Friday, December 30, 2022

How to secure a border

The feds damm well know how to secure a border.  They just don't want to secure ours because they don't work for 'we the people' anymore.

What is not defended is taken.  Hard fact of life.  We need a government that defends, with deadly force if necessary,  its border and its people.  NOT the fevered dreams of megalomaniacal billionaires and communists.

We need this -

Not this -

Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Truth is the enemy

This morning - me responding to a comment on a story regarding the shooting at the shopping mall and blaming our 'lax gun laws':


If guns are the cause let's ban spoons and solve obesity. Homicide rates by the majority in America, are between that as in France and Finland. That should indicate where the problem lies. Look at NYC data for 'perp race' - Compare that with the demographic data for the city - (21.4%). 

We will continue to have this problem so long as there's an ideological/political benefit for some in it. Alinsky to Obama, there's power in exploiting miserable people.


The result?

Your comment on 5 arrested in deadly shooting at Minnesota's Mall of America violates the community guidelines and has been rejected

(Yahoo publisher's logo)

Thursday, December 15, 2022


  "Pater Sancte, sic transit gloria mundi!" 

My comment on Breitbart:

"The Donald has so beclowned himself!  I just can't wait for the next Ann Coulter column. 

Repeatedly bested by deep state (good buddy Barr not the least). So unable to get competent aides - or even ones that won't hand him a grenade,,,  less the pin and spoon.

Best thing he can do now, for his legacy and the country, is to hire out to DeSantis as a rodeo clown in exchange for a blood oath to close the border."

Monday, December 12, 2022

There was a crime (stolen election), there is good evidence, anyone care to prosecute?

We do not live in the republic created under the US Constitution.  The apparatus built to control foreign elections and topple foreign leaders has been turned on the citizens that paid for it.  We are living in a very dangerous time for Americans who demand self determination.

Monday, December 5, 2022

A tactic too good to waste

Just as we've mysteriously had a influx of moslem immigrants interested in getting jobs at airports (odd affinity eh?),  similarly, the FBI reporting on sketchy folks eyeballing critical water and power infrastructure (at least, back when the FBI did such things) was put in my mental 'back file'.

Now an attack has been made and with knee jerk response conservatives are blamed.

Wanna bet it's somebody else?