Monday, July 31, 2023

Just say Oh HELL NO!

I've provided this link last week.  It was an eye opening brief by a happy medical researcher working for DOD on mind control.

 Apparently DOD (the same folks who 'jabbed' a generation of service members with the crap they claimed was needed to counter the WuF1u - which was created in a DOD/NIH funded PLA biowar lab)  just can't wait to stick things in our kids heads.

Gee, what could go wrong ....

DO NOT let your son join the military until the nation's leadership is ENTIRELY replaced with common sense Christians.

UPDATE: same day .... "cupcakes"

USS Tripoli CO beams lookin' at all those cupcakes .... and faith in our military drops...

Hey, leave the 'Navy' to cupcakes, Texas Highway Patrol is still lookin' for good men.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

As genuine as 'jews for Hitler'

 FBI and deep state (lots of DOD there too I'd bet) couldn't find more than a dozen or so 'white supremacists' ... so they invented them.

 UPDATE: 8/3/23 - in case you missed it, J6 WAS a 'Reichstag fire', an event created by the FBI (and probably some DOD help) to smear conservatives.

UPDATE: 9/1/23 These LARPs are now armed to prevent being forcibly unmasked by citizens and identified for who they are.  Proof they're agents and assets is ... THE POLICE DON"T UNMASK THEM.

UPDATE: 9/3/23  If it weren't for the FEDs and paid stooges would there be any 'white supremacists''?

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Don't ignore the obvious

My dad, a shopkeeper ("SK") on a Navy supply ship in WWII, subsequently created a collection of histories of WWII at sea, and the impact of the German submarine blockade until the breaking of the Ultra code was a lesson I learned as a kid.   Many years later I was focused on finding submarines myself.

One fact I learned was that modern heavyweight torpedos are either homing or wire guided (which is to say, even launched by Iranian submarine crews they're likely to hit ... something) and modern anti-ship ones burst beneath the target ship leaving it momentarily unsupported over a gas bubble, then flexing up and down causing enormous structural damage.

Discount the overheated audio but watch an example of the effectiveness of these weapons.

The only nation with competent submarines in the Black Sea is Russia.  

Fact is, Putin's 7 diesel electric submarines can sink any ship in the Black Sea at will.  Assassinating sub skippers is not likely to be really effective ASW for Ukraine (even if thought provoking for some regimes thinking the populace needs "F-15s and nukes" to counter an army of occupation (1)).

With attacks on Russian homeland targets, and attempts at assassination of Putin and key personnel in Russia by 'Ukraine', inevitably we will be seeing how reliant Ukraine is on sea going merchant traffic for it's survival.  Even though a year ago foreign policy 'experts' were trying to paint the situation as equally bad for both Ukraine and Russia (2), Russia is just, well, much, much bigger, with access to the Atlantic and Pacific as well as the Black Sea.

Putin will continue to employ sea mines and submarines.  

Which reminds - Mine Warfare and Anti-Submarine Warfare.  Two vital warfare areas the US Navy has let go to seed, especially with the disastrous failure of the  "Littoral Combat Ship" program - supposedly to be the mainstay of surface counter-mine and anti-submarine warfare (3).  

Too bad Obama, Brennan, Biden, and Soros had to start this war but, at least events in the Black Sea may be instructive to our, oh soo diverse, Navy.




UPDATE: 8/2/23 - Seems our diverse, environmentally friendly Navy can't even sail this ridiculous, cruiser sized, underarmed mutant, from the pier back to the ship yard. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The biggest story since WWII

Clear proof.  And vindication for yours truly who was banned from facebook, twitter, even Nextdoor, for telling the truth. 

Listen to 1:35:15 to 1:43:19  then comment on what must be done to Fauci and Xi - and all the bureaucrats and politicians who lied to us for two years.

Note: The global roll out of WuF1u, and the obvious tight control on simple facts by governments made me immediately suspicious WuFlu was a biowar agent.  Halfway through 2020 I was very concerned it was a hybrid intended to spread an, as yet unobserved, lethal component like epox.  Subsequently I compared it to a cruise missile with no warhead.  A weapon of mass disruption.     Here are my March 2020  thoughts on it - and subsequently .   The real info war against Americans was NOT by the CCP - it was by the US government and MSM denying the real effectiveness of ivermectin and HCQ in order to sustain the Emergency Use Authorization of the 'jab'.   

