Monday, August 14, 2023

Let no crisis go to waste

 I have little experience with big finance.  Mostly I live within my means, help my church and some  charities, and avoid worrying about things I can't influence WRT money.

 That said, the fervent desire of team Davos and Deep State to get Americans trapped into using CBDC - thus enabling a real CCP style control of the population - is clear.

 Simultaneously, Xi and Putin are tired of the clout the otherwise enfeebled US has because of the role the US dollar still has in international trade.

 I'm thinking we'll be seeing some real action on both fronts later this month.

And, as always, it will not be good for the middle class in the United States. 

Funny thing that.  

Truth is, Davos and Deep State are merely indians  - we are the buffalo.    

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the CTH article makes sense. Once under emergency rules, all dissent was shut down. We are truly in banana republic times. Seems we have been for quite a while.

