Security at Davos meeting - Black guns for me, but not thee little people
I find "gun control" to be a topic which reveals more about the fanatics on both sides than either enjoy.
First, the constitution.
For my part I am completely satisfied by the excellent research done at the request of the Senate Judiciary Committee back in 1982. They empaneled constitutional historians who researched down to hand written drafts, personal contemporaneous letters, and newspaper articles and editorials. Their conclusion:
"The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."
Thus the Constitution prohibits constraints on ownership of "firearms" by citizens. As a matter of history, citizens back then could own artillery, which, even in its 18th century form was far more destructive than a .22 caliber carbine like the common AR-15 today. It was a matter of gradual consent that over the years fully automatic firearms, explosives, and, oddly, 'silencers' were surrendered to the taxmans control. There has been no broad acceptance of prohibitions on ownership of repeating firearms with 'large capacity' magazines subsequent to their wide availability in 1905.
Winchester 1905 with 'high capacity magazine'
Next, the legitimate function.
A true sage on the topic (Jeff Cooper) once remarked 'a handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun to defend your house, and a rifle to defend your freedom'. I believe that adequately summarizes the non-sporting purpose of each. It is a fact that in our current political climate more, and more violent, armed 'brown shirt' groups (BLM, ANTIFA to name two) are being funded and fielded by the left in an attempt to coerce the public into submitting to their demands. It's important to note that the actions of these groups is rarely stopped, or the leaders subsequently prosecuted by law enforcement. Such political terror groups have failed, however, to 'terrorize' locals who are clearly prepared to defend themselves (clues when researching - trigger and muzzle discipline, proper slings, sights, and spare ammunition) .
Summer 2020 locals unintimidated by BLM
Thus, demonstrably, the proper function of a repeating carbine or rifle in the hands of a peaceable US citizen is, and will continue to be, to defend his freedom.
Conclusion - I find it no surprise which firearm, regardless of its comparative absence from crime statistics, this oppressive regime is targeting. It shows their contempt for the Constitution and their intent with regard free, uncompliant to PC fever dreams, citizens.
If Jobama was genuinely interested in crime, that is a much different matter. A reduction in murder (criminal homicide), for example, will require something other than unconstitutional action to disarm free citizens. For the most part, the murder rate in the US is between that of France and Finland. Not remarkable. That is not, however, uniformly true. Even a MSM review of the facts revealed that "Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites"
Yeah. Good luck with that.
And, the credibility of the government would be much better served not displaying such amazing (!) ignorance, even while attempting to justify extraconstitutional actions.
Congresswoman says AR-15 is as heavy as 10 moving boxes, fires .50 caliber bullets - YouTube
UPDATE - 5/7/21 - This bit of proposed legislation - unintentionally - illustrates the nature of the violent crime problem in America
UPDATE - 7/14/21 The true nature of crime with firearms in 2 pictures ...
Source, data. Drawl your own conclusion.