We now only have one question about WuF1u - was the release intentional.  Was Fauci aware of the intent to release the virus?

We have many, many more questions about the 'jab'.  


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Opposing views


I trust the science.  

That means I've looked at the data from the Vostok core and trust honest and credible scientists like John Clauser, Richard Lindzen,  Judith Curry, the late Freeman Dyson.  

I've read draft IPCC reports for two cycles and have seen the alterations made to support a h0ax (see interviews with Nils-Axel Mörner before his death).

I also trust the observations of Burt Rutan, a world class engineers who can assess data, especially the 'uncorrected' data from an engineer's perspective. 

I believe what the founders of the 'global warming' h0ax said when they started the whole thing -  for that look at the last slides in Rutan's presentation from 2011(!).

The cycles in the earth's warming and cooling are apparent over the near half million year record provided by the Vostok core.  The cycle is wholly independent of the very, very recent activities of industrialized man.  The amplitude currently being experienced is not unprecedented.   

Do your own homework folks.  There are agendas benefitting from the prostitution of science and non stop fear p0rn we are being fed.  

UPDATE: 7/26/23 It's ALL BS folks.  And the same Davos drones that were selling lock down and the jab are selling the gl0balW@rming fear porn.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Reality may resemble a really good fiction

Apologies to the estate of Frank Herbert. His Science Fiction novel “Dune” has been the most insightful book I've read to understand the interactions of religion/ideology, economics, diplomacy, and environment upon mankind.  In lieu of the bizarre racism of Ibram Kendi (1) it should be on the CNO's recommended reading list for Navy officers. 

A Secret report within the guild

Four planets have come to our attention:

Planet China.  Home of the intended universal hegemon.  A brutal, totalitarian  ethno-nationalist ruling clique with an enormous 'middle kingdom' sense of entitlement to global rule.     China's recent history of genocide against the Uighur, slave labor, and the deliberate global spread of a deadly, man created viral agent – either opportunistically after a leak, or deliberately with domestic causalities a means for plausible deniability -  leave zero doubt of it's ruthlessness in pursuit of its goal.  The PRC is currently in latter stage of undeclared “Unrestricted Warfare” (2) with the prior universal hegemon planet United States.

Commodities – consumer goods powered by industrial espionage and suicidal deals with western corporations, weapons technology, including aforementioned world's best, experienced biowar organization, offers nations and global corporations participation in enormous PRC domestic market – at a price.  With 11% of the world's merchant fleet and the largest Navy in the world, China is becoming the world's greatest maritime power.

Planet North Korea.  Vassal state to China.  Currently ruled by dynastic paranoid leader with grandiose dreams and murderous hands.  Aware that by assassination, coup, or war PRC could eliminate the regime, or reduce the entire state to irradiated ruin.   

Main commodity – cut rate and/or exotic weapons including WMDs,     

Planet Iran.  Theocratic state ruled by clique of  'twelver' mullahs (3) skilled in  manipulation of western 'experts' in diplomacy.   The ruling regime has, within memory, demonstrated it's ability to sacrifice it's own children as minesweepers for tanks.  

Main commodity - oil (and it's ability to close Persian Gulf oil traffic).

Planet Israel.  Tiny, justifiably paranoid 'theocratish' nation with long history of manipulation of greater empires for its benefit.  Significant element of extremist with messianic plan for Israeli dominance (4).  Most significantly, manipulated England to create the Balfour Declaration.  Prior to, and subsequent to, establishment, benefited from an, in part, zionist managed (Plymouth Brethren/Oxford University Press) perversion of Christianity rendering much of it a zionist cult slavishly defending the state of Israel - heedless of the cost to anyone else.  

Israel sees a range of real, existential, threats and acts audaciously, mercilessly, when it believes such acts are in it's interest.  Since establishment Israeli agents and forces have, among other things :

- conducted a bio war attack on Egypt (5),

- engaged in 'false flag' terror bombing attacks intended to kill American and British citizens (6),

- deliberately attacked a US Navy ship, killing 34 and injuring 141 crew members (7),

- refused to advise the US of the activities clearly indicating a deadly attack in the US was imminent shortly before 9/11 (8), and, 

- manipulated the US into entering an endless war against Israel's moslem enemies with fake intelligence (9).

