Quick note. I've been asked twice today for this link so I'm just going to post it.
update 8/1/21 and, listen to the doctor ..
Quick note. I've been asked twice today for this link so I'm just going to post it.
update 8/1/21 and, listen to the doctor ..
Two items this morning ...
ONE - stop getting the jab! And, most certainly do NOT vax your children. Here's a simple explanation ,,,
TWO - investigate the companies and their agents that concocted this God awful mess ...
https://www.bitchute.com/video/AaAhU1ZHgQ6V/ (some confusing detail, but point is,
COVID -19 is too similar to known research products to be anything but.)
It appears increasingly evident that pharma firms wanted return on their research which was
known to be very dangerous.
Their greed coincided with Communist China's (who very clearly DELIBERATELY spread the
virus even if the 'release' was not intentional) desire to debilitate their greatest enemy
- America.
That is an act of war.
And, simultaneously with the CCP, all the other players, the DNC, and the deep state, the swamp, the globalists, all in unison wanted Trump removed.
That is treason.
A perfect storm.
These folks have hell to pay.
UPDATE - moments later ... just gets better by the minute ...
UPDATE - good ballpark figure for starts, as well as other essential actions. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2021/08/china-owes-the-world-35-trillion-if-coronavirus-lab-leak-is-true/
Letting leftist spew about how ignorant you are about their 'theory' reminds of a great movie from the '70s, The Exorcist (1973)
"Fr Karras - "It might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested.
So far, I'd say there seem to be three. She's convinced that-- "
(the far more experienced) Fr Merrin - "There is only one.""
Don't waste time trying to figure out if they're more Hegelian than Marxist, Trotskyite than Gramscian, it's all the same sh1t sandwich. They're being intentionally obscure.
CRT is just another fault line they want to create, then exploit. This fact is best summed up by (no surprise) Ann Coulter.
"Their current position is that they simply can’t discuss CRT with you because it’s too complex and can only be understood by high-level graduate students after years of study.
Oh, cut the crap. The “theory” is: Everything is based on racism."
and ya' know, the leftists never really impressed me as all that bright anyhow.
UPDATE - 7/22/21 What, really, is a 'progressive'? This from the CPUSA rag 'The Daily Worker' in the 1920s.
"The Pentagon under Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin hired a Google and George Soros-funded UK company that works in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League to spy on members of our military for "extremism.""
OBiden is well into the 'fundamental transformation' of our DOD into a armed entity unlikely to survive combat with Chinese or Russian ... but adequate to crush patriotic Americans unwilling to bow to the usurper.
Pity, Dolores O'Riordan died too soon to see real 'troubles'.
"Milley also reportedly told aides ahead of a pro-Trump “Million MAGA March” in November that he feared it could be the “modern American equivalent of ‘brownshirts in the streets,'” referring to the pro-Nazi militia supporting Hitler’s rise."
"The book concludes with Milley describing relief there had not been a coup, telling Michelle Obama at the inauguration: “No one has a bigger smile today than I do. … You can’t see it under my mask, but I do.”"
Is the man clueless, or complicit?
Watch the video at 2:25 -
This was known before January 6th (1). Milley did nothing. HIS soldier, sailors had their absentee ballots stolen. HE DID NOTHING.
The country will not accept a stolen election. The far left - and politicians whose necks are at risk for the steal - will do anything to stay in power. This General, Pence, and Barr are as much to blame as Obama and Soros for what is to come.
1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/12/told-ya.html
Update - same day. The day of reckoning is coming, the General better know what team to be on when it hits the fan. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/massive-fraud-discovered-in-maricopa-county/
Update - 7/16/21 more on the very political Milley
I can't be any more clear about my opinion of Fauci ...
and, I've been wise to him since this trip started...
Now the CCP collaborator who brought 'gain of function' R+D to the PLA biowar folks offers this ...
You decide.
Either way, this person shouldn't be voting, around children, or own a weapon.
One who appreciates the uniparty nature of the swamp can be excused for looking at Fox News as 'controlled opposition'. Tucker is allowed to appeal to the demographic Roger Ailes built the network to appeal to, but the hard truths, the ones deeply damaging to the swamp, are most often avoided.
That said, and perhaps, anticipating audit results from Arizona, it was interesting to see Tucker was allowed to speak the unspeakable, even if indirectly.
In case you haven't figured it out by now ...
They're playing on the same team.
And you're not on the team.
No surprise.
Can't say we weren't warned.
"Zelenko has joined Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer, and Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winning virologist, in issuing a dire warning ...
"First and foremost, do not take any of the booster shots in the future."
“The take-home message here is that if you’ve gotten the jab, consider yourself high-risk for COVID and implement a daily prophylaxis protocol,” Mercola states. “This means optimizing your vitamin D, and taking vitamin C, zinc and a zinc ionophore on a daily basis, at least throughout cold and flu season.”
Update - same day. Gee, who knew ... https://basedunderground.com/2021/07/08/scientists-and-doctors-at-the-lancet-and-nature-have-blood-on-their-evil-hands/
UPDATE 7/11/21 - https://basedunderground.com/2021/07/11/what-you-need-to-know-about-early-at-home-covid-treatment/
The simple truth folks. These people are the enemy of the constitution of the United States.
Don't let their doublespeak confuse or delay your reaction. Marxist, maoists, alinskyite, neo- whatever, wheat, white. or rye - all the same shit sandwich. They are the domestic enemy many have taken an oath to oppose.