"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested
in the good of others; we are interested solely in power – pure power." - Orwell
First, a moment to establish context
Like 'Global Warming' err, Climate Change (1), the 'white supremacist' domestic terror threat is a phantom menace exaggerated, and in the latter case partly managed by FBI operatives, to justify governmental overreach and the achievement of globalist/marxist ideological goals.
First. reaching back some decades, I well remember the discomfort among the nomenklatura during the Clinton days following the survey of combat troops on their willingness to fire on US citizens who refused to surrender their hither-to constitutionally protected firearms.
From an article about the survey(2):
“...the survey's final question has generated an enormous amount of attention:
The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
The survey results: 42.3 percent strongly disagreed with this statement; 19.3 percent disagreed//my emphasis//; 18.6 percent agreed; 7.6 percent strongly agreed; and 12.0 percent had no opinion. In one of the footnotes appearing in his thesis, Cunningham quotes comments placed by some of the Marines next to their answers to this question: "What about the damn Second Amendment? .... I feel this is a first in communism! .... Read the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen." "I would not even consider it. The reason we have guns is so that the people can overthrow the gov't when or if the people think the gov't is too powerful." "Freedom to bear arms is our Second Amendment. If you take our Amendments away then you can take this job and stick it where the sun don't shine! .... It is a right to own firearms for defense (2nd Amendment); I would fight for that right!"
Based on the disagreement expressed by 61 percent of the Marines, Cunningham concluded that "a complete unit breakdown would occur in a unit tasked to execute this mission."”
The lesson learned from this survey within the CPUSA/far left was the realization that the types of people filling the ranks of America's military had to change before it could be reliably unleashed on patriotic American citizens.
And that is EXACTLY what Obiden's SECDEF and DOD is doing.
Second, shortly after entering office the Obama administration prepared and disseminated a “Law Enforcement Only' intelligence /sic/ report purporting that there was a grave threat to America from armed forces veterans (presumably including the deplorable, 'clingy', folks who responded to the earlier survey)(3). These dangerous disgruntled deplorables were expected to employ a type of semiautomatic, high capacity carbine widely available in America since Winchester's model of 1905 to horrific effect.
The report was very quickly leaked and was a source of much humor among both experienced street level law enforcement and the veterans community (4).
The lesson learned from the humorous dismissal of this 'intelligence' report within the CPUSA/far left was, an intensively media hyped case for a threat from 'dangerous extremists' , ie, patriotic, gun owning conservative Americans, needed to precede claims such a threat exists.
And that is what our now corrupt and out of control federal 'law enforcement' agencies have been engaged in for many years. (5, 6). The 'Reichstag Fire' event at the Capital on January 6 would merely be the most celebrated of late (7).
And, third, the participants in the coup against Trump very nearly were, themselves, subject to prosecution for illegal use of national security intelligence capabilities and systems to target political opponents (8). Deep state cretins do NOT like sticking their necks out for politicians of any stripe. Thank heavens for that WuFlu and those (thereby justified) mail-in 'ballots', eh?
The lesson learned for the CPUSA/far left was, let enthusiastic, globalist megalomaniac billionaires, and perhaps the CCP, do the dirty work of violating privacy and punishing wrongspeak.
Thus informed, now peruse the Obiden administration's newly released strategy document for combating 'domestic terrorists' (which likely includes you)(9). This document appears to be as revealing of the malicious intent of the current regime as 'Unrestricted Warfare' is of Communist China's fully underway war with America (10).
To avoid being overlong, I will simply point out a few items in the document:
The document is abundant in fedspeak gibberish “a comprehensive understanding of the domestic terrorism threat landscape requires facilitating a systematic provision of information” (I use to get paid to write like that) and jargon “RMVEs”, “MVEs”, “DVEs”. It is intentionally incomprehensible while establishing justification for blatantly anti American, extra constitutional activity by an extreme left regime.
The nature of violent extremists is described as “principally those who promote the superiority of the white race” (pg 6). The vast majority of the violence being experienced is NOT associated with white supremacists. It is from marxist led Black Lives Matters (11).
It is represented that the current DOJ and FBI have 'integrity' (pg 6) and can be trusted with these politically charged matters. That is demonstrably untrue (12).
'Domestic Terrorism' is defined as an attempt to coerce a civilian population (pg 8). That being the case, the focus ought to be on those organizations and actors visibly engaged in such activity (ex., 13, 14, 15) and not on an amorphous and (without federal inducement) largely hapless right wing threat.
