Late to the game and understated...
Late to the game and understated...
I intend this blog to be recreation, even therapy, not competition for Fox News, Carl Trueman, Jordan Peterson, or even Hickok45. It provides me an opportunity to organize and jot down some thoughts and bookmark good references on topics that interest me. These have mostly been national and personal security, military matters, and politics, logically reflecting my 37 years with the Navy.
I don't think popular entertainment has been a topic in the years I've been posting. It's well out of my competence and experience but, the topic comes to mind with recent advertising seen for Amazon's treatment of Tolkien's world in their upcoming 'Rings of Power' series.
Throughout my life 'escapist' fantasy has been a relief from boredom and many of life's frequent unpleasant developments. I don't recall exactly which grade I was in when I first read The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. As a child I was a precocious reader, finishing Hersey's Hiroshima, Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and J Edgar Hoover's (probably ghost written by companion) Masters of Deceit before 8th grade. But Tolkien's works were my mainstay and remained a constant companion, having read through them a dozen or more times over 50 years. Embarrassed to say, that's more than I've read the Bible. Peter Jacksons movie treatment of the trilogy was essentially faithful to the books and very good indeed. The more aggressively PC Tolkien 'inspired' works subsequent ... not so much.
As to television, I began watching the original black and white Dr Who as a 12 year old in Philadelphia courtesy of PBS. While the poor quality of the special effects were, even then, comical, the plot, a timeless alien able to transport human companions anywhere in space and time, was interesting enough to hold attention. And it did, for decades. I was delighted with the reappearance of the doctor in 2005. Christopher Eccleston made a great, edgy, sarcastic time lord and David Tennant has been the best ever.
So, Tolkien and Dr Who. One smuggling a Christian message for young men growing to be soldiers and officers, the other, meh, innocent fun for SciFi enthusiasts.
Dr. Who fell first. The increasing PC being forced into the show came to a head with the Capaldi version of the doctor in advance of the disastrous Jody Whittaker version. I've not watched more than 10 minutes of the Whittaker (who admitted to never having watched the show) doctor, that seems to be as long as the show can run before another preachy PC point is made.
Pity that. Rest in Peace doctor.
And now it appears to be Tolkien's turn to be fundamentally 'reimagined' into a pompous, absurd, PC, pigs breakfast. The build up by Amazon has been enough to know this will be glowingly repulsive to Tolkien fans.
If you need one of these to do the job - reconsider what you are doing
As the host says "If you need to fundamentally change a thing to like it - you're not a fan." (should be a clue here for Obama voters as well) So, I'll be avoiding the show.
Much more recently, I very much enjoyed GRR Martin's Game of Thrones masterpiece works, first the books, and then the series (ok, enjoyed the first seven seasons, was disappointed by the 8th and it's final rush to conclusion). The TV series provided such an entertaining fusion of Lord of The Rings and The Sopranos both the wife and I looked forward to each weeks episode. We even visited the filming sites in Northern Ireland before the final season's release.
Although less invested in this work compared to LOTR and Dr Who, the revision in dogma for the new prequel "House of Dragons" with it's absurd race quotas, warns there will be an intolerable amount of cultural marxist preaching preempting any interest by me. Clearly the SJWs wanted in, and GRR was folding, by 2019.
So, the march through the institutions in fantasy has been no respecter of brilliant, meticulous and talented authors. All must kneel, regardless of the debasement to an artfully crafted story.
Or, as put more plainly than Tolkien's opening quote ...
“You know what woke means. It means you’re a loser,” Trump said. “It’s true. Everything woke turns to shit. It’s true. Look at what’s happening.”
Amen to that.
This is a great article and it clearly outlines the '4th branch' of government. Must read.
For more uplifting and lighthearted heading here's a dose of red pill from my blog ... or, at the very least, watch this if you haven't already ..
Is not Russia. They have a $1.8T economy, and an apparently Christian, and genuinely nationalistic/patriotic leader. We goaded them into war in the Ukraine. ( )
It is not even atheist, totalitarian China ($19.9T economy), they deliberately attacked us with WuFlu ( ), they own both ends of PA Ave, steal our tech, and floods us with fentanyl. No mistake, Xi and the CCP is the greatest foreign threat, and they are at war - an 'unrestricted war' - with us.
No, it is that entity our founding fathers refused to create and warned of - a bloated and unanswerable executive branch and their standing army.
A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people. ~ James Madison, Speech before Constitutional Convention (6/29/1787).
Under Obama the pollicization was overt and rapid. We now see the army of the 4th reich can, at will, choose to not obey their elected Commander in Chief.
And we see the political purge within DOD continuing ( ). The 'transformation' from defender to threat has been facilitated from within for years by faithless, career driven politicians in uniform looking for their next star or seat on the board of a military contractor.
