Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Aww come on, play along ...


sure, they won't steal '24

At least the bot reads me

 Here's how to make sure one small voice isn't heard ...

First, after many months of being first listed for a search 'nexttobagend' I was disappeared.

Subsequently, as traffic increased in the normal profile I get throttled:

One way was to indicate the host was insecure - it's a GOOGLE host.

Hmmm, why so sensitive to facts about the Global Warming Hoax and this 'election'?

Election night, err, week, ahhh, season 2022


I'll use pictures and try and make this easy for the oh so addled sheep out there.

"TURNOUT"???  Yeah, that's why.  Not out of sight custody of 
ballots going out and votes coming back.  Trust us - we're from the government.

Relax.  This will all be over soon and uniparty/deep state has got folks who will 'tidy up' the loose ends.  They're experienced.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

OK, so they stole it again. Now what?

 Presuming the CommieDems don't succeed in stealing everything (that's 50/50 in my book at the moment) we will have a weakly R House.

 Here's what to expect in that case.

 And, states with Republican Governors might get the treatment from $oros funded Antifa and BLM as well.


And yeah, they stole it.

UPDATE: same day - at least somebody gets it.

"That means they need to go to war through every legal means possible to end mass mail-in voting, while seeking to completely outlaw ballot-harvesting.  If they don't, history will keep repeating itself until America collapses under the weight of Democrat corruption."

UPDATE: 11/16/22  Well, they must have been waited out by Republican observers in some areas.

Nonetheless, Lake and Fetterman were stolen for the Dems.  The shit has to stop and people held to account.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Told you (again)


Sooo ... Both Republican and Democrats have been giving their ballots to the US Post Office instead of getting their fat asses to the polls.

So, how come, right after they include the 'vote by mail ballots', you get this?

Gee, did folks at USPS tamper the ballots before delivering them to be counted?

Draw your own conclusion.

But ... I repeat myself ...

UPDATE: 11/11/22 WHY SO SLOW?   It's about 'curing' enough votes for the Dem to win and waiting out the Republican observers to feed already counted dem votes thru the tabulator or carry in some bogus ballots marked for dem candidates.

UPDATE: same day - The Dems need cheat by mail to win.  They know it. 

Cowards might call this a 'structural' feature ... but it's simply meant to facilitate election theft by uber left postal union members.

UPDATE: same day - a 'glitch' almost cost the Republicans a seat.  Snicker, 'a glitch', yeah.
Betcha some hacker dude is pissed.  

Also ,,, same shit as Georgia last election ... ballots being 'found' till the Dem wins ...

Marxist historians still at it

If you rely on marxist for your understanding of the past they're hoping you'll be more willing to accept what they want for your future. 

Yahoo News (eh?) recently provided this gem to it's readers:

Apparently there's two ahh, 'academics' who are either bad at simple research, or, who resemble marxists in abusing the truth to promote a political objective.

They claim the US is unusual in that "Unlike the rest of the developed world, firearms ownership in America is broadly held, with an estimated 40% of American households owning at least one gun"

Truth is, that put us just 3% ahead of the violent hell hole (sarcasm there) Finland.

The authors then attempt to concoct some kind of race libel against gun ownership by trying to associate it with "the effort by white Southerners to reclaim power in the aftermath of the Civil War".

Given the US and Finn ownership is very similar - and the Finns had no freed slaves roaming about in the late 1800s, one can dismiss their efforts to make an association.  

This OP ED is just another example of leftists eggheads hating on the second amendment.  And, truth is, such 'academics' are rarely made to answer for their lies.  In a remarkable outlier a similar attempt by a 'historian' to misrepresent the history of firearms in America for political purposes led to his public embarrassment - recognition which Buttrick and Mazen richly deserve with their drivel.


Bellesiles argued that "during the early period of US history, guns were uncommon during peacetime and that a culture of gun ownership did not arise until the mid-nineteenth century.

The scholarly investigation confirmed that Bellesiles' work had serious flaws, calling into question both its quality and veracity. The external report on Bellesiles concluded that "every aspect of his work in the probate records is deeply flawed" and called his statements in self-defense "prolix, confusing, evasive, and occasionally contradictory." It concluded that "his scholarly integrity is seriously in question" and that he was in violation of the American Historical Association's standards of scholarly integrity

Maybe Buttrick and Mazen could spend more time furthering Mazen's research on 'discrimination against and exploitation of other animals by human animals'.  Yeah lots of CRT stuff to work on there comrades.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The mourning after ...

Two thoughts.

1. Process: Think Fetterman and Lake.

Told ya so. (endlessly, example - )

We need hand counted paper ballots.

We need severe limitation on vote by mail. Only deployed military/state dept. and medically certified unable to vote in person.

We need 1 day election day and the count reported out without pause.

Otherwise, all elections will be suspect.

2. Persons:

Personally Donald Trump is a battleship.  And, last night, thanks to RINOs colluding with fellow swamp and deep state players, was Pearl Harbor.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Spooling up

So, $oros, Obama, Brennan are already spinning the tale ...

Remember the 'most secure election ever' BS after Biden got handed what was stolen? 

Not the story now, now that it's the day before the midterm ...

Expect violence to follow a republican victory - $oros funded ANFIFA and BLM - or insurrection if the election is stolen.

Hmm ...not to worry ...

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 Dunno if it's final but, for the time being, it appears that Putin does not intend to use a tactical nuke.

Perhaps influencing his decision (which likely disappoints Xi) is the fact he has the goods on whodunnit with regard Nordstream.

A note from the 'True the Vote' people

 Think the election next week will be 'free and fair'?  


