Friday, June 4, 2021

Why is the "conspiracy theory" becoming the accepted truth?

(This is a fast moving train ... I'd be watching CCP to distract with activity, possibly to include a military expedition)

Because, in part, enough FBI agents have had it covering for the Chinese Communist Party and the CPUSA.  Communist China attacked the US.  It's time Americans realized this and acted appropriately towards China.


"Corrupt FBI Director Wray didn’t know right away because lower-level FBI Agents wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him."

UPDATE - same day.  Once again, Trump gets it.  Shy of nuclear war the Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable.  Ruinous compensations must be paid and the citizens of China can deliver justice to the monsters that did this to the world.  Deliberate release or accident it was DELIBERATELY spread and that is a biowar attack by Xi, his generals, and the party leaders.  An attack facilitated by Americans with their own murderous agendas.

Xi and the generals know what's coming.  There's hell to pay.

UPDATE - 6/5/21 OBAMA.  No surprise.

and - it was DIA, not corrupt FBI or CIA driving the exposure.

UPDATE 6/27/21 - collusion between DNC and Xi in spreading the flu and justifying the 'vote by mail' election steal scheme?  Why else this?

UPDATE 9/27/21 -  "I would not be surprised to learn that Democrats worked in conjunction with the Chinese to use Wuflu to hurt both the American and world economy."  - Duh!

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