Their enemy now - "Neo Nazis"? Make no mistake, if you even suspect the 2020 election was tampered with, if you understand the truth about Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, DHS has branded you a terrorist. You are the enemy of the OBiden DOD and DOJ.
You are the threat and a near total 'fundamental transformation' of the military is required by the reich. Their inevitable goal is to turn their guns on us.
UPDATE: same day - great article on 4th reich wrecking the military ..
“At some point, you’ve got to realize that it’s a scam, that you are being asked to risk your life to fight for an imperial order that thinks your law-abiding, church-going, palefaced right-wing self is the problem with America.”
UPDATE: 7/17/22 - 4th reich gaslighting the reason for the 40% shortfall in recruiting - it's a tough life (always has been for real troops), NOT the fact DOD and OBiden hate straight, white, Christian males.
Corroborate - to support with evidence or authority. (haven't used that term in writing in a long time)
I've raised the issue of the midterm being stolen earlier (1). Now, one of the very best investigative reporters is raising the issue as well, with evidence ...
also discussed with Glenn Beck ...
Along with the enormously suspect voting machines, and the executive branch action noted above, the 4th reich appears also to be planning for another 'vote by mail' fraudfest driven by the latest CCP flu variant ...
So - all means of election theft are spooling up, and, not unrelated, the reich is driving criticism of the Supreme Court while defending individuals making threats on the justices.
Apparently they want to hedge their bet in case a contested election goes to the Supreme Court for review.
Many in the reich have their fortunes and freedom at risk. Do not underestimate what they will do to stay in power and out of jail. Remember - today's post Obama Army and Marine Corps ain't what they use to be (2, 3). Some, perhaps many, in the ranks want a shot at heartland Americans.
A move in the right direction. Perhaps a lot of negligent parents will start looking into their kids college courses, progress towards adulthood more carefully.
Next - how 'bout the 'mental health' professionals and pill pushers involved with this failure of a person? How diligent were they? What accountability do they share?
As discussed earlier (1) marches to intimidate armed Americans outside places like Portland have been ineffective. So now we have previolent, America hating, obscene abortion protesters (2) accompanied by America hating marxist ANTIFA members with AR-15s.
'Demonstrations of force' by poorly trained, resentment filled, and delusional folks is not going to turn out well for their cause. Prone as they are to accidental discharges and similar gaffs, expect that when they venture out of Dem ruled, crime ridden cities we will have the inevitable 'Darwin moment'.
As officer friendly has often said - 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes'.
2. Yes, they are deranged - and violence prone -
Update - 7/5/22
American hating? Check. Delusional? Check. Dad (prior Dem Mayoral candidate) said he 'had issues'. Was it dad's gun? SSRIs? AND - with all the 4th Reich surveillance, he's not being watched? Given roof access with a back pack while there was heavy FBI presence on site (camos and all)?
Update, later, same day:
As for the gun ...
"Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering (D) told NBC’s Today Show that the gun used in the attack on July 4th parade goers “was legally obtained.”
Today Show host Hoda Kolb asked Rotering, “Do you know anything about where the gun came from?”
Rotering responded, “I don’t know where the gun came from but I do know that it was legally obtained.”"
Yup, sounds like dad's gun.
And, let's not forget the two police officers killed in Philadelphia as well ...
UPDATE - 7/8/22 Apparently the shooter was 'known by police'. Had knives confiscated after a suicide threat, made a threat of mass violence, and STILL could buy the guns. Father allegedly had a role in that (Bannon show).
First, a note from September 2021. It was all too clear by then that the Obama/OBiden culled and curated DOD leadership had zero respect for the constitution, the integrity of their oaths to defend the constitution, or even real combat effectiveness of the - oh so diverse and affirming - 'combat forces' of the US.
In January of this year I reminded of the dangers from, and inertia towards, the OBiden transformation of the DOD into one focused inwardly.
Several times in the past, and most recently in May, I explained that the very powerful infowar systems developed to overturn foreign governments by DOD and CIA have been engaged with enormous effectiveness against the US population. (1)
As commented on earlier today - do you really expect an honest mid-term election?
Do you really expect the 4th reich's DOD will intervene on behalf of the citizens if there is another stolen election - regardless of ANY evidence, or determination by the Supreme Court?
DOD may, in fact, intervene on behalf of the usurper and the reich.
Fundamental Transformation complete.
UPDATE: 1. 7/14/22 in case you missed it, here's Bolton matter-of-fact admission we're in that line of work (and necessarily then built the tools for the job)
So easy to predict.
I made it clear - before the election - that the election in 2020 was going to be stolen ...
Couldn't have been more clear.
In retrospect we all must accept that vote by mail is a tool for corrupting the election.
Similarly, we must accept the voting machines are trash -
So, let me make this perfectly clear, the midterms - if they even take place - will be stolen as well. All the same players are hard at work to see that happens.
DOJ has not prosecuted the folks identified in '2000 Mules', in fact, it is protecting the criminals.