As I explained earlier ...
"I am not an NRA member. The endless political deals with establishment hacks, and the clear waste of members money by leadership was too much for me years ago. Perhaps when they finally get rid of super swampy Wayne LaPierre I'll reconsider."
Maybe now you can see why.
The NRA is about political grift, NOT defending YOUR rights. Perhaps with entirely different leadership? Till then no money from me.
As for Cornyn - I'll research 'recall of a Senator'. The abuse of FEDERAL power is all too visible. Supporting FEDERAL gun control could not have been done in ignorance. He is either too corrupt to represent Texas, or too stupid to represent Texas.
Either way, he needs be fired.
UPDATE: Same day - Well, whadda' you know. Texas is a state with no existing means to recall a sitting Senator (Cornyn) or Representative (Eyepatch McCain).
Which explains their behavior as protected swamp critters.
Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Pence, McConnell, Barr ...
Microsoft, Google, Facebook, the networks ...
Lockheed, deep state 'contractors' ...
DOJ, NSA ....
Yup, gonna take a lot to recover the republic from the 4th reich.