The story of the Jacksonville shooter is all too common. A likely preventable tragedy hyped by the anti-second amendment folks and race baiters.
Truth is simply this:
"The 62-year-old father of Palmeter can be heard telling an emergency dispatcher that his son has stopped taking his psychiatric medicine."
I've written about this time and again. SSRIs and a number of other meds are worse than the illness they intend to cure.
So - instead of basking in race hate, and/or trying to disarm Americans, how 'bout you do some homework and get known, dangerous meds off the market and firearms out of the hands of folks being treated with them.
And Yahoo won't even let you post this simple truth!
As usual of late, Tucker gets it ...
Tucker Carlson: "Between 1991 and 2018 total SSRI prescriptions in the United States rose by more than 3,000%!"
Tucker shows how over that same period of time suicides and mass shootings didn't go down, but instead went up.