Saturday, October 31, 2020


 I kinda' expected this (if you've read this blog from earlier in the year no surprise).  A very well informed individual, known to me, advises marxist will be attacking critical infrastructure in the (likely) event Trump wins reelection.

"Intelligence from credible sources indicate that if the Republicans win the upcoming election, the radical left will go nuts, possibly attacking the power grid and redoubling the violence we have seen this year in our cities with Antifa, et. al. "

Guess a number of us senior citizens will be reliving the experiences of our grandfathers during the big one and standing watch at the electrical substations, railways, and pump stations.

Sigh.  While I expect we can muster up a host of better armed vets, I'd bet the geezers in the WWII era photo above were much better marksmen.

So, again, freedom ain't free.  A lot of up thought we'd paid our way but, as long as the ROE is liberal, and the badges are simultaneously, and VERY SERIOUSLY,  'taking out the trash'. not a terrible burden.




Note - Given the rifle type, picture appears to be ‘Home Guard’ in England, I’m sure the various ‘state guard’ folks here in the states looked every bit as happy.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020


This folks is simple election fraud.

 "U.S. District Judge Richard Mark Gergel, an appointee of President Barack Obama, said that the signature authorization procedures being used by local authorities were “subjective.”"

Hey Judge ... what's your check account number?

Bull Crap!

Paging Justice Barrett ...

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Perverse indicator


I''ll go out on a limb with this one.  

One of the individuals I most dislike, as he is an extraordinarily effective agent of destruction, but respect, is Van Jones.  He fully described the revolution we are suffering through years ago as a 'top-down, bottom-up, inside-out' marxist effort.  If you don't understand this effort it is well worth learning about.

Here's a good discussion of the revolutionary plan.


Once understood you still won't like what's been happening, but at least you'll understand it.

As to the man, recall the delight of half of Obama's brain (Valerie Jarrett)  when he joined the 'fundamental change' administration.

Subsequently, Van Jones was one of the folks who inadvertently revealed he knew the impeachment was a fraud to Project Veritas  (RT provided clip, authentic as I remember it so I used RT anyway)

So, Van Jones is a very intelligent, dedicated marxist entirely tuned in on events and information within  the DNC.

So - what to make of Van Jones saying very positive things about President Trump's contributions to our black citizens - at a time that admission - on the air - is very damaging to the Democrat's campaign?

Why would he say that? 

Did he just blurt out the truth, despite it's possible consequences?

Be on watch for more such perverse indicators over the next week.

Unrelated?  Mr Wallace doesn't look happy ...

Update 10/26/20 - hmm, maybe Van got an early look at actual voting reports ...

later same day - compare Hillary then with today ...



Even before the damming proof from 'the laptop from hell', the case for Trump was, and remains,  overwhelming.  If you are still undecided listen to a very smart, and centrist, academic explain his support for Trump.

and ... still on the 26th (hmmm, don't think this is about Trump's latest bad hair day ...)

Update 10/27/20 - Remember the 'never trump' poster girl who strutted her way out to moderate a debate and end his campaign?

hmmm ...     Rupert whispering in her ear?

Update 10/31 ... Well son of a b____, guess the 'smart money' that owns CNN has a clue who is going to win now ...

think they'd be doing this if they really expected Biden could win?    

Update AM 1 Nov ...

It will be interesting to see how the DNC 'experts' deal with this ...

Saturday, October 24, 2020

At least I'm consistent

 If you think my distaste for our deep state, uniformed department, is recent, read the linked article from West Point  - then the give and take in it's comments section here:


Friday, October 23, 2020

About that 'senior military leader' letter ...

For anyone who might read the retired officers letter expecting honesty from the more vocal among this generation of 'military leaders' ...

Yesterday morning I saw Yahoo headlining:

Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump”

Having given it a close look I can warn readers the article is a collection of outrageous lies, half truths, and deceptive language.

It starts by creating the false image of an apolitical, patriotic, retired flag officer driven to political action by some (fake) news about President Trump. The retired officer, Peter Chiarelli, says:

"Signing that letter was very hard for me to do, because I have never done that before or even given a dollar to a political campaign.

That is a lie. Chiarelli has been a politically active contributor to a Neo-Con/Progressive political action group well in advance of Lafayette Square event

Chiarelli says the disgraced LtCol Vindman was “...doing his duty and what was right. “

That is a lie. Disgraced LtCol Vindman lied while testifying to an impeachment hearing about a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Vindman had been an important member of the national security establishment. Vindman has admitted that his account of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was not accurate. He was violating his oath to promote a coup against an elected Commander in Chief . //

The article reports that “Traditionally both active-duty and retired U.S. military and intelligence officials have steered clear of politics,”

That is a lie. Since the Clinton Administration progressives and marxists have pushed the military to become ever more politicized - to the left. For example, which of the signers of the letter were involved in creating the conditions that produced a scene like this?

 (what could be better for unit cohesion than race obsessed junior officers?)

Or this?


