65 AD.

Below are some illustrations I produced in an attempt to explain it recently ... an attempt to disentangle the major themes, show the major emphasis - that a calamity was about to take place soon - and provide a few corroborating related historical and other scriptural references.

Caveat – I intend to neither “add” nor “take away” from the words of this book  (R22: 18 - 19) so
READ the book!  

yes, it's complex, but let me break it down ...

little debate here among most protestant and Catholics I expect.

This is the meat of the matter as it were.  The cataclysmic event of which the initial audience was being warned was the SOON to come, horrific, destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.  Lots of good, and well studied Christians, especially since the mid 1800s will take issue with this analysis.  

I found the fact that early copies of hand written Scripture used '666' or, in a few copies, '616' depending on the language so as to keep the clear reference to Nero amazing.  An allusion easily understood by a 1st century AD audience.  For many today... 'lost in translation' as they say. 

 This is the 'you are here' slide.  As I figure it, we are blessed to be living in that long period of time represented by the "1000" years.  To the good, we missed the burning and sacking of Jerusalem and the powers of Satan are constrained... to the bad - the "little season", and final judgement, is somewhere ahead.  

Hey, I'm no theologian, or historian.  The research help my understanding of this one book of the Bible and afforded a measure of understanding old scratch as well.

Read the Book.  Live accordingly.

Thus endeth the lecture. 



Fed boys


Hey, remember that great threat to our nation "White Nationalism"?   

Best represented by thise scary masked young men in "The Patriot Front"?

Well, finally the FBI released information on "The Patriot Front" ... sort of ...

It's all 'redacted' to 'protect' their provocateurs that are running the entire thing.  Obama and Holder needed a boogy man to counter the BLM who do thing like riots, burning down buildings, and killin'  folks so FBI created "The Patriot Front".

Yup.  I'm convinced.  Those white folks are dangerous.

Just like those guys who put up a gallows on the square on January 6th. (1)


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Eyes wide open


Voting for Trump doesn't mean you have to believe any more than 51% of what he says is more than half true.  It may only mean you accept what is true about his opponents.  Vote your priorities, not on personalities.  

Here's my top 4:

2nd Amendment –  Zero ambiguity here.  Trump owns and carries.  Trump's appointed Supreme Court judges have largely been supportive of an originalist interpretation of the Constitution.  By comparison, Team Obama wants to make this election about abortion and gun control. 

Deep State / Police State – No one has more appetite for eliminating the FBI and the other totally corrupted intelligence and justice apparatuses that have created the police state we live in.  The Deep State is an unprecedented threat to our Republic and must be demolished.  Team Obama is one with it.

Immigration – Trump had modest success securing the border but lied about the wall.  Team Obama is flooding the country with illegals.

National Security – Trump's still clueless.  Establishing the “Space Force” with their Star Trek inspired uniforms – and NO space ships – is emblematic of how serious he takes National Defense.  Then again, Team Obama has mutated DOD into a DEI circus focused on rooting out nonconformist whites ...

To the good, Trump is likely to end the Obama/Brennan/Biden incited war in Ukraine.

Trump will, however, remain liable to fall for 'intelligence' reports targeted to get a reaction from him.   Mossad managed to get his daughter to spool him up enough to launch an attack on Syria over a fake gas attack.  Fortunately he didn't follow up and go to war.  How much did he learn from this event?

And, Trump has indicated he'd have stayed in Afghanistan (!) in order to keep using Bagram airfield with Communist China in mind.   Not reassuring.  If Vance is the neo-con I suspect he is, the military industrial complex will not want for business.

 Yeah, sure  ... 'not prepared' for what? 

So.  Three 'greens' and one 'yellow' on the board.  Trump gets my vote ... as things currently stand.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

A revealing obsession

An interesting analysis of things going on in Obamaland.(adult language) -

Similar reporting in print - 

VERY interesting point provided in this reporting - "Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention."

Consider carefully - WHY would "the one" ... a race obsessed, resentment filled, power player want another white guy (!) in the White House?

Because, as noted just 2 days ago (1) Obama referred to his inability to effectively disarm those who would be political dissenters as his "greatest frustration".

And, in Mark Kelly he sees a white face that America might just be stupid enough to listen to and voluntarily disarm.  Gun Control is his - and his wife's great cause you know ...