Main commodity - Israel has neither abundant natural resources or a large population, but deals principally in technology and weapons.  Has substantial ballistic missile and air-delivered (F-35) nuclear strike capability – despite an agreement with the US that the US would not support Israel if it developed nuclear weapons   Has long had a parallel biowar R+D and production capability (5).  Using the spy Pollard, Israel traded US national security secrets with the Soviet Union to secure talented Jewish emigres with which to establish it's military industrial base.   Israel now trades American military and industrial secrets to PRC (10) in exchange for … what exactly?  

Guild assessment  The level of antipathy between Iran and Israel is unmatched in the world.  Israel already has a substantial nuclear strike capability, Iran has already participated in nuclear tests in North Korea, and may, in fact, own some nuclear bombs manufactured, and held by, the North Koreans.   A traditional plague, or risky 'decapitating strike' against Iran by Israel using nuclear or conventional weapons may already be out of the question.  Is a solution to this conundrum what planet Israel seeks from planet China?    Simultaneously, China wants oil from Iran, but technology and secrets from Israel.  Iran wants trade with China but assistance with nuclear weapons, if not the weapons themselves, from North Korea.  North Korea wants good relations with China foremost, but needs trade beyond China - it's only real commercial partner.


Stepping back from looking at the 'planets', a more informed look on what is now, and what will likely soon be possible, with biological warfare is necessary.   Recently I watched a movie that brilliantly presented what has been called 'the banality of evil'.  It told the story – from actual notes – of the Wannsee Conference held by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich to introduce, and obtain the collaboration of, leaders of government departments and industry to the 'final solution' for Jews in Nazi held Europe (11) .  That same sense of observing evil came to me when listening to a West Point audio blog describing DOD and Army developments in the field of (weaponized) neurology and neuroscience (12).  What is explained by the urbane and eloquent Doctor making the West Point audio presentation is that mind control – or the efficient termination of life - will shortly be a matter of introducing the appropriate “bug, drug' or tool” to the subject(s).    

While China is well known to be working on 'genetically targeted' biowar agents (13), an approach different than a simple plague might in fact better appeal to Israel against a very nearly, or recently, nuclear armed Iran.  In fact, a tailored plague may be employed expressly to drive critical Iranian military and civilian leadership to inoculate themselves with anti-virals or mRNA meds laced with just the tools necessary to implement the mind control, or execution, necessary to disable Iranian nuclear retaliation (a li'l graphene oxide anyone?).

Listen to the West Point presentation, it is chilling.  

And nothing is beyond Israel or China.  NOTHING.

Also remember, if we've learned anything at all since Obama's inauguration, it is that ALL capabilities for population control granted to our deep state will, inevitably, be used against “we the people”.  

And, finally, for all you practitioners of biowar, here and abroad, a bit of wisdom from another writer of fiction should be heeded:  

“Invoke not that which ye cannot control” - HPL





5. Israel and Chemical/Biological weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control - Avner Cohen 2001 -



8. , , ,

9. ,





UPDATE 8/15/23 Yeah, DOD wants to help us sleep ... HAHAHAHA

UPDATE 8/17/23 I guess CIA is now ready to roll out MK ULTRA (mind control using psychedelics) on a larger scale ...

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The unthinkable rears it's head again

 Pretty crazy stuff … right???

Presidential candidate Kennedy provides loaded speculation, media pounces …

"There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

Nutty stuff.   Like 'chem trails' and UFOs. … and the election being stolen. 


First, lets review what we know about BioWar – especially BioWar as pursued by the entity the PLA so  slavishly copied from – the Soviet Union.  

Shadow of the past – what was the Soviet Union's dream doomsday bioweapon?  "Epox".