 (Remember this during Obama's administration?  Clintons?  In uniform?  They were reviled, but there was discipline and respect for Commanders-in-Chief one disagreed with)

In the article another apparently 'retired, apolitical, patriotic' flag officer - expressed that “Over the last three-plus years, I’ve watched the Trump administration politicize the Department of Justice
and eviscerate the State Department, and the situation in Lafayette Square made clear that if reelected, Trump will politicize the Defense Department as well,”

The speaker was Radm Mike Smith, who also says “A lot of us who spent our careers in the military would rather have stayed out of politics”.

Truth is Radm Smith is not apolitical, in fact he looks like he can't believe we can do without his political advice ...

Radm Smith is a typical denezin of the hyper connected, Deep State, DC Swamp

Consider his comment about the Trump administration 'politicizing the Department of Justice'. This is simply hilarious! The Obama/Biden DOJ was the agency that spearheaded the joint FBI/CIA attempted sedition against an elected President via an unprecedented abuse of surveillance power, leaks and lies.

Beyond quotes from our 'apolitical' (sic) 'leaders', the article sprinkles in the standard lies about Trump disrespecting the fallen and ranks, refers to a burnt church and other violent events as 'mostly peaceful', and other marxist tropes.

Bottom line, Bull Crap, top to bottom.

Here's a better look at our DOD politicians in and out of uniform.  

 In his analysis of the political situation at DOD  'Sundance' at Conservative Treehouse makes it clear -

"The United States Military is collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office."

To which, after 30 years in and around the Navy I must say: DOD is a major part of the 'deep state', and a great number of flag officers today are rent seeking, PC sensitive, politicians not leaders.  

The deep state, military industrial complex division, hates Trump because Trump has their number, wants the US out of stupid little wars, and has America's best interests at heart.

Update - 11/24/20 Yup, deep staters hated Trump and his aversion for stupid little wars.












Tuesday, October 20, 2020


"More than 50 former intelligence officials, led by Obama-era Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have signed an open letter alleging that the newly-released Hunter Biden emails are “Russian disinformation” — even if they are real."

The TRUTH is in these emails.  The TRUTH that the FBI had, which would have ended the impeachment,  The TRUTH that the FBI deliberately hid in an act of sedition.

The TRUTH that the current Democrat candidate for president was totally corrupt as an office holder and is deeply indebted to Communist China. 

 Hmmm.  Looking at signatures.  Don't see an Inman.  A Studeman.  Or a Mike Rogers.  

We need to see that such as signed this letter are fully recognized for their 'public service'.



Meanwhile ... maybe Beijing Joe ought get some points for being a generous dad?

And ... while NOT providing exculpatory evidence to the President DURING AN IMPEACHMENT the thugs at FBI were inciting a bunch of - even less bright - bubbas to get them a entrapment merit badge.

Ruby Ridge anyone?

UPDATE - apparently that Russia, Russia, Russia BS wasn't ageing well ...

Friday, October 16, 2020

Stick a fork in him

 Biden is not only unelectable - he's indictable.

"Emails from a former business associate of Hunter Biden's inner-circle who's serving time in prison for a 2016 investment scheme reveal that Hunter and his colleagues used their access to the Obama administration to peddle influence to potential Chinese clients and investors - including securing a private, off-the-books meeting with the former Vice President."

The above is independent of the celebrated laptop hard drive trove of emails. I was suspect of the origin of the laptops.  Now I am satisfied.

"Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Mac Issac, examined the three and determined that one was beyond recovery, one was okay and the data on the harddrive of the third could be recovered. Hunter signed the service ticket"

 Note to future deep state/swamp big wigs engaging in influence peddling.  Don't rely on a drug addled incompetent as your middleman.

Here's a summary ... 

And Rudy verified some of the emails ...  

Good interview with Bannon -

Sunday, October 11, 2020

In case you thought I was kidding ...


Think about it.  Would a ludicrous lie like this (above) have been promulgated by a major news organization even 10 years ago?  

Proof I was right two days ago.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Report from Agent X

 Longish, but long awaited ..

Key points:

 "John Durham has a grand jury impaneled and is issuing subpoenas."


"... this story connects to the scandal of intelligence community “contractor” access to the NSA database."

Agent 'Sundance' explains his(?) extraordinary patience (given he delivered an entire 'whodunnit' to Durham's chief investigator 8 weeks(!) ago thusly:

"(1) many of you have been in this rabbit hole with me longer than Durham’s team has; (2) these investigators take a long time to connect dots because they have to keep asking for permission, we don’t; (3) this is the biggest political scandal in U.S. history; and (4) the badges only recently (July) became aware of the SSCI scope."

Both brought to attention in August - and

Sigh.  All this goes down the commode with a Dem victory next month.




Thursday, October 8, 2020

PJ Gobbels - Democratic Party Spokesperson


Repeat a lie often enough and it will believed”

“The quote is generally attributed to Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, who was Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany.”

From transcript of the first Presidental debate:



Well, less than, sir less than you have. Let's please continue on. The issue of race. Vice President Biden you say that President Trump's response to the violence in Charlottesville three years ago, when he talked about very fine people on both sides, was what directly led you to launch this run for president, 


By this question Wallace, who most certainly knows the truth of what Trump actially said, intentionally promoted the myth Trump in some way supports racism.