Having already created the mechanisms of a police state, and now very visibly using it to persecute political enemies - Obama even now pursues a plan to disarm us.

Take that seriously folks.  

Why the fixation on gun control?  

Is it because of crime?  The disproportionate victimization of blacks to 'gun crime'?   

No.  Were that the case he, as President for 8 years, would have done something ... anything ... about that condition in Chicago - or any other crime ridden, Democrat controlled, major city.

Consider the obvious.  It's probably because, like his political mentor, the ultimate goal for Obama involves concentration camps and death for political opponents -

Don't be surprised.  He's just doing what Marxists (including race obsessed neo-Marxists) do.




UPDATE:7/28/24 - Looks like 'the one' is pushing for his guy -

Perhaps he wants folks talking about gun control - even while he has Soros paying BLM and ANTIFA to torch our cities?

Senator Kelly, with his background certainly knew the significance of 'remote sensing' equipment to the Chinese while he was helping them.   CAPT Kelly knew that when the Chinese were talking about "Space tourism" they were being every bit as honest as when they bought an old Russian ship to be a 'gambling casino'.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Powder Keg

While all the 'experts' warn that the existential threat to the Republic is from the right, the proto-violent state of the delusional left (1), and their expressed support for the attempted assassination of President Trump (2) strongly indicated otherwise.

Obama's intentional, poisonous effect on DOD (noted in preceding post), and complete weaponization of the FBI into unaccountable, politically targeted, jack-booted thugs  MUST be understood as the election year approaches it's climax.


Now then, does Obama want a peaceful, prosperous, and happy America quietly participating in a free and fair election?

Or, is it his calculation that Cackling Kamala has no chance, and he wants Trump presented with burning cities in revolt as he is re-inaugurated?  

The latter would. at the least,  certainly distract from prosecuting Obama, Brennan and their Deep State allies for numerous criminal acts.

God save the Republic!

1. Little Miss pro-abortion for example ... or, murderous Miss misgendred ... 


Today's FBI - The Sword and Shield of the (Democrat) Party


I am increasingly amazed by how closely America today resembles the 'evil empire' of the '80.  Watching the Dems depose Biden - only days after Kamala and friends assured us he was "sharp as a tack" - reminded me of the old Soviet joke - "I don't believe anything until the government denies it".  

As an intelligence analyst in DC back then I was aware of how cynical the leaders were in their expressed loyalty to utopian communist ideology.  All of them were simply crooks and grifters managing a brutal, all seeing police state for their benefit.   Obama may inspire delusional neo-marxists, but his heart is in Davos with the rest of the uber rich megalomaniacs.  

In the 80s I learned a lot about the KGB.  It was dedicated not to the people of the Soviet Union, but to the party bosses.  Think Obama's FBI exists to defend the our constitution?  'we the people'?  Think again.

From a detail rich story (1) for the "Too long didn't read " crowd ...


BACKGROUND on FBI –  As we discovered in January of 2023, the FBI was fully aware of the terrorist who was planning to shoot the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, and yet they did nothing.

The FBI knowledge of the shooter, Malik Faisal Akram, who was known as Faisal Akram, was confirmed by The Daily Mail. Akram ranted, prior to his travel to the U.S, that he wished he had died in the 9/11 terror attacks. He was a regular visitor to Pakistan, and reportedly a member of the Tablighi Jamaat group set up to ‘purify’ Islam. To say the U.S. intelligence system knew Faisal Akram would be an understatement.

The FBI was also fully aware of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, before they executed their plot.  The FBI took no action.  The Russian police twice warned the FBI that the Tsarnaev brothers were going to carry out a domestic terrorist attack on the USA, the FBI did nothing.

The FBI knew about the San Bernardino terrorists, specifically Tashfeen Malik, and were monitoring her phone calls and communications before her and Syed Farook executed their attack killing 14 people and leaving 22 others seriously injured.  The FBI took no action.

The FBI knew Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad Alissa before he executed his attack.  The FBI took no action.

The FBI knew in advance of the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. The FBI knew in advance of the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). The FBI knew in advance of the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians.  The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan), and the FBI knew in advance of Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa.  The FBI took no action.

The case of the first recorded ISIS attack on U.S. soil was in Garland, Texas in 2015.