"... effort to create a recombinant EBOV-smallpox chimera virus, building on earlier work to insert EBOV genes thought to be virulence factors into the vaccinia virus, the genetic structure of which closely resembles the smallpox virus.[33]  The objective, according to Alibekov, was to “produce the form of smallpox called blackpox,” aka hemorrhagic smallpox, the most severe type of that disease. “As a weapon, the Ebolapox would give the hemorrhages and high mortality rate of Ebola virus, which would give you a blackpox, plus the very high contagiousness of smallpox,” Alibek said.[34]"

Comment on the above by Andy Bernal, who is self identified as a microbiologist, clinical laboratory technician, and teacher reveal - 

The soviets did, in fact, develop and produce a number of binary biological weapons. They fused ebola and smallpox, ebola and VEE, and plague and diphtheria. Keep in mind that the did this in the 1980s, so if research continued through to the present, you can only imagine the novel bioweapons researched and produced.

The idea behind binary bioweapons was to cause a diversion, of sorts, within the health community responding to the weapon. For example, with the plague-diphtheria hybrid a patient would present symptoms that aligned with bubonic plague. Easy enough. However, during the treatment for the plague, the patient would die from diphtheria. Truly nefarious weapons to be sure.”

So, if the late 80s Soviet Union was so interested in biowar when fixated on destroying the US, should be we surprised with the activity of  'Bat Lady' in the US and then at the PLA lab in Wuhan?

WuF1u was the product of Tony Fauci funding a joint use PLA BioWar and civilian facility to conduct  'gain of function' research – and helping the PLA Biowar effort with the glaringly dual use technology in the process.

Ethnic and racially targeted bioweapons have been discussed for almost two decades now - 

'Ethics and genetically engineered bioweapons that target specific ethnic or racial groups'

And in August 2019 a military industrial complex trade magazine explained how senior PLA biowar researchers were pursuing exactly that -

“The PLA’s keen interest is reflected in strategic writings and research that argue that advances in biology are contributing to changing the form or character of conflict. For example:

In 2010’s War for Biological Dominance, Guo Jiwei, a professor with the Third Military Medical University, emphasizes the impact of biology on future warfare.  In 2015, then-president of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences He Fuchu  argued that biotechnology will become the new “strategic commanding heights” of national defense, from biomaterials to "brain control" weapons. Maj. Gen. He has since become the vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, which leads China’s military science enterprise. Biology is among seven "new domains of warfare" discussed in a 2017 book by Zhang Shibo, a retired general and former president of the National Defense University, who concludes: “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility that “specific ethnic genetic attacks” //my emphasis// could be employed. The 2017 edition of Science of Military Strategy, a textbook published by the PLA’s National Defense University that is considered to be relatively authoritative, debuted a section about biology as a domain of military struggle, similarly mentioning the potential for new kinds of biological warfare to include “specific ethnic genetic attacks.” 


It will be increasingly important to keep tabs on the Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare, guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”


Regrettably it's evident that our intelligence community was too engaged in a coup against Trump and creating the J6 Reichstag Fire to perform that 'increasingly important' role.

So, summing up so far – the Soviet's dream weapon was biological.  China (the PLA specifically) very closely studied the Soviet, and '90s era Russian, war machine that was dedicated to destroying the US and copied it closely, with some substitutions to benefit from technological advances.  For example, their grand strategies for sinking America's aircraft carriers are very much the same, except nuclear armed Chinese anti-ship ballistic missiles have replaced the Soviet's nuclear armed, TU-22M Backfire launched anti-ship missiles.  The Soviet/Russian focus on modified virus as super weapons can now be seen in the pronouncements of PLA biowar experts, and they have discussed “specific ethnic genetic attacks”.

So, what's the Israeli connection?

I have earlier described, in some depth, what a mendacious 'friend' we have in Israel.

No one plays the game as ruthlessly, and effectively, as our 'special friends' in the Mossad and Aman.

Today China, not the US is Israel's biggest partner (not that they will stop 'passing the hat' in congress of course).

That alone is cause for one to realize Israel's going to be more engaged with Xi than the usurper Biden.  And, perhaps China intends some benefit to Israel in a role as a broker between the Arabs and Israelis.

Given the biblical history of animosity between Iran, specifically (more genetic distinction from Israelis, especially the european mixed Ashkenazi). and Israel, is it beyond thought that the Chinese may be repaying Israel for all those American military secrets with a military secret of their own – a Persian targeted plague?

Not to me.

And, for that matter, were I an African, I'd not allow PLA - err, 'civilian',  medical researchers to work in Africa.  At very best, they're deadly sloppy with BSL4 agents.

UPDATE: 7/19/23 - Are we doing it (developing targeted bioweapons)?  Interesting question.  

