Monday, July 26, 2021

Hell to pay

Two items this morning ...

ONE - stop getting the jab!  And, most certainly do NOT vax your children.  Here's a simple explanation ,,,

TWO - investigate the companies and their agents that concocted this God awful mess ...  (some confusing detail, but point is,

COVID -19 is too similar to known research products to be anything but.)

It appears increasingly evident that pharma firms wanted return on their research which was 

known to be very dangerous.  

Their greed coincided with Communist China's (who very clearly DELIBERATELY spread the 

virus even if the 'release' was not intentional) desire to debilitate their greatest enemy 

- America.  

That is an act of war.

And, simultaneously with the CCP, all the other players, the DNC, and the deep state, the swamp, the globalists, all in unison wanted Trump removed.

That is treason.

A perfect storm.

These folks have hell to pay.

UPDATE - moments later ... just gets better by the minute ...

UPDATE - good ballpark figure for starts, as well as other essential actions.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone following this tale as you and some of us have, realize this IS an act of war, but the pants-soiler-in-chief puppet and his halfwit leftist admin, won’t do a thing about this. Too bad Jake Tapper and others won’t perform as real journalists. This is a huge story, but all media is so far up Biden’s ass that they can’t even hear the alarm bells. Thanks for the post