The FBI not only knew the shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi) in advance, BUT the FBI ALSO took the shooters to the venue and were standing only a few yards away when Simpson and Soofi opened fire.  Yes, you read that correctly – the FBI took the terrorists to the event and then watched it unfold.  “An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with “60 Minutes” that, had the attack been bigger, the agency’s numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation.”


And, speaking of an institution rotting from the top down, back in the 80s I would pour over high resolution photographs of Soviet ships and aircraft looking for a new antenna, a new bulge, and the terrible material condition of the ships evidenced a cynical, unprofessional attitude in the crews.  'You pretend to pay us, we'll pretend to work' as they said then.  

America - we are all Soviets now!

US Navy ship arriving for a port call in France 

- just reeks of pride don't it?


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Obama still has a dream ...

Obama, Soros - "guns for me, not for thee"

Obama: US gun control laws – the inability to ban AR-15s - the 'greatest frustration of my presidency' -

So – how is Obama going to address that now?

"We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory buyback program" - Ms Harris

All of which raises a question - just why, REALLY, is Obama and Deep State fixated of gun control – banning the 'assault rifle' (semi-automatic carbine actually) foremost?  

As described by an authority on the legitimate role of firearms in our Constitutional Republic:

"A handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom". - COL J. Cooper


Homeowners greet BLM protest marchers outside their neighborhood. 

BLM scored zero for intimidation that day. That is NOT what 'the one' wants.

The resentment filled narcissist wants “fundamental change” for our country.  One can guess what America would look like after his troops are done …


UPDATE: 7/27/24 - If true - "Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention." - the ONLY reason 'the one' would prefer a white, male candidate over an aggrieved minority is, GUN CONTROL.  His wife being a victim would help him sell stupid Americans on "common sense gun control" i.e. disarmament in the face of an ever more aggressive police state.  


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How things are

 Regrettably we are living at a time within which the Deeps State and the UNIPARTY in Washington, are so obviously corrupt, and incompetent, we can not determine if what we are seeing is a cover up of criminal incompetence at the attempted assassination of President Trump, or a cover up of an intended  assassination with Deep State active or passive participation.

The 'facts' we are supposed to believe are not believable.  The shooter built a remote detonated bomb with no instruction?  Did he come up with the novel explosive fill for the bomb on his own?  A dishwasher with a drone? (1)


Uniparty and Deep State ....


As to the motive for the cover up, BOTH are REAL possibilities.  Trillions are at stake.  Major players will be looking at jail sentences for criminal abuse of the country's intelligence and law enforcement apparatus and powers if Trump - despised as he is by the movers and shakers of BOTH parties - is re-elected (again) - and takes office in January '25.



Words of wisdom ...

 from an American who best understood the legitimate role of firearms in our Constitutional Republic:

"A handgun is to defend your life, 

a shotgun is to defend your home, 

a rifle is to defend your freedom". - COL J. Cooper

And so, it should come as no surprise which firearm Obama, Biden, and Kamala want to ban - 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Red meat article

Sounds MAGA enough ...


The Ballot Or The Bullet 

by Michael Kochin via American Greatness,

Saturday’s attempted assassination of President Trump killed one rallygoer, a father of two who died shielding his children from the assassin, and critically wounded two others. President Trump miraculously escaped with a slight wound in one ear, and in the photo of the century, he stood up from under the swarm of secret service agents, literally bloody but unbowed, raised his right hand in a fist, and mouthed, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Some of Mr. Trump’s partisan critics attacked Mr. Trump’s “violent rhetoric.”

Of course, none of them squawked when President Biden said on Monday before the attack that “we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

We do not know, and may never know, whether the murderer perceived that he was simply following an order from his Commander in Chief.

It is time to man up, stop blaming others, and figure out what we ourselves have done or not done that made this attack and the inciting rhetoric that led to it possible. The hard truth is that it is our weakness, not our extremism or our own “violent rhetoric,” that invited this attack.

The regime media from the top down, in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Republic, on television and on social media, have repeatedly called Mr. Trump a fascist, compared him to Hitler, and called for his elimination from the race by any means necessary.

We know that nothing Mr. Trump did or said, and nothing we, his partisans, have done or said, can be called the true cause of this kind of talk. We know that because the same outlets said the same kinds of things about other Republican leaders, from Thomas Dewey to Mitt Romney.