Clearly our Army was pursuing them.  "Enemy leaders, for example, can be knocked off by means of genetically engineered superpathogens that are so selective in their behavior they're capable of targeting specific individuals..."      A cynic might think that a prohibition of developing such weapons here may explain all those labs in the Ukraine.   Remind anyone of the 'gain of function' research prohibition and the move of 'bat lady' research from Chapel Hill to Wuhan?   Further, given the date of the Wired article, we may justifiably be excused for thinking we were just compliant lab rats lining up for the 'jab' during WuF1u.

I'll link this RUSSIAN sourced article with the caveat,  it could be entirely false, or in part true, or, entirely true ...

Also, WRT PLA's work on genetic targeting ... 

"As the US has noted, China’s National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is one of the world’s largest repositories of genetic information. While this information can be used toward developing more effective treatment plans against diseases and precision medicine, it can also be used to engineer precision bioweapons."

UPDATE: 7/20/23  "The United States government admitted to the existence of U.S. Department of Defense-funded biolabs in Ukraine."  

Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has used a base in San Antonio to study human tissue and RNA material exclusively from Caucasian Russians.

I guess that answers that.

Monday, July 17, 2023


Here's some reporting on the destruction of our military by anti-white, anti-asian racists.

Good thing our military is getting better, eh?

As demonstrated with the USS Connecticut, and the 'no white guys' fool with the mini sub, a submarine at depth is in an unforgiving environment.

Rx - do NOT send DOD you sons until 'leadership' - uniformed and civilian - is entirely replaced.

UPDATE: 7/19/23 The 'leaders' of today's US Armed Forces are FRAUDS!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

An object lesson certain to be missed

Ukrainian Anti-Submarine Warfare?

Sorta' puts droolin' Joe's comments about 'we got F-15s and nukes' (so guns in the hands of civilians are irrelevant to freedom) into perspective don't it.

When the government fears the people you have freedom. When the people fear the government you have tyranny.

AND when the entire Deep State, MSM, the politicians in the swamp, all want to ban one type of gun ...that's instructive.

"A pistol is to defend your\life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom" - J Cooper

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Compare and contrast ... Republican v. Dems

 Oh the disrespect!

Reagan actually didn't always wear a jacket when in the Oval Office... (at least Snopes sez so ..)

Oh the indignity!

BUT ... then there's Clinton ...

and Biden ...

as for Obama ... God only knows and the slavishly worshipful MSM will never tell.   And I do mean worshipful ...


Rentless, dishonest FEAR PORN

 I've learned the bots readily identify posts that are not supporting the great hoax and eliminate them from this blog.  

In order to share the truth I am posting this note as an image which you can view - but, perhaps. the bots don't recognize. as samizdat.

Another thing I've learned about is 'throttling' ... using bogus warnings and such to eliminate traffic from sites that provide samizdat this one.

Which reminds - do you REALLY think Deep State, DAVOS, MSM, THE Google, will let the US have a free and fair election in '24 and risk another Trump?

AND - Yahoo is just as bad ...

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Shades of Horatio Hornblower


US Navy says it prevented Iran from seizing tankers in Gulf of Oman

No rounds were fired by US, none fired within earshot.

Now lets remember what happened last time an OBiden was in the white house and today's US Navy looked eye to eye with Iranians...

The Iranians are smart - smarter than arabs. They take their jobs MUCH more serious than the pronoun cautious, neutered, USN.

This could be conditioning by Iran in advance of something bad for buffy the bos'n mate .

Lure into minefield... lure into wake homer range of Iranian diesel sub...

The Iranians share my assessment of current USN competence (most recently expressed here - (1)).

And leadership.

Which is provocative.

I can speak from experience, putting explosives, heavy machinery, and exhausted people in close proximity will produce results...but rarely the results Deep State and team Davos wants.

Iran Air victims 

'invoke not that which ye cannot control' - Necromonicon


UPDATE: 7/19/23 The 'leaders' of today's US Armed Forces are FRAUDS!

UPDATE: 8/13/23  Seems Deep State/Davos will not be deterred ...

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Obama - the man who turned America's infowar weapons systems against Americans.

Van Jones - architect of the Obama/$oros revolution.

