Gee, this will have to keep till May ...
Friday, January 27, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Yahoo 'news' regurgitates BBC propaganda
Yahoo reposted a BBC story on gun crime in the US. It purports to show the problem is about guns using charts.
I've responded, as though my post will be posted or read.
America's challenge explained in charts?
First, you show suicide as over half the 'firearm' deaths. Suicide is quite independent of firearms., Japan has a higher suicide rate, almost no guns in civilian hands. Societies adapt the means as necessary. So much for half of our challenge WRT firearms.
Second, our problem is not what is being used in violent crime, but who is committing it. To 'explain, in charts', look at this report by NYPD and note the disparity of perpetrators by race.
Then compare with the city demographics.
Just as forcing untested COVID treatments on low risk, healthy individuals made no sense, in fact put them at higher risk from the 'cure', disarming the bulk of a population when a minority has a disproportionate, high proclivity for being a perpetrator is counterproductive. And that is to say nothing of being entirely unconstitutional. Homicide rates for whites, for example, in the US, are between that of France and Finland. Unremarkable. Targeted solutions need to be implemented, not the abandonment of our constitution.
And, finally, there is another component of the population with a higher proclivity towards homicide and suicide - those using medications, especially SSRI types of drugs. The pharma industry needs to answer for this and better treatment solutions found.
Neither BBC nor American MSM would EVER show this chart - however useful it may be to illustrate the nature of our violent crime problem.
Here's an insightful perspective ..., January 23, 2023
Early musings on 2024
WRT 2024 .... I've no decided candidate. And, as I've tired of saying, if we allow broad vote by mail it matters little.
I've met Gov. DeSantis twice, spoke for 'bout 20 minutes about my son when he was clearly starting his Governor's race effort. I also had some word of mouth about him years earlier when he was a reserve JAG for my Admiral. Smart, competent, disciplined ambitious,
BUT The Gov is 90% plus corporate and big donor funded, Deep State sheep dipped in Afghanistan and GITMO. My suspicion is that, with him, at best we'd get a lot of lip service but swamp and Deep State would continue their inexorable strangle hold. No prosecutions of Trump and citizen spying, no destruction of current, unconstitutional 'collect everything' NSA/corporate behavior.
Friday, January 20, 2023
Gee ... who saw this coming?
See a pattern anybody???
Despite the coverage, it's all as expected. And instigated by the reich, regardless of the witless actors.
I just expected it to follow the Trump reelection. They stole that.
But, now the Republicans hold the house so ...
Don't worry about the reich's critical infrastructure though. It's protected - by AR-15s.
Obama, Brennan started the war
The US understood further expanding NATO to surround Russia's border was unacceptable to Russia and that they would take military action to stop it. Unlike OBiden's 4th reich, Vlad is a patriot.
Putin is hated by Obama and the Davos rich bastards because he is not only a patriot, but Christian. They already removed patriot Trump. Efforts to continue the war in Ukraine are meant to build opposition to Vlad within Russia leading to a CIA managed 'color revolution' there and his demise.
Dead Ukrainians? Meh, who cares, get Vlad and make money with paybacks to US politicians (look at FTX, Hunter's laptop) and Raytheon stock!
But ... I already told you this:
WE are responsible for this. It must end and the guilty held to account.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
WEF - evil incarnate
When evil people tell you who they are you best believe them.
Mere Coincidence ... (?)
Looking back on my post from January 10 and 12 ...
the following story appears to indicate the jihadis are serious about employing their airborne radiological bombs across a broad front.
Or, so it would appear. If Israel is the source of the warning it could also be engineering the discoveries.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
The other piece of the puzzle
Look at my January 10 'another ICYMI" item.
Now consider, 'chatter' at the beginning of the year indicated jihadis had a new technique for an attack using an aircraft.
'Dirty bomb' on an airliner anyone? A twofer - blow it up shortly after take off or on approach over a major city and you both kill the passengers and spread the radioactive materials.
As there apparently was radioactive material found in the German raid on jihadis there, the intelligence, as reported, seems at least partially confirmed by events.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Interesting analysis of China
Certainly contrary ...
A few points; Trump knew better than to believe his 'intel' briefers from time to time, and our intel on what's happening inside the CCP is probably worse than bad.
Other than that, interesting.
As for his 'we focus all of our intelligence on supporting the troops' ... well, he is being paid by DOD so such ridiculous statements are to be expected.
(in case you missed it)
Just yesterday I brought to your attention the clear, intentional attack on a part of critical infrastructure by another adherent of the 'religion of peace' in Las Vegas.
Now this ....
Time to reacquaint oneself with an unsensational discussion of a 'dirty bomb'. No, it's not the end of the world. Not even close. Not 'mass destruction' but 'mass disruption'.
Nonetheless, a real President would make it clear that any such attack supported in any way by Iran would result in the elimination of Iran's electrical, water, and communication utilities.
But, that would require a real President ... so don't expect it. He and his ilk are enjoying the opportunity for fear porn. Expect them to exploit the situation for control, not interdict the strike team.
UPDATE - Apparently Israeli intelligence (the nice folks prostituting US teenage girls for blackmail) was the source that led to the action in Germany. And, of course, all the above has nothing to do with this item ...
Not a 'scientist' - a leftist hack
The hack speaks ...
The truth ....
You will not be surprised to find out this flack is also REAL big on the 'man caused CO2 engendered global warming powered climate change disaster' BS.
Monday, January 9, 2023
another ICYMI
Relatively uncovered by MSM ... but predicted here (1).
Rx - Have a generator and fuel on hand (as well as a firearm).
1. See 'critical infrastructure' and
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Some have been in the trenches for a long time. Perhaps now congress can follow up ... really .... at long last.
Tore is a little erratic, as folks like her I've known are prone to be, but provides a perspective on the fall of the Soviet Union and the re-targeting of the US infowar system against the US population.
She had earlier made a fact filled joint program focused on the technical spy apparatus - also a must see.
Deep state was NOT amused.
VDH's epiphanous moment
I guess late is better than never.
And, I guess it's official now that VDH says it's all been true ...
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Time to investigate the motives
The shots were, for lack of a better term, crap.
At this point, accepting claims this was done in ignorance can not be accepted without investigation.
Everyone involved with directing our soldiers and sailors get this treatment needs be relieved and investigated.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
A great message to start the new year with
On target ...
Lets make our country a better place than it is in 2023.