As noted earlier (1), I happened to watch an excellent movie Wednesday. ‘Conspiracy’, which portrayed the Wannsee Conference ( ) . It well illustrated the ‘banality of evil’ – and how easily group think, and belief in a ‘higher’ cause, can make bureaucrats with weak spines mass killers.
That was in mind when I watched Ron DeSantis undergo the softball interview by Piers Morgan.
Regrettably, DeSantis very likely was deceptive about the goings on in GTMO. (five to twelve minute mark)
Additionally, DeSantis had ample opportunity to demonstrate he understood it was Obama and Brennan who precipitated Russia’s invasion. Not a peep.
So, DeSantis is a good Governor, but evidently is a man very loyal to the (deep) state.
1. a movie that, at the time, I thought some Navy JAGs ought to watch.