Here is what Trump actually said in the event that Wallace was referring to – and in which Trump CLEARLY discriminated the racists from the majority of attendees:

We must love each other, show affection for each other, and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry, and violence. We must rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that bring us together as Americans.

Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

Both Wallace and Biden know this and they also intentionally confused the issue by referencing Proud Boys.

From transcript


1:05:04 WALLACE 

White supremacists and, white supremacists and right-wing --

1:05:07 BIDEN

The Proud Boys.


Wallace, who certainly knows better, did not correct this association of 'Proud Boys' with white supremacists – a ludicrious claim given their foundational leadership.

So, naturally Trump couldn't condemn a group that is more black than America is proportionally, as 'white supremacists'.

And, so, as intended by Biden and Wallace, ABC News got to produce the DNC desired headline from the exchange …


This myth of Trump's support for 'white supremacists' was again repeated by Vice Presidential hopeful Harris last night.

From the transcript:



– it wasn't like he didn't have a chance. He didn't do it, and then he doubled down. And then he said, when pressed, ‘Stand back. Stand by.’ And this is a part of a pattern of Donald Trump. He was – he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. He instituted as his first act a Muslim ban. He, on the issue of Charlottesville, where people were peacefully protesting the need for racial justice, where a young woman was killed and on the other side there were neo-Nazis carrying tiki torches shouting racial epithets, anti semitic slurs. And Donald Trump, when asked about it, said there were fine people on both sides. This is who we have as the President of the United States. And America, you deserve better. Joe Biden will be a president who brings our country together. 


Senator Harris –


– and recognizes the beauty in our diversity and the fact that we all spend so much more in common than what separates us.

1:15:19 PAGE

Vice President, I’m going to give you a minute to respond.

1:15:21 PENCE

Thank you, Susan. I appreciate that very much. I think that's one of the things that makes people dislike the media so much in this country. That you selectively edited, like Senator Harris did, a promise that President Trump and I, and others on our side of the aisle make. Senator Harris conveniently omitted, after the President made comments about people on either side of the debate over monuments, he condemned the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and has done so repeatedly. Your concern that he doesn't condemn neo-Nazis – President Trump has Jewish grandchildren. This is a president who respects and cherishes all of the American people. But you talk about having personally prosecuted – glad you brought up your records. 


Happily Vice President Pence had the opportunity to honestly and comprehensively respond to the lie, an opportunity Wallace was not going to provide Trump a few weeks earlier.

Honest truth is, Trump is a much a racist as he is an anti-semite. - which is to say, in a very big way, he ain't!

(So much for ABC's “well-established pattern” BS!)

Biden, the main stream media, all KNOW this.

So, the question of the day, why is it so critical for Biden and the Dems to unceasingly repeate this very easily disproven lie about President Trump - at whatever the cost to their credibility?

The answer lies in the current composition of the Democrat Party.

(Paraphrase from discussion at 8:25)

“Media Coverage of the Role of “Nones” in the Democratic Party – Terry Mattingly 10/7/20

'The largest body comprising the Democrat Party are the least religious people in the US, the second largest is the most religious, church attending blacks.'

As the marxist progressives exercise ever more control of the party their ideological goals – government funded abortion, homosexuality, 'trans' whateverism - will be deeply repellent to the next most significant part of the Democratic base.

Thus, in the cynical calculation of the DNC, victory in this election depends on convincing minorities that, despite living in a nation that has had (among other things): a twice elected black President, black Supreme Court Justices, black governors, and enough black flag officers to render it routine, America is a racist nation, and only by electing Democrats will minorities be protected from the 'White Supremacist' bogyman.

That is why the Democrats, and their MSM lackeys, oft repeat the 'Trump likes white supremacists' lie.

Given their employment of Ernst Rohm style BLM and Antifa thugs in the street, is it surprising at all the 'Democrat' party employs Gobbels wannabes for spokespersons?

Rx for any patriot or Christian thinking of supporting Biden – Walk Away! 

Update - PM 8 Oct.  Just saw the 'blond fist''s latest.  You know what they say about great minds ...

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

State of play


It is October 7th, in the year 2020.

The FBI is a politicized, corrupt joke.  It never took possession of the DNC server to investigate the claimed Russian 'hack'.  That was not incompetence, that was COLLUSION.

The current Director claims the source of violence in the US is 'white supremacy'.

'nuff said there.

The CIA is run by a lady whom, as Chief of Station in London under Brennan, was directly involved in the sedition plot against President Trump.  Her refusal to release documents fully expected to directly prove Brennan and Obama's involvement in the sedition plot is the reason for the President's directive to declassify ALL related documents.

 'nuff said there too.  

The ONLY Agency Director who did his duty to protect and defend in the story is Rogers at NSA - and he was fired by Obama immediately after he warned Trump that Trump Tower was wired.  Good for him, although the agency persists in broad, illegal collection of communications of US citizens without warrant.

So, the ugly truth is DC is as corrupt as the Vatican under the Borgia Pope and, like him or not, Trump is our Martin Luther.