Dear Greg,

If we were living in normal times, Catherine would be updating you on the work of True the Vote. However, as you may have heard, she and Gregg Phillips were arrested Monday morning, October 31, 2022, for refusing to divulge the name of an FBI confidential informant. My name is Karen, and I am a True the Vote team member. Catherine has asked me, from her jail cell, to fill you all in on recent troubling developments.

Since it has been a while since our last newsletter, let’s review the investigations by True the Vote that have become public in the last few months and have led to the standoff in federal court in Texas this week.

Since January 2021, True the Vote has worked to uncover the role Konnech, a Michigan-based election management software company with what appears to be deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and has potentially played in the subversion of America's elections.

 The True the Vote team was made aware that the personal information of nearly two million American election workers was stored on a server in China, in violation of US law, as well as Konnech’s contracts between many states and counties. This information included poll worker names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers and bank account numbers. Realizing the severe national security implications of the data breach, Gregg Phillips and True the Vote immediately turned over the findings to the FBI.

 For 15 months Catherine and Gregg worked with FBI field agents in Texas on a counter-intelligence operation to end Konnech’s involvement in America’s elections. The FBI already had Konnech “on the radar” due to questionable activities that extended far beyond US elections.

In April 2022, everything changed.

Catherine received a call from one of the Texas-based FBI agents, who informed her that the FBI’s Washington D.C. office was now involved in the investigation. The Texas agent informed them that it was possible that they were going to be the targets of the FBI. He suggested that their best option was to go public with what they had learned. 

 In August 2022, Catherine and Gregg convened a meeting called “The Pit.”  At the event they told their story for the first time in public to an audience that included citizen researchers, journalists, and law enforcement personnel. 

 In September 2022, Konnech sued True the Vote for defamation, racism, and xenophobia for revealing their findings publicly. The court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) to Catherine and Gregg that required them, among other things, to provide to Konnech the names of all the individuals who were involved in the discovery of the poll worker data in China.

 To put this in context, here is a quote from this recent article in AND Magazine by former CIA operations officer, Sam Faddis:

 “Let’s imagine that a drug dealer facing criminal charges filed a lawsuit in civil court to make the cops provide the name of a source inside his organization. Would anyone think for a moment that would be a reasonable request? Would anyone have any doubt as to the fate of the informant if he was identified?

That’s how ludicrous this is and how obscene.”

 On October 4, 2022, the company’s CEO, Eugene Yu, was indicted in California on charges including fraud, embezzlement, and data breach resulting in the theft of the personal information of election workers in LA County. The arrest was announced by LA District Attorney, George Gascon. 

The arrest was the result of an indictment by a grand jury convened in Los Angeles, which is the nation’s largest voting bloc.

LA County is just the first of many counties that True the Vote is working to support. There are far more layers of subversion still to be exposed, with this company …. and potentially many others. 

October 7, 2022, Catherine and Gregg’s attorneys made an initial appearance in federal court in Houston to answer the civil lawsuit filed by Konnech. It was at this hearing that the judge issued a highly unusual order...that Catherine and Gregg (through their attorneys) reveal the name of the individual who originally presented them with the poll worker data on the server in China. Their attorney reluctantly complied and revealed the name of this individual.

October 27, 2022, Catherine and Gregg appeared in federal court in Houston prepared to demonstrate that there was a criminal matter in LA County regarding Eugene Yu and Konnech. The judge refused to consider this evidence and directed Catherine and Gregg to reveal publicly the name of the other individual in the hotel room where Gregg viewed the poll worker data in January 2021. Catherine and Gregg offered to cooperate with the court and Konnech’s lawyers by providing the name of this individual under seal. The judge refused this offer. At the end of a long day of testimony by Catherine and Gregg, the judge found them in contempt of court. They were provided an opportunity to “cure” the contempt on Monday, October 31 at 9:00 AM by revealing the name of the second individual in the hotel room. If they did not “cure” it, they would be immediately remanded into custody by the US Marshals.

October 31, 2022, Catherine and Gregg refused to name the individual who was in the hotel room in January 2021 because he was not involved in the sourcing of the poll worker data. Catherine and Gregg strongly believe that this individual’s life would be in danger should his name be revealed publicly. They were immediately remanded to the custody of the US Marshal’s Service.

In a statement last night, Catherine Engelbrecht said, “Trust, honesty, and respect will always be our highest values, regarding both our work and our lives. As a result, we will be held in jail until we agree to give up the name of a person we believe was not covered under the terms of the judge’s TRO. We ask that you keep us in your prayers. Thank you to those who continue supporting and believing in us and our mission to make elections safe for all parties and for all people.”

 I spoke to Catherine today and she wanted me to pass this on to all of you. She met a woman in prison who said, “One thing you need to understand is that, in this place, your life is not your own.” 

 Catherine was struck by this because it drives home that Election Day is coming very soon and right now ‘your life is your own and you have choices.’ Choose to vote. Choose to be heard. If you give that right away, slowly but surely your life will not be your own, just like the woman told her in prison.

 “We all have such lives of convenience, and you think it could never happen, like it could never get this bad. I’ll tell you this has been a real wake-up call-- to our justice system and to our federal government. Be heard…be heard. The only way we can do that in a Constitutional Republic is to vote.“

 “Vote Serve Pray. It’s like the story of the frog in the pot that is slowly boiling. We are all so comfortable in our daily lives that we do not notice as our freedoms are being taken.” 

We are extremely grateful for the prayers and support of so many people. This is a critical moment in history and we have no intention of stopping now. 

As CE would say…Ever Onward.




Prepare for the days to follow - either way.    Oh, and NEVER trust OBiden's FBI.