Democrats talk this way about Republicans because they are not afraid of the consequences of talking that way. The party that banned God from the schoolroom and forbade public worship has no fear of God, who sees and punishes the deceitful, and has no fear of us. They believe, correctly, that they can, without fear of us, delegitimize elections by effectively licensing fraud and intimidation of voters, and that they can turn mobs on synagogue-goers and conservative speakers. Too many Democrats live their lives in media, public “service,” nonprofit or academic echo chambers in which everyone either amens such transgressions or is silenced by fear of violence or corporate HR.

Ignore the hysterics about “violent rhetoric.” Politics is about violence, about the control and deployment of the force of the community for the ends of the community. Free and fair elections, free discussion, and even the right of the people to peaceably assemble come not from rhetorical or actual disarmament. These necessary features of free government come from a balance of terror that produces mutual fear and, thus, mutual respect.

Sadly, in western countries, including the United States, that balance of terror does not exist. MAGA may have guns, but our anti-populist, that is to say anti-democratic rivals, have the secret police, the intelligence services, and, when necessary, Antifa, the stormtroopers of the woke capital, ever ready at the nod of the authorities or the regime media to target peaceful opposition.

We who fear God have to be better than them, but that also means we have to be at least as frightening as them.

As Malcolm X said sixty years ago, it is always and everywhere “the ballot or bullet.”

It is better to fight it out with violent rhetoric and ballots than with bullets, but that is only possible, Malcolm X explains, as long as every side fears what their rivals could do should they become enemies.

Yes, my friends, we have to fight. We have to fight for the right to speak and to be heard, for the right to rally for our candidates and our beliefs, and for the right to wear a red hat in every corner of this great land.

The only way that we can maintain our right to fight this “campaign” without resorting to actual violence is to frighten our rivals into refraining from violence, even when they know that the media and “authorities” will take their side.

In this struggle, there is no substitute for courage, but there is also no substitute for brains about when and how to show fight. Our situation is not yet desperate, and to make sure it never becomes so, we must manifest both menace and discipline.


Good stuff my fellow American?

But ... hey, just who is Michael Kochin?  He speaks of "us", and "we" and "our" ...  

He is an Israeli.

We get his articles from 'patriot' channels like "The Patriot Light"

Interesting, 'eh?  Inspiration for 'patriots' from "our special friend"..

Call me unsurprised  ...



Friday, July 19, 2024

Reality sometimes hurts

 J D Vance is the other side of the uniparty coin from Obama.  A construct.

 Most of the time the fairy tale is just a fairy tale.  Yale is a place that has for a long time been dedicated to preventing people like "J D Vance" (tm) from succeeding in America.  Somehow ...    

Yeah, fairy tale time.

Sarah in '28!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sympathy for the devil



It's said "man plans, God laughs".  In this case, even if they've received some diabolic assistance ('soul cooking' 'ya know (1)) it seems the Dems have seen three of their major plots backfire and are now in very deep kimchi.

First, they stole the 2020 election.  No question.  Folks who say "no evidence" are either ignorant or complicit. (2)  Problem for the Dems now is - Ole Joe and Doctor Jill might actually believe he got those votes and could beat Trump again. 

Second, the appointment of Kamala was strictly DEI and minority pandering.  They never foresaw her actually having to take the office of President.  And they don't want to have to support her as their Presidential candidate. 

Third, the assassination attempt.  

"When you strike a King, you must kill him" - Emerson.  

"Ooops" - Team Deep State.  

The incompetent USSS performance was at the least criminal - and equally likely to be  intentional.    How did he elude interception before shooting?  Who taught him how to build a remote actuated bomb?  How did he acquire explosives?  These scream of assistance.  

FBI says NO cyber clues?   No email, no text pre-attack???

Sooo .... will the Dems (Obama/Pelosi/Soros) stay with Biden now?  Maybe ...

But, as of now, I think it's equally likely the Dems will make Kamala ‘Queen for a day’ and score the diversity points for first SWA/black/female President AND have her on the ballot for President.  She’d rather win Governor of CA big (something the party can deliver) than go in the books as biggest Presidential election looser ever, but, maybe that’s part of the deal for the Governor's mansion.