“Critical partners” (pg 12) include the “technical sector, academia, and more.” As noted in opening, the regime intends to partner with corporate entities and corrupt, far left ideological entities (ex., SPLC (16,17)) to limit accountability by the regime.
'Militia' training apparently is now unacceptable to federal law enforcement (pg 6.). They were largely unconcerned with moslem terror training camps in the US for decades (18). The likelihood that well planned raids would produce felons in possession of a firearm at these camps was always high enough they could have been forced into extinction.
“racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists .. present the most lethal threats … typically targeting law enforcement and government...” pg 10 The murderous attack on the Republican legislators was by a Bernie Bro (19). It is ANTIFA who has been trying to incinerate police and judges (20, 21).
'protecting Americans from gun violence' (pg 27) also appears within scope of this National strategy. In which case, will the solution address the shooters? White supremacists appear disproportionately underrepresented there (22).
Bottom line. The 'strategy' document announces the regime's intent to define and prosecute thought crimes, cooperate with corporate entities in persecuting, censoring, and banning individuals guilty of wrongthink, and pursuit of the goal of Obama's ideological mentors from the violent, extreme left of the 60s (23).
UPDATE 6/19/21- further discussion of FBI habit of 'making the news' : https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/06/18/glenn-greenwald-asks-reasonable-questions-about-the-fbis-involvement-in-january-6th-capitol-hill-event/#more-213159 ...https://greenwald.substack.com/p/questions-about-the-fbis-role-in
Domestic Terrorists? BLM may be the 'Brown Shirts', ANTIFA is the murderous mob of Mao's cultural revolution. Either way OBiden's FBI/DOJ obviously approves of their attempt to intimidate patriotic Americans of all race and creed.
And, I might also add, the 'strategy' also focuses on international communications between suspects and terror actors overseas. So, if, for example, you have a wrongspeak blog, don't be surprised to find unsolicited comments left by likely IC employees abroad to justify further scrutiny with national surveillance tools. Just sayin'
AND, on FBI credibility on ANYTHING ... https://100percentfedup.com/fbi-shreds-legal-forensic-analysis-in-georgia/
UPDATE - 6/21/21 good advice for the more excitable conservatives. Comports with my personal experiences - https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2021/06/21/that-loudmouth-troublemaker-is-an-fbi-snitch-n2591233
UPDATE - 6/22/21 good recap on KGB, err, FBI (you know 'shield of the (D) party') direct involvement in 'domestic terrorism' - with events that wouldn't have happened without their incitement and assistance. https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/five-cases-of-fbi-incitement/ (Odd, FBI seems to have gone to shit 'bout the same time they dropped the revolver and adopted semi auto pistols. https://gundigest.com/article/fbi-handguns-revolvers-of-the-past )
UPDATE - 6/23/21 Gen Milley was stabbing Trump in the back the whole time, now he comes out of the closet.
1. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/06/01/anthony-on-livestream-what-climate-emergency/
2. https://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37575
3. https://fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf
4. https://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/16/napolitano.apology/
5. https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/13/whitmer-kidnapping-plot-may-have-been-an-fbi-entrapment-of-a-bunch-of-crackpots/
6.. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/quote-day-judges-slam-atf-stash-house-stings-edition/
7. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/06/16/tucker-carlson-outlines-the-primary-threat-to-our-nation-the-corrupt-intelligence-apparatus-which-includes-the-fbi/
8. https://dailycaller.com/2019/12/09/strzok-mccabe-clinesmith-ohr/
9. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/National-Strategy-for-Countering-Domestic-Terrorism.pdf
10. https://www.oodaloop.com/documents/unrestricted.pdf
11. https://dailycaller.com/2020/09/17/black-lives-matter-riots-study-data-princeton/
12. .https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/06/the_fbis_role_in_the_jan_6_capitol_fracas_is_absolutely_disgusting.html
13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIrKtoHYPsE
14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1Z-Ellw4QQ
15. https://republicanwire.org/armed-blm-mob-we-will-kill-everything-white-in-sight/
16. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/08/17/southern-poverty-law-center-hate-groups-scam-column/2022301001/
17. https://www.frc.org/university/making-hate-pay-the-corruption-of-the-southern-poverty-law-center
18. https://fuqrafiles.com/guerrilla-warfare-and-training-compounds/
19. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/14/homepage2/james-hodgkinson-profile/index.html
20. https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-antifa-militants-portland-arson
21. https://en-volve.com/2020/07/22/watch-portland-rioters-barricade-courthouse-and-attempt-to-burn-it-down-with-federal-agents-inside/
22. http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/year_end_2015_enforcement_report.pdf
23. https://youtu.be/N59gkgePzLQ