Pretty crazy stuff … right???
Presidential candidate Kennedy provides loaded speculation, media pounces …
"There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”
Nutty stuff. Like 'chem trails' and UFOs. … and the election being stolen.
First, lets review what we know about BioWar – especially BioWar as pursued by the entity the PLA so slavishly copied from – the Soviet Union.
Shadow of the past – what was the Soviet Union's dream doomsday bioweapon? "Epox".
"... effort to create a recombinant EBOV-smallpox chimera virus, building on earlier work to insert EBOV genes thought to be virulence factors into the vaccinia virus, the genetic structure of which closely resembles the smallpox virus.[33] The objective, according to Alibekov, was to “produce the form of smallpox called blackpox,” aka hemorrhagic smallpox, the most severe type of that disease. “As a weapon, the Ebolapox would give the hemorrhages and high mortality rate of Ebola virus, which would give you a blackpox, plus the very high contagiousness of smallpox,” Alibek said.[34]"
Comment on the above by Andy Bernal, who is self identified as a microbiologist, clinical laboratory technician, and teacher reveal -
“The soviets did, in fact, develop and produce a number of binary biological weapons. They fused ebola and smallpox, ebola and VEE, and plague and diphtheria. Keep in mind that the did this in the 1980s, so if research continued through to the present, you can only imagine the novel bioweapons researched and produced.
The idea behind binary bioweapons was to cause a diversion, of sorts, within the health community responding to the weapon. For example, with the plague-diphtheria hybrid a patient would present symptoms that aligned with bubonic plague. Easy enough. However, during the treatment for the plague, the patient would die from diphtheria. Truly nefarious weapons to be sure.”
So, if the late 80s Soviet Union was so interested in biowar when fixated on destroying the US, should be we surprised with the activity of 'Bat Lady' in the US and then at the PLA lab in Wuhan?
WuF1u was the product of Tony Fauci funding a joint use PLA BioWar and civilian facility to conduct 'gain of function' research – and helping the PLA Biowar effort with the glaringly dual use technology in the process.
Ethnic and racially targeted bioweapons have been discussed for almost two decades now -
'Ethics and genetically engineered bioweapons that target specific ethnic or racial groups'
And in August 2019 a military industrial complex trade magazine explained how senior PLA biowar researchers were pursuing exactly that -
“The PLA’s keen interest is reflected in strategic writings and research that argue that advances in biology are contributing to changing the form or character of conflict. For example:
In 2010’s War for Biological Dominance, Guo Jiwei, a professor with the Third Military Medical University, emphasizes the impact of biology on future warfare. In 2015, then-president of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences He Fuchu argued that biotechnology will become the new “strategic commanding heights” of national defense, from biomaterials to "brain control" weapons. Maj. Gen. He has since become the vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, which leads China’s military science enterprise. Biology is among seven "new domains of warfare" discussed in a 2017 book by Zhang Shibo, a retired general and former president of the National Defense University, who concludes: “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility that “specific ethnic genetic attacks” //my emphasis// could be employed. The 2017 edition of Science of Military Strategy, a textbook published by the PLA’s National Defense University that is considered to be relatively authoritative, debuted a section about biology as a domain of military struggle, similarly mentioning the potential for new kinds of biological warfare to include “specific ethnic genetic attacks.”
It will be increasingly important to keep tabs on the Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare, guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”
Regrettably it's evident that our intelligence community was too engaged in a coup against Trump and creating the J6 Reichstag Fire to perform that 'increasingly important' role.
So, summing up so far – the Soviet's dream weapon was biological. China (the PLA specifically) very closely studied the Soviet, and '90s era Russian, war machine that was dedicated to destroying the US and copied it closely, with some substitutions to benefit from technological advances. For example, their grand strategies for sinking America's aircraft carriers are very much the same, except nuclear armed Chinese anti-ship ballistic missiles have replaced the Soviet's nuclear armed, TU-22M Backfire launched anti-ship missiles. The Soviet/Russian focus on modified virus as super weapons can now be seen in the pronouncements of PLA biowar experts, and they have discussed “specific ethnic genetic attacks”.
So, what's the Israeli connection?
I have earlier described, in some depth, what a mendacious 'friend' we have in Israel.
No one plays the game as ruthlessly, and effectively, as our 'special friends' in the Mossad and Aman.
Today China, not the US is Israel's biggest partner (not that they will stop 'passing the hat' in congress of course).
That alone is cause for one to realize Israel's going to be more engaged with Xi than the usurper Biden. And, perhaps China intends some benefit to Israel in a role as a broker between the Arabs and Israelis.
Given the biblical history of animosity between Iran, specifically (more genetic distinction from Israelis, especially the european mixed Ashkenazi). and Israel, is it beyond thought that the Chinese may be repaying Israel for all those American military secrets with a military secret of their own – a Persian targeted plague?
Not to me.
And, for that matter, were I an African, I'd not allow PLA - err, 'civilian', medical researchers to work in Africa. At very best, they're deadly sloppy with BSL4 agents.
UPDATE: 7/19/23 - Are we doing it (developing targeted bioweapons)? Interesting question.
Clearly our Army was pursuing them. "Enemy leaders, for example, can be knocked off by means of genetically engineered superpathogens that are so selective in their behavior they're capable of targeting specific individuals..." A cynic might think that a prohibition of developing such weapons here may explain all those labs in the Ukraine. Remind anyone of the 'gain of function' research prohibition and the move of 'bat lady' research from Chapel Hill to Wuhan? Further, given the date of the Wired article, we may justifiably be excused for thinking we were just compliant lab rats lining up for the 'jab' during WuF1u.
I'll link this RUSSIAN sourced article with the caveat, it could be entirely false, or in part true, or, entirely true ...
Also, WRT PLA's work on genetic targeting ...
"As the US has noted, China’s National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is one of the world’s largest repositories of genetic information. While this information can be used toward developing more effective treatment plans against diseases and precision medicine, it can also be used to engineer precision bioweapons."
UPDATE: 7/20/23 "The United States government admitted to the existence of U.S. Department of Defense-funded biolabs in Ukraine."
Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has used a base in San Antonio to study human tissue and RNA material exclusively from Caucasian Russians.
I guess that answers that.