The election steal this time will have to be strategic for congressional seats … stealing the White House again would require an effort very likely too big to ignore.  A fact of life in America that Obama said was his biggest regret and has Joe on the bandwagon to ban AR-15s again. (3)

A handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom” – Col J. Cooper 

Meanwhile, don't discount another attempt on Trump.  Immediately after the failed attempt we were told - by Deep State - of an Iranian plot ... a very convenient fall guy for subsequent attacks.

AND the BIGGEST risk to the nation?   Don't discount a 'white hat' blowing this whole thing up.  Not unlikely - think Snowden, or Adm Rogers warning Trump he was being illegally wiretapped.  If FBI says no evidence of assistance to shooter and an NSA 'white hat' leaks what is very likely there (proof of communications with Deep State operative)  we are in a whole new game.   A place we would need to go if such evidence exists - but a place with no precedent.

God bless the Trump family and save the Republic! 

UPDATE: Same day - the proverbial 'trout in the milk' moment ...

UPDATE: 7/21/24 - IF the Dems think they can steal it (the election) Gavin will be their candidate.  IF not, it'll be Kamala - who will lose, and she'll be Governor of CA as a reward for being their Kamakazi candidate.

1. DNC's demonic edge?  Podesta and Ms Abramovic ...

Posessed?  NOT OK  with not being able to shred babies???

2. , 

3. Sure he's running Obama's police state, spying on your email, censoring your posts, raiding his opponents home, and jailing his political enemies ... basically acting as a tyrant only tempered by the threat of armed citizens, but turn 'em folks ....

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A change in the calculus?

"Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change " - wiki dictionary

Has there been a sudden cessation in the cries to oust Joe Biden of late?

Why might that be?  

Are the interests of career politicians suddenly less compatible with those of Deep State?

Certainly Deep State (DOJ/DOD/NSA/CIA and other intel agencies and their contractors) still desperately wants Trump gone.  One way or the other (Iran to Ukraine, they are experienced at both around the world).

But - given the now iconic photo of a man displaying courage under fire - what politician wants to be defeated in a way, perhaps unmatched, in political history?  

The steal necessary to beat Trump at this point will have to be so obvious it may be curtailed in many locales.

So - perhaps Ole Joe's best role now for Obama, Team Davos, and the swamp, is as a political scapegoat, literal or figuratively.   It's much as his role as President was only to serve as an elderly white face for Obama's wrecking, err, 'fundamental change' campaign.

"Sometimes a flower is just a flower, 

and the best thing it can do for us is to die." 

- Tissaia De Vries

UPDATE: 7/21/24 My earlier analysis holds it seems.  Kamala will be 'queen for a day' (Joe will leave office).  

IF the Dems think they can steal it (the election) Gavin will be their candidate.  IF not, it'll be Kamala - who will lose, and she'll be Governor of CA as a reward for being their Kamakazi candidate.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Once upon a time ...

some years ago, my wife and I had lunch in San Francisco with the celebrated hacker who was the first to defeat the security on the iPhone.  

Nice fellow.

Subsequently many 'hacks' have been popularized.

Sooo ... when Deep State says they can not access the data on the murderous  punk's phone - that is a lie.

Tesla, SpaceX, and X Ceo Elon Musk responded on this new development.

“How do they know he acted alone if they can’t get into his phone?” Musk wrote.


And yes, it would be VERY interesting to see his communications over the last 6 months.

I betcha it'll look a bit like this ... (hence the lie by FBI)...

The note from the First Lady's office (1) was, as could be expected, lovely and inspiring - but I doubt it will have any impact on the Brennan's, the retired Generals and Admirals in the Deep State and it's contractor network.  All of them are seriously at risk of jail time if her husband returns to the Oval Office and actually investigates the criminal abuse of the nation's intelligence apparatus by Deep State.

So, expect more attempts - including upon Biden by a Deep State run dimwit to even the books. 

Fox News having Barr pontificate on the matter is disgusting.  If that contemptible individual did his sworn duty in November 2020 Trump would be in office today.  "No evidence" the election had been impacted by fraud ... with video of ballots being run - and repeatedly rerun - through tabulators while the facility was supposedly closed???(2)  With the testimony (subsequently declared as true in court) of a truck driver moving thousand of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania? (3)





AND ... about the ladies assigned ... reassign them now ... to Obama.

UPDATE: 7/20/24 - good comment on coverage of the shooter by a "Conservative Treehouse" reader ...

