Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What was

Here's a insightful piece describing the development of  our Naval Operational Intelligence organization during the cold war against the Soviet Union:

https://s1lentdrum.online/intelandstrategy.pdf .

Note that the ability to produce accurate intel on enemy systems, doctrine and strategy, and locational data on units at sea, combined to make a major contribution to Reagan's grand strategy (described here  - 1), a grand strategy that resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union.  

One can only wonder if our current crop is up to the task of facilitating O'Biden's obvious grand strategic objective - the destruction of the United States.

1. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2011/02/06/nsdd-75-reagans-secret-strategy-for-defeating-the-soviet-union/


  1. Great article on Navy ASW and associated intel. I saw the link to the article you posted on Signal, just getting around to reading it. Steveo here.

  2. Let’s hope the current crop is unable to assist in bidens destruction.