His Rx:

relentless pressure from bottom up - 'hey where's my set asides? my harvard admission?,

relentless pressure from top down reflexively responding - implementation of CRT seminars, punishment of nonconforming patriots ---

all part of the plan.

The Supreme Court's anti-anti white racism decision is an big impediment to the (inevitably bloody) Van Jones revolution. Provides a shred of legitimacy to at least one of the branches of the government and forestalls the desired middle class reaction.

Oh the irony! A marxist hired by the Obama administration explicitly to execute 'fundamental transformation' of America -

complains about the Supreme Court 'remaking America' !

Forecast - Scattered left controlled ANTIFA/BLM violence followed by heavy rioting, largely in Dem controlled population centers.  Fed action (to include deployment of FBI stooge led 'White Supremacists' and managed mentally ill mass shooter candidates(1)) will attempt to maximize damage to middle class majority faith in government.   Also expect massive fear porn and intermittent attempts on the lives of conservative Supreme Court justices.  Simultaneous financial breakdown, plague scares, and assaults on conservative religious denominations also likely.

And remember - the RINOs are complicit.  If bad for you is good for them they're on board with the O'Biden regime.

Obama's brain Jarrett on the right, along with FOX NEWS owner and Jeb(!)

Hey "patriots" in Congress, the FBI (one can hope), Republican parties in the states ... want to stop Van Jones, Obama, and Deep State too?  

Fix this ...

(1) FBI - the 'sword and shield of the party' ,  


yeah, right ... his nickname was 'school shooter' ..... 

UPDATE: 7/12/23 "Top down" ...

Monday, July 3, 2023

A different assessment

I received this note from a friend ...


Trey Gowdy hit the nail on the head!


Trey Gowdy, a former South Carolina Congressman, responded to a question from a CNN reporter about the ban of transgenders from joining the U.S. armed forces. As Trey typically does so very well, he nailed it rather succinctly.

 Question: How can President Trump claim to represent all U.S citizens, regardless of sexual orientation, when he banned transgenders from joining the military? Isn't that discrimination?

Trey Gowdy's Response: Nobody has a right to serve in the Military. Nobody! What makes you people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer? It is very far from it - and for good reasons - let me cite a few" The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. Citizens are denied for having flat feet, or for missing or additional fingers." he went on to explain: "By the way, poor eyesight will disqualify you, as well as bad teeth. Malnourished? Drug addiction? Bad back? Criminal history? Low IQ? Anxiety? Phobias? Hearing damage? Six arms? Hear voices in your head? Self-identification as a Unicorn? Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair?" "Can't run the required course in the required time? Can't do the required number of push-ups? Not really a morning person? and refuse to get out of bed before noon? All can be legitimate reasons for denial"

"The Military has one job: Winning War. Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream? That isn't Fair? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful." "YOU must change yourself to meet Military standards and not the other way around." "I say again: You don't change the Military - you must change yourself. The Military is not about being fair, it is about taking advantage of others and about winning. The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to Win Wars and keep our Country safe -PERIOD!"

"If any of your personal issues are a liability that detracts from readiness or lethality... Thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors." 

"Any other questions?”


My considered reply ...

Sorry.  I've bitten right through my tongue.

Gowdy was repeatedly unable to even review documents necessary to secure indictments of Hillary, Obama, and other deep state actors over a period of years, example "Tucker Carlson Calls Out (Softly) Trey Gowdy For His Prior Defenses of Mueller and Comey"...

How'd that work out for him?

Net worth 2016 ...Trey Gowdy's estimated net worth for 2016 is $79,999.

Pretty darn good apparently.

Net worth 2023 ... Trey Gowdy Net Worth 2023: Assets $12 Million Increase.

A fine bit of swamp ecosystem.

And his comments about DOD having standards?   A fairy tale.  Grandstanding rubbish and he knows it.

2008 The U.S. Army lowers recruitment standards … again.

2017 - Army is accepting more low-quality recruits, giving waivers for marijuana to hit targets

2023 - Lowering Recruitment Standards in the Military

The reason service in quick food places is so bad now is that the low, but functional, IQ folks that use to work there could finally get into the military because of the lowered standards.  

IQ?  'Behavioral Health' issues?  Gender confused (trannies have a 40% suicide attempt rate)?  All good now in today's DOD.

Marksmanship standards?  I'm a 68 year old glaucoma sufferer and can shoot 'Expert' on the Navy's current qualification course, intended for the very large, 15 round, M9 pistol, with my snub nose .38.  

DOD is a wasteland.  A shadow of it's former abilities.  It is now anti white, heterosexual, Christian male.  Black racist Kendi's book on 'antiracism' (by implementing aggressive anti white racism) is endorsed by the Chief of Naval Operations (lookin' for that Raytheon board job no doubt).  All of DOD has been mauled by ideologues and generations of brass did not defend the troops or combat effectiveness for fear of missing on their own advancement, or PC sensitive employment after ditching their uniforms.

My Navy is now full of rusting ships,

some burning down while tied to the pier, 

when not colliding with things when underway (the USS Connecticut, one of only 3 super subs assigned a 'diverse' CO )

with polite, diverse crews (with ever more enlightened standards for body mass),  

who haven't a foggy clue they're supposed to be on a warship and may have to fight or die.

We are naked to our enemies and have no border.

Gowdy was in office - and on some very important committee 2011-2019.  Hey, great job Trey!  

And have a good 4th xxxx.


/The Gaffer/

UPDATE: 7/8/23 Wall Street Journal is upset veterans aren't recommending to their kids to join OBiden's crack military?   Awwww.....

UPDATE: In case you thought I was kidding ...

UPDATE: 7/19/23 The 'leaders' of today's US Armed Forces are FRAUDS!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

DOD's dial a crowd?

Van Jones is upset the US Supreme Court finds racism contrary to the constitution.  So is Michelle Obama (she phoned in her outrage in from a yacht in the Mediterranean(1)). 

Expect the pseudo mysterious non-group ANTIFA and uber-capitalist (2) founded BLM to hit the streets.

Meanwhile (to remind)

"The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created 

by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to 

this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low 

profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction."

"... there are an increasing number of government investigators—military, 

FBI, homeland security and even state officials—who are not undercover 

per se but who avail themselves of signature reduction status like 

fake IDs and fake license plates when they work domestically"


DOD has thousands of individuals operating off the books DOMESTICALLY?

My goodness  ... what do you think these SIXTY THOUSAND taxpayer paid folks are doing?



UPDATE: 7/3/23 Here's a sample of what's coming for us in America -
Moslem fanatics, BLM, ANTIFA, FBI stooge run - or DOD shadow army 'White Supremacists' and, not to forget the now fashionable psychotic trannie, the speed dial list for Soros, Obama is long.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Direct hit!


Van Jones' "Top-down, Bottom-up, inside-out revolution" to destroy our constitutional republic takes a big hit!

 That is one brilliant, deeply evil man.   So the decision by the Supreme Court was just, and timely.

He was a significant part of the racist, America hating administration that turned the nation's most powerful weapons against it's own people.

Make no mistake about Van Jones, Obama, or Obama's mentor Bill Ayers.  They are evil and death camps are what they will bring -  It is what people like them do, in China, Russia, Cambodia, any continent, any time.

The Border. What's theirs is theirs. What's ours is minned.

 A solution for our southern border.  Add razor wire (and prohibit USBP from cutting it! (1)), signage ...

To remind, from an earlier post: 

My note to the ‘representatives’ I’ve been blessed with:

Dear Senator/Representative xxx,

I am disgusted by the complete lack of will exhibited by you and your friends in Washington. We’ve dispatched B-52s time and again to drop bombs to defend other borders – here we hand out cell phones?

During my service to the country the job nearly killed me three times – once by enemy action. My son was very nearly killed in Afghanistan.

What you won’t defend you lose. Fact of life.

Mine the damm border! I know they work – YOU know they work – that’s why we’re sending them to the Ukraine (and you know why we’re there – NOT ‘national security’).

xxxxxx CDR. USN (Ret.) and Wounded Warrior dad

(1) - traitors in action -

UPDATE: 7/4/2023 "Human Rights Watch" apparently upset Ukraine is using mines.

To which I have to say - so what?  A mine, in and of itself is neither good nor bad.  If properly deployed someone must trespass to be injured or killed.  AND US is not a party to the treaty.  So application on our border if only to stall the drug trade, is warranted and appropriate.