"Mr. America

 July 20, 2024 9:59 am

There’s a reason the only photo we see of Cook is as a HS Freshman. Appearances change a lot from 13-21. If they released a recent photo right after the assassination attempt, it was be far easier for the public to recognize him, place him at certain places and with other people. Who was coaching him, with whom did he meet? The longer that prepubescent photo is out, the harder it will be for those who may have seen him in public to recognize where’s he’s been and who he was with.

That photo released within hours, was a major tip-off of a cover-up. The FBI doesn’t want the public to recognize him."

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Politics in OBiden's America


I'm sure the FBI will be providing detail on the event shortly.

Beyond that, President Trump must have a trusted individual inside the Secret Service detail's planning and activities.  America requires a measure of trust just lost by our Federal Government's paid 'security' experts.

"The eyewitness describes watching the shooter carry a long rifle onto a barn roof. The eyewitness alerted police; no immediate action was taken.  The eyewitness grew frustrated with police and secret service. The eyewitness saw the gunman prepare in position for 2 to 3 minutes before shooting 5 shots at President Donald Trump. The eyewitness saw law enforcement then engage and kill the shooter."

AND - a second witness was advising police of the shooter before hand ... 

UPDATE: 7/14/24 -  


Second - armed dimwits abound.  Some on meds and narcotics, and fed endless left wing fear porn and suggestible.   Who do you think has been buying all those guns lately?   Conservatives have had theirs for decades.

There is a theory about  "Stochastic terrorism" (1) frequently used by the left.

So.... how 'bout this from our drooling Commander-in-Chief...

“We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye”


And, yes, it will happen again ... 

UPDATE: 7/15/24 - A qualified opinion

UPDATE: 7/20/24 - good comment on coverage of the shooter by a "Conservative Treehouse" reader ...

"Mr. America

 July 20, 2024 9:59 am

There’s a reason the only photo we see of Cook is as a HS Freshman. Appearances change a lot from 13-21. If they released a recent photo right after the assassination attempt, it was be far easier for the public to recognize him, place him at certain places and with other people. Who was coaching him, with whom did he meet? The longer that prepubescent photo is out, the harder it will be for those who may have seen him in public to recognize where’s he’s been and who he was with.

That photo released within hours, was a major tip-off of a cover-up. The FBI doesn’t want the public to recognize him."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A deep dive into evil


A MUST read, wonderful article!

I am disgusted by what has become of the IC I use to work in. When 9/11 happened the folks that built the domestic surveillance system knew it was likely to be abused, but genuinely felt the risk was warranted.

The abuse was inevitable. The consequences WORSE than delusional moslems can effect.

We must be honest about how deeply evil has taken root within the government.

"I would use this ring from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine."


Saturday, July 6, 2024


 "Sometimes when I try to understand a person’s motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What’s the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say, or doing what they do? Then I ask myself, ‘how well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?' - P. Baelish

Kamala will be 'queen for a day' - acting President.  This enables the Dems to credit themselves with bringing us the first ahh..... somewhat black, female President.  She won't run, but will instead become Governor of CA.

Newsom is the chosen one by Deep State/IT money (very much one in the same group).  Deep State, Team Davos, Team Pelosi, Team Obama (lots of overlap here) will do anything to see Trump is NOT returned to office.  Many are at grave risk should he return.

The forces of evil (including those nice AME ladies) are already preparing to steal the election. (1, 2)   It will be' in your face, whatz you gonna do 'bout it.'  

We already live in a police state - in case you missed it.  Mar A Lago raid, Bannon and Navarro in jail, ALL your communications monitored, Brown Shirts (BLM/ANTIFA) and Gestapo (FBI) on call to crush opponents.

My only question is - who/what VP for Kamala and Gavin?  

My guess is Susan Rice in both cases.   She guarantees Obama has control during the months Kamala is in office and visibility for Obama, if not control, with Gavin.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Just so you can't say 'nobody told me' ...

Here's an in depth explanation of how Obama's mutated, err ... "fundamentally transformed"  DOJ and FBI have been trying to put his political enemy in jail.

DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, DHS, CISA (protecting our elections don't ya' know), DOD ....   all corrupted by Obama.  

Bush Jr. stupidly built the police state monster - Obama turned it on Americans.

